Allow only selected charcters based on regex in an EditText


Solution 1

Used a TextWatcher as @Matt Ball suggested.

public void afterTextChanged(Editable s) {
      String text = s.toString();
      int length = text.length();

      if(length > 0 && !Pattern.matches(PATTERN, text)) {
           s.delete(length - 1, length);

Edit Although the TextWatcher works, it would be cleaner to use an InputFilter. Check this example.

Solution 2

You could use android:digits on the xml EditText instead of using a regex.

For your allowed chars of the regex (numbers, comma and plus symbol): android:digits="0123456789,+"

And you could use a string resource as the digits value in case you want to reuse it.

Solution 3

Try this: If the character to type matches /[a-zA-Z0-9{insert valid characters here}]/ then allow it, otherwise don't.

Solution 4

You can use an InputFilter for advanced filtering:

class CustomInputFilter : InputFilter {

  private val regex = Pattern.compile("^[A-Z0-9]*$")

  override fun filter(
    source: CharSequence,
    start: Int,
    end: Int,
    dest: Spanned?,
    dstart: Int,
    dend: Int
  ): CharSequence? {
    val matcher = regex.matcher(source)
    return if (matcher.find()) {
    } else {

And then add it to an EditText or TextInputEditText like this:

textInputLayout.editText!!.filters += CustomInputFilter()
editText.filters += CustomInputFilter()

Remember that if you have a TextWatcher this will not prevent the TextWatcher to fire, you can filter out those events checking if the previous and next text values are the same.

Something like:

//addTextChangedListener is an extension function available in core-ktx library
textInputLayout.editText!!.addTextChangedListener(afterTextChanged = { editable ->
  val editTextValue = viewModel.editTextLiveData.value ?: ""
  if (!editTextValue.equals(editable)) {
    viewModel.updateEditTextValue(editable?.toString() ?: "")
Ragunath Jawahar
Author by

Ragunath Jawahar

Avid Android Developer and Entrepreneur I've been working on Android since August 2010. Latest Android Application • A Photo Editor - APE is A Photo Editor, it's amazingly simple to use. Now available on Google Play! Android Open Source Projects • Android Saripaar - The SIMPLEST annotation powered rule-based UI validation library for Android. • Adapter Kit - Set of predefined adapters to make life easier. • Instant Adapter - Create your Custom Adapters almost instantly. • Simple Section Adapter - This is the SIMPLEST section adapter available for Android's ListView as on date. • Circular List Adapter - Circular List Adapter for Android's ListView. Make your list appear infinite with a single argument constructor. • Deselectable Radio Button for Android.

Updated on June 05, 2022


  • Ragunath Jawahar
    Ragunath Jawahar almost 2 years

    I want to allow users only to type certain characters based on the a regex in my android applications. How do I achieve it?

  • magorich
    magorich over 8 years
    This helped me a lot, thanks I just got a problem when the user deleted a character and it didn't enter the PATTERN was crashing because an out of bounds so you can use this (with some modifications for my app) if(text.length()>0) { int length = text.length(); if (!getPattern().equals("")) { if (!Pattern.matches(getPattern(),text)) { s.delete(length - 1, length); } } }
  • Shailendra Madda
    Shailendra Madda over 2 years
    from your first line: You can use an IntentFilter for advanced filtering: It should be InputFilter right?
  • MatPag
    MatPag over 2 years
    @ShailendraMadda Yes it was a typo. I fixed it now, thank you :)