Angular 6 - Error using http.get responseType: ResponseContentType.Blob


Solution 1

Workaround Angular 8

Client Side:

 getBlob(url: string): Observable<Blob> {
        return this.http.get<Blob>(url, { observe: 'body', responseType: 'blob' as 'json' })

Note the 'blob' as 'json' trick

Server Side returns byte[]:

@GetMapping(value = "/api/someApi")
public @ResponseBody byte[] GetBlob() {

     byte[] ret  = this.service.getData();
     return ret; 

Solution 2

Very good explanation is given here. Try below code

  public getRequest(urlPath: string): Observable<any> {

    const options = {
        headers: new HttpHeaders({
            'Content-Type': 'application/json',
            'Authorization': token  // if you have to give token

        // Ignore this part or  if you want full response you have 
        // to explicitly give as 'boby'as http client by default give res.json()
        observe:'response' as 'body',

       // have to explicitly give as 'blob' or 'json'
        responseType: 'blob' as 'blob'  

     // resObj should be of type Blob
    return this.http.get(urlPath, options)
        .map((resObj: Blob) => resObj)
        .catch((errorObj: any) => Observable.throw(errorObj || 'Server error'));

Solution 3

This is how we can add responseType in Angular 6+ versions,

const httpOptions = {
     headers: new HttpHeaders({
     'Content-Type': 'application/json'
     observe: 'response' as 'body',
     responseType: 'blob' as 'blob'

return this.httpClient.get("API_URL", httpOptions);

For more, you can refer here.

Solution 4

Replace "ResponseContentType.Blob" by 'blob'

this.http.get( this.api_rul + ano + '/some_path/', {
    responseType: 'blob'
  }).map((res) => {})
Adriano Frota
Author by

Adriano Frota

I started to work in IT in 2008 and I worked in areas of finance in which I was involved in several areas: Collections, Fomento Mercantil / Factoring, FIDC and CDC) after I worked in the academic market in one of the largest groups in the world and now I'm working at Avanade (Accenture/Microsoft) global IT consulting services company. In my experience working with IT, I highlight some attributions such as systems and business analysis, requirements gathering, testing, definition of systems architectures, bank modeling, feasibility studies of systems, integrations between databases and correlates.

Updated on July 06, 2022


  • Adriano Frota
    Adriano Frota almost 2 years

    I'd like to make an observable like this in (angular 5). How can I declare responseType in Angular 6?

    The Angular 5 code:

    public ExportSomeThing(
            ano: number
        ): Observable<IDownloadArquivo> {
            let q = this.http
                .get(this.apiUrl + ano + '/pordia/excel', {
                    responseType: ResponseContentType.Blob  // <<<-- This code
                }).map((res) => { 

    My angular 6 code:

    public MyExport(
        ano: number
      ): Observable<IXpto> {
        let q = this.http
          .get( this.api_rul + ano + '/some_path/', {
            responseType: "ResponseContentType.Blob"  // <<<--- error here !!!
          }).map((res) => {

    The error is:

    Argument of type '{ responseType: "ResponseContentType.Blob"; }' is not assignable to parameter of type '{ headers?: HttpHeaders | { [header: string]: string | string[]; }; observe?: "body"; params?: HttpParams | { [param: string]: string | string[]; }; reportProgress?: boolean; responseType?: "json"; withCredentials?: boolean; }'.
      Types of property 'responseType' are incompatible.
        Type '"ResponseContentType.Blob"' is not assignable to type '"json"'.

    How can I make my http.get similar in Angular 6?

    I'm trying to download Excel method!