Adding an .env file to React Project


Solution 1

4 steps

  1. npm install dotenv --save

  2. Next add the following line to your app.


  3. Then create a .env file at the root directory of your application and add the variables to it.

// contents of .env 

REACT_APP_API_KEY = 'my-secret-api-key'
  1. Finally, add .env to your .gitignore file so that Git ignores it and it never ends up on GitHub.

If you are using create-react-app then you only need step 3 and 4 but keep in mind variable needs to start with REACT_APP_ for it to work.


NOTE - Need to restart application after adding variable in .env file.

Reference -

Solution 2

So I'm myself new to React and I found a way to do it.

This solution does not require any extra packages.

Step 1 ReactDocs

In the above docs they mention export in Shell and other options, the one I'll attempt to explain is using .env file

1.1 create Root/.env

#.env file

Important notes it MUST start with REACT_APP_

1.2 Access ENV variable

#App.js file or the file you need to access ENV
<p>print env secret to HTML</p>

handleFetchData() { // access in API call
    .then((res) => res.json())
    .then((data) => console.log(data))

1.3 Build Env Issue

So after I did step 1.1|2 it was not working, then I found the above issue/solution. React read/creates env when is built so you need to npm run start every time you modify the .env file so the variables get updated.

Solution 3

Today there is a simpler way to do that.

Just create the .env.local file in your root directory and set the variables there. In your case:

REACT_APP_API_KEY = 'my-secret-api-key'

Then you call it in your js file in the following way:


React supports environment variables since [email protected] .You don't need external package to do that.

*note: I propose .env.local instead of .env because create-react-app add this file to gitignore when create the project.

Files priority:

npm start: .env.development.local, .env.development, .env.local, .env

npm run build: .env.production.local, .env.production, .env.local, .env

npm test: .env.test.local, .env.test, .env (note .env.local is missing)

More info:

Solution 4

Webpack Users

If you are using webpack, you can install and use dotenv-webpack plugin, to do that follow steps below:

Install the package

yarn add dotenv-webpack

Create a .env file

// .env
API_KEY='my secret api key'

Add it to webpack.config.js file

// webpack.config.js
const Dotenv = require('dotenv-webpack');

module.exports = {
  plugins: [
    new Dotenv()

Use it in your code as


For more information and configuration information, visit here

Solution 5

Steps to use environment variables in a CREATE REACT APP (Without dotenv package)

  • Create a new file called .env in the root folder of the project (NOT inside src folder but one level up. Remember, it should be at the same level as package.json (THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT)

  • Define your variables like so (Note that every variable you define should start with REACT_APP_)

    Example : .env file


    Note: You don't have to enclose the value in "" or ''

  • Now you can use the variable in any of your components like so

    const apiKey = process.env.REACT_APP_ACCESS_KEY

    The name should match the key given in the .env file

  • Now before you try this out, always remember to restart the local server. Once you run npm start it works. This step applies whenever you make changes to the .env file. We generally forget this step so it might not work.

  • Optionally, check if .env entry is present in .gitignore file. If the entry of .env exists in .gitignore then your .env file will not be pushed to github(This is the reason why we use .env in the first place).


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Author by


Updated on July 08, 2022


  • Biii
    Biii almost 2 years

    I'm trying to hide my API Key for when I commit to github, and I've looked through the forum for guidance, especially the following post:

    How do I hide API key in create-react-app?

    I made the changes and restarted yarn. I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong––I added an .env file to the root of my project (I named it process.env) and in the file I just put REACT_APP_API_KEY = 'my-secret-api-key'.

    I'm thinking it might be the way I'm adding the key to my fetch in App.js, and I've tried multiple formats, including without using the template literal, but my project will still not compile.

