airodump-ng fopen failed: No such file or directory


The -w parameter of airodump-ng is for specifying a file prefix, not a folder.

The right command would be:

airodump-ng -c 11 --bssid 34:5B:34:7B:AC:66 -w /root/Desktop/capture_file mon2

This will create a file on this path:


Quote from the airodump-ng man page:

-w , --write Is the dump file prefix to use. If this option is not given, it will only show data on the screen.


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Everything123 Channel
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Everything123 Channel

I am just some random shitty coder trying to improve. Teach me daddy!

Updated on September 18, 2022


  • Everything123 Channel
    Everything123 Channel almost 2 years

    I was trying to test a wpa wifi network. I wrote the following command

    airodump-ng -c 11 --bssid 34:5B:34:7B:AC:66 -w /root/Desktop/ mon2

    Note: The BSSID I have posted here is wrong for of course reasons. And I get the following errors:

    fopen failed: No such file or directory
    Could not create "/root/Desktop/-01.csv"

    I can clearly see that is there is C language fopen error. Its trying create a csv file. I think mainly for maintaining the passowords it tests. I don't know what is this csv files for just made a guess.

    I tried to create a simple .csv file with C Program using fopen and the csv file got created. So, there is not problem with C env is guess.

    I need help how do I fix this error?

    • mikewhatever
      mikewhatever over 8 years
      -w expects a file prefix, not a directory path, see man airodump-ng for details.
    • Everything123 Channel
      Everything123 Channel over 8 years
      so what's the fix? @mikewhatever
    • Everything123 Channel
      Everything123 Channel over 8 years
      I don't know much I used this blogpost…
    • user3629249
      user3629249 over 8 years
      please, either post the code with the problem or remove the c tag.
    • Everything123 Channel
      Everything123 Channel over 8 years
      @user3629249 Removed
    • user3629249
      user3629249 over 8 years
      the error message indicates that no file name has been given for the output file. if the output file is expected to be named mon2-01.csv then the space between the path and file name needs to be removed. Otherwise, supply a valid filename as part of the path parameter