Backbone fetch success callback


@fguillen's comment and another SO thread helped me figure this out. Specifically:

Collection.fetch() will call reset() on success, which in turn will trigger a 'reset' event. Any subscribers to the collections reset event should receive the event.

The issue wasn't with my success callback at all. Turns out I had an problem in a view that was subscribed to the ChartPointList reset event. A function in that view was being called before the success callback and throwing an error, and thus the success callback was not being called.

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Updated on June 04, 2022


  • fdot
    fdot almost 2 years

    I'm new to backbone.js and I'm having some issues with giving my collection a success callback. I'm overriding fetch in order to have a url with a parameter in it. As I understand it I should be able to assign a success callback in the options I pass to but, my code isn't working. Fetch works correctly, but the callback function is not called.

    Here is a bit of my code:

    App.ChartController = {
      load: function(userConceptId) {
    App.ChartPointList = Backbone.Collection.extend({
      model: App.ChartPoint,
      url: function() {
        return '/chartpoints/' + this.userConceptId;
      fetch: function(userConceptId, options) {         
        console.log("fetch chart point");               
        typeof(options) != 'undefined' || (options = {});
        options.success = this.postProcess;
        options.error = this.handleError;
        this.userConceptId = userConceptId;
        return, options);    
      postProcess : function (resp, status, xhr) {
        console.log("postprocess");          // never gets called
         ... whole bunch of stuff... 
        new App.Views.ChartView({ collection: this });
      handleError : function (resp, status, xhr) {
        alert("could not load chart data!");  // also not called

    Any idea what I'm doing wrong? Thanks!