    Any help is much appreciated.

    performSearch = (query = 'germany') => {
        .then(response => response.json())
        .then(responseData => {
                results: responseData.results,
                loading: false
         .catch(error => {
                console.log('Error fetching and parsing data', error);
      RIYAJ KHAN about 6 years
      instead of process.env name it .env.local or .env.process and keep it outside of src directory
    • Biii
      Biii about 6 years
      Hi @RIYAJKHAN I've changed the file to .env.local and it's definitely outside the src directory, but I'm still getting REACT_APP_API_KEY is not defined :/
    • n00bAppDev
      n00bAppDev over 5 years
      What fixed it for me was simply closing the terminal running my local dev server and re-running npm run start.
    • JBallin
      JBallin over 5 years
      Possible duplicate of Using API keys in a react app
    • JBallin
      JBallin over 5 years
      You can't hide secrets in a react app. See
    • Nishant Mehta
      Nishant Mehta almost 5 years
      DO NOT use this to store secrets. From the docs...WARNING: Do not store any secrets (such as private API keys) in your React app! Environment variables are embedded into the build, meaning anyone can view them by inspecting your app's files.
    • Leomord
      Leomord almost 4 years
      You need to setup a server and use authentication like JWT in order to hide it. Read this suggestion for more info.
  • vikash
    vikash almost 6 years
    need to restart application after adding variable in .env file .use "REACT_APP_" before variable name if you create react application using "create-react-app".
  • user2763557
    user2763557 about 5 years
    @tarzen chugh what if I am deploying my app to AWS for example. Since .env is part of gitignore, wouldn't it get ignored? how can i go about including it production?
  • Isaac Pak
    Isaac Pak almost 5 years
    if you're using webpack-devserver you won't see changes until you restart it.
  • ryanm
    ryanm almost 5 years
    In my opinion, this is the correct answer! No additional packages necessary, and the proper React way to import environment variables. Other ways will work, but why add a package and code configuration when this is already done for you? Great answer!
  • rotimi-best
    rotimi-best over 4 years
    I was missing this REACT_APP_ thank you. No other person mentioned it.
  • Si8
    Si8 over 4 years
    This didn't work for me for some reason. I get undefined
  • T04435
    T04435 over 4 years
    @Si8 could you expand on you error/process. Which step you got undefined, did you restarted the app after adding a new variable to .env see 1.3
  • Kannan T
    Kannan T over 4 years
    @T04435 thanks for this answer mate worked like charm REACT_APP_ is the key here. Also how can i configure for different servers i have dev/beta/production do i need to have different env files for each server?
  • T04435
    T04435 over 4 years
    @KannanT You will need .env.[ENVIRONMENT]
  • Kannan T
    Kannan T over 4 years
    @T04435 I already have mate what I was referring is do I need I have different.env files for each server?
  • T04435
    T04435 over 4 years
    @KannanT I think each server should have it onw .env DEV server --> .env.development PROD server --> .env.produciton
  • Benyam Ephrem
    Benyam Ephrem over 4 years
    @vikash This was it for me, small comment big impact
  • aqteifan
    aqteifan about 4 years
    where do I add require('dotenv').config()? which file?
  • Tested
    Tested about 4 years
    @aqteifan u don't need to add that snippet, but then .ENV files naming plays a vital role
  • Muhammad Adistya Azhar
    Muhammad Adistya Azhar about 4 years
    @user2763557 the pattern I use is create a .env.example file where the definitions of the env keys are laid out. Then, you can copy the .env.example and create a .env file (in development and production) containing you valid values e.g. keys, base urls etc. You have to add the .env file to .gitignore.
  • naor.z
    naor.z about 4 years
    only step 3 and 4 are relevant
  • kolexinfos
    kolexinfos almost 4 years
    You need to restart your app, stop the running app and run npm start again
