Adding users to AD using LDAP


If you're creating a user, you need to

  • bind to the container you want to create the user in
  • create the new user account as a child of that container

Just by setting the LDAP path, you are not defining where the user will go!

Try something like this (C# sample - should be trivial to convert to VB.NET):

DirectoryEntry cnUsers = new DirectoryEntry("LDAP://CN=Users,DC=celtestdom,DC=local");

// create a user directory entry in the container
DirectoryEntry newUser = container.Children.Add("cn=NewUserAccount", "user");

// add the samAccountName mandatory attribute
newUser.Properties["sAMAccountName"].Value = "NewUser";

// add any optional attributes
newUser.Properties["givenName"].Value = "User";
newUser.Properties["sn"].Value = "One";

// save to the directory

// set a password for the user account
// using Invoke method and IadsUser.SetPassword
newUser.Invoke("SetPassword", new object[] { "pAssw0rdO1" });

// require that the password must be changed on next logon
newUser.Properties["pwdLastSet"].Value = 0;

// save to the directory

Or if you're using .NET 3.5 or newer, you could also use the new System.DirectoryServices.AccountManagement namespace that makes lots of things easier.

Then the code looks a bit simpler:

// create a context for a domain and define "base" container to use
PrincipalContext ctx = new PrincipalContext(ContextType.Domain,
         "celtestdom", "CN=Users,DC=celtestdom,DC=local");

// create a user principal object
UserPrincipal user = new UserPrincipal(ctx, "NewUser", "pass@1w0rd01", true);

// assign some properties to the user principal
user.GivenName = "User";
user.Surname = "One";

// force the user to change password at next logon

// save the user to the directory

Check out more about the System.DirectoryServices.AccountManagement (S.DS.AM) namespace here:

Author by


Updated on June 04, 2022


  • Pickle
    Pickle almost 2 years

    I'm writing an application that will add users to Active Directory. I'm trying to use this code to connect to the "Users" shared folder in AD


    However it adds the user in with the shared folders, instead of within the "Users" shared folder. Shouldn't CN=Users mean it will add it to the "Users" folder?