  • mgPePe
    mgPePe almost 4 years
    keep in mind: all variables need to start with REACT_APP_ to work. And also those variables are visible in the JS, so you should not put secret codes and private keys.
  • Bobby Axe
    Bobby Axe almost 4 years
    if your on "react": "^16.13.1","react-dom": "^16.13.1","react-scripts": "3.4.1" or higher and you you created the react application using "create-react-app" command then you don't need to install the dot env package anymore create a .env file out side your src folder (better at the project root) then name your variables with REACT_APP_ as a prefix to the variable name eg: REACT_APP_YOUR_VARIABLE else it won't show up when you call it with {process.env.REACT_APP_YOUR_VARIABLE}
  • ameyaraje
    ameyaraje almost 4 years
    How do you differentiate between dev and prod environments when using just a single .env file? Im aware we need to create .env.development and files, but how do we differentiate between them using your method?
  • Fatema Tuz Zuhora
    Fatema Tuz Zuhora almost 4 years
    @ameyaraje Basically, we ignore the .env file at our .gitignore. So, at the deployment, we just copy the .env file to our server and just change the BASE_URL and other necessary values. In this way, when it needs to deploy the latest code, we just pull from the git master and deploy it. We do not think about the .env as we are ignoring it and set it in our server at the very beginning. Thanks!
  • Jorge Mauricio
    Jorge Mauricio over 3 years
    This was the best solution for me. Thanks. One note: I´m using server side rendering, so I had to update both webpack files (client too).
    PRADIP GORULE over 3 years
    I do the same thing but it shows undefined in console
  • Omnibyte
    Omnibyte over 3 years
    Proper naming did the job for me. I used and React fell back to .env as it was looking for .env.development
  • stephan
    stephan over 3 years
    name the file ".env" and not "config.env" or anything. This fixed the 'undefined' for me.
  • vikramvi
    vikramvi over 3 years
    process.env.REACT_APP_API_KEY is not giving value showing undefined. I did stop server and restarted with npm start
  • Fatema Tuz Zuhora
    Fatema Tuz Zuhora over 3 years
    @vikramvi Do you put the value in a variable named same REACT_APP_BASE_URL in the .env file?
  • vikramvi
    vikramvi over 3 years
    @FatemaT.Zuhora it was my bad, I had put .env in child directory by mistaken instead of putting it under root directory
  • Fatema Tuz Zuhora
    Fatema Tuz Zuhora over 3 years
    @vikramvi Glad to know you've fixed it.
  • Michale Rezene
    Michale Rezene over 3 years
    I have tried everything. process.env.REACT_APP_API_KEY says undefined.
  • anonym
    anonym over 3 years
    If you are getting the values as undefined, recompile again.
  • Linas M.
    Linas M. over 3 years
    @Aminu Kano could you please explain me what's the point of using this approach if the api-key is still visible if I view the bundle.js file online in sources?
  • Aminu Kano
    Aminu Kano over 3 years
    @LinasM. yeah sure, but what do you mean by "online"?
  • Linas M.
    Linas M. over 3 years
    Well, maybe I formulated my question in a not very precise way. I mean I set up all this process.env.API_KEY in my application and everything works fine on a localhost and if I push changes to the gitHub, the api key is not visible. But if I push my application to Heroku, it doesn't work, because Heroku cannot see the api key. So, I had to to undo all the changes in order for an application to work. So I don't see the benefits how can I make use of this approach
  • Aminu Kano
    Aminu Kano over 3 years
    @LinasM. Okay I understand what you mean, the bundle.js is created when you generate the production build, and the API-key should definitely be visible in it. The benefit here is that you can share the source via "GitHub" without exposing the secret keys, and the generated and gitignored production build deployed to "Heroku". Let me know if this helps.
  • Linas M.
    Linas M. over 3 years
    @AminuKano, Yes, that explained the point very clearly. Thank you
  • Sanat Gupta
    Sanat Gupta over 3 years
    after recompile still getting undefined. console.log('process', process.env.REACT_APP_BASE_URL);
  • kd12345
    kd12345 about 3 years
    @AdisAzhar Hi so i currently have a .env and .env.example . .env currently has all my keys and values and .env.example has my keys only. when i upload the file on AWS how do i remove the .example from the file name to make it .env only so i can be read by the other files?
  • Muhammad Adistya Azhar
    Muhammad Adistya Azhar about 3 years
    @kd12345 is it a VM? Can you SSH into it and copy/ rename the file?
  • kd12345
    kd12345 about 3 years
    @AdisAzhar What do you mean by VM?
  • Muhammad Adistya Azhar
    Muhammad Adistya Azhar about 3 years
    @kd12345 virtual machine
  • kd12345
    kd12345 about 3 years
    @AdisAzhar i dont want to give you an wrong answer but i dont know.
  • Muhammad Adistya Azhar
    Muhammad Adistya Azhar about 3 years
    @kd12345 Amazon EC2?
  • kd12345
    kd12345 about 3 years
    @AdisAzhar yeahh
  • SajithK
    SajithK about 3 years
    <title>%REACT_APP_WEBSITE_NAME%</title> only works in build time.
  • randomuser
    randomuser about 3 years
    @Michale did you solve this issue? I also tried everything here and I'm still getting undefined
  • bluenote10
    bluenote10 about 3 years
    I don't understand how this answer can have so many upvotes. The secret will be embedded into the build in plain text! See the big warning in the docs. Therefore step 4 is deluding: If you share your secret publicly in the build anyway, gitignoring the .env doesn't help that much. I'm wondering how many React apps in the wild already expose private keys...
  • Michale Rezene
    Michale Rezene about 3 years
    unfortunately, I didn't solve this issue. I tried it on another project too. I used create-react-app I don't know if that is the problem or not. I will post it if I found the answer. I will definitely get back to you. you do the same too
  • DanyMartinez_
    DanyMartinez_ about 3 years
    Thanks! for help me!
  • rawand deheliah
    rawand deheliah about 3 years
    is there a way to make this work , while .env file is outside the react app directory? , for example I have frontend dir , and backend dir, and I placed .env in the main dir , can react access that ?
  • Vansh Bhardwaj
    Vansh Bhardwaj about 3 years
    easiest and best!
  • Maverick
    Maverick almost 3 years
    I lost a day trying to find out why react couldn't read my environmental variable inside an .env file, that it didn't started with the prefix "REACT_APP_". Why this shitty restriction? I would never imagine that. Even an explicit call to dotenv module don't work and returns with error. I just found why with this post, thanx
  • Shuhad zaman
    Shuhad zaman almost 3 years
    Make sure you have the .env file in your root folder(same place where you have your package.json) and NOT in your src folder.
  • The Muffin Man
    The Muffin Man almost 3 years
    So you spend the time to create this nice list of steps, but don't actually reveal how to use different environments. Considering we want to use one environment when testing locally vs making a production build. What are the file names? Will it just work or do you have to use a cmd line flag?
  • Yohan W. Dunon
    Yohan W. Dunon almost 3 years
    Is this method works for non create-react-app projects? Because I've created a react app from scratch using webpack and this is not working.
  • Hamidreza Ghanbari
    Hamidreza Ghanbari over 2 years
    and one tip is restart server to work well
  • Paul Maurer
    Paul Maurer about 2 years
    .env file needs to be in UTF-8 format
  • yaach
    yaach about 2 years
    "Make sure you the .env in your root folder"....please make sure. Thanks!
  • Pan Vi
    Pan Vi about 2 years
    also do not use any quotes or spaces in the variable definition REACT_APP_GOOGLE_MAP_API_KEY=qweqwew88754
  • Anupam Hayat Shawon
    Anupam Hayat Shawon about 2 years
    I think restarting the project app is necessary after following this process.
  • Sandeep Amarnath
    Sandeep Amarnath about 2 years
    Yeah good point. I've mentioned in last but one bullet!
  • philipjc
    philipjc almost 2 years
    How did this get the top answer when the example uses require in a client app? JS imports would be better.??