Bash tool to get nth line from a file


Solution 1

head and pipe with tail will be slow for a huge file. I would suggest sed like this:

sed 'NUMq;d' file

Where NUM is the number of the line you want to print; so, for example, sed '10q;d' file to print the 10th line of file.


NUMq will quit immediately when the line number is NUM.

d will delete the line instead of printing it; this is inhibited on the last line because the q causes the rest of the script to be skipped when quitting.

If you have NUM in a variable, you will want to use double quotes instead of single:

sed "${NUM}q;d" file

Solution 2

sed -n '2p' < file.txt

will print 2nd line

sed -n '2011p' < file.txt

2011th line

sed -n '10,33p' < file.txt

line 10 up to line 33

sed -n '1p;3p' < file.txt

1st and 3th line

and so on...

For adding lines with sed, you can check this:

sed: insert a line in a certain position

Solution 3

I have a unique situation where I can benchmark the solutions proposed on this page, and so I'm writing this answer as a consolidation of the proposed solutions with included run times for each.

Set Up

I have a 3.261 gigabyte ASCII text data file with one key-value pair per row. The file contains 3,339,550,320 rows in total and defies opening in any editor I have tried, including my go-to Vim. I need to subset this file in order to investigate some of the values that I've discovered only start around row ~500,000,000.

Because the file has so many rows:

  • I need to extract only a subset of the rows to do anything useful with the data.
  • Reading through every row leading up to the values I care about is going to take a long time.
  • If the solution reads past the rows I care about and continues reading the rest of the file it will waste time reading almost 3 billion irrelevant rows and take 6x longer than necessary.

My best-case-scenario is a solution that extracts only a single line from the file without reading any of the other rows in the file, but I can't think of how I would accomplish this in Bash.

For the purposes of my sanity I'm not going to be trying to read the full 500,000,000 lines I'd need for my own problem. Instead I'll be trying to extract row 50,000,000 out of 3,339,550,320 (which means reading the full file will take 60x longer than necessary).

I will be using the time built-in to benchmark each command.


First let's see how the head tail solution:

$ time head -50000000 myfile.ascii | tail -1
pgm_icnt = 0

real    1m15.321s

The baseline for row 50 million is 00:01:15.321, if I'd gone straight for row 500 million it'd probably be ~12.5 minutes.


I'm dubious of this one, but it's worth a shot:

$ time cut -f50000000 -d$'\n' myfile.ascii
pgm_icnt = 0

real    5m12.156s

This one took 00:05:12.156 to run, which is much slower than the baseline! I'm not sure whether it read through the entire file or just up to line 50 million before stopping, but regardless this doesn't seem like a viable solution to the problem.


I only ran the solution with the exit because I wasn't going to wait for the full file to run:

$ time awk 'NR == 50000000 {print; exit}' myfile.ascii
pgm_icnt = 0

real    1m16.583s

This code ran in 00:01:16.583, which is only ~1 second slower, but still not an improvement on the baseline. At this rate if the exit command had been excluded it would have probably taken around ~76 minutes to read the entire file!


I ran the existing Perl solution as well:

$ time perl -wnl -e '$.== 50000000 && print && exit;' myfile.ascii
pgm_icnt = 0

real    1m13.146s

This code ran in 00:01:13.146, which is ~2 seconds faster than the baseline. If I'd run it on the full 500,000,000 it would probably take ~12 minutes.


The top answer on the board, here's my result:

$ time sed "50000000q;d" myfile.ascii
pgm_icnt = 0

real    1m12.705s

This code ran in 00:01:12.705, which is 3 seconds faster than the baseline, and ~0.4 seconds faster than Perl. If I'd run it on the full 500,000,000 rows it would have probably taken ~12 minutes.


I have bash 3.1 and therefore cannot test the mapfile solution.


It looks like, for the most part, it's difficult to improve upon the head tail solution. At best the sed solution provides a ~3% increase in efficiency.

(percentages calculated with the formula % = (runtime/baseline - 1) * 100)

Row 50,000,000

  1. 00:01:12.705 (-00:00:02.616 = -3.47%) sed
  2. 00:01:13.146 (-00:00:02.175 = -2.89%) perl
  3. 00:01:15.321 (+00:00:00.000 = +0.00%) head|tail
  4. 00:01:16.583 (+00:00:01.262 = +1.68%) awk
  5. 00:05:12.156 (+00:03:56.835 = +314.43%) cut

Row 500,000,000

  1. 00:12:07.050 (-00:00:26.160) sed
  2. 00:12:11.460 (-00:00:21.750) perl
  3. 00:12:33.210 (+00:00:00.000) head|tail
  4. 00:12:45.830 (+00:00:12.620) awk
  5. 00:52:01.560 (+00:40:31.650) cut

Row 3,338,559,320

  1. 01:20:54.599 (-00:03:05.327) sed
  2. 01:21:24.045 (-00:02:25.227) perl
  3. 01:23:49.273 (+00:00:00.000) head|tail
  4. 01:25:13.548 (+00:02:35.735) awk
  5. 05:47:23.026 (+04:24:26.246) cut

Solution 4

With awk it is pretty fast:

awk 'NR == num_line' file

When this is true, the default behaviour of awk is performed: {print $0}.

Alternative versions

If your file happens to be huge, you'd better exit after reading the required line. This way you save CPU time See time comparison at the end of the answer.

awk 'NR == num_line {print; exit}' file

If you want to give the line number from a bash variable you can use:

awk 'NR == n' n=$num file
awk -v n=$num 'NR == n' file   # equivalent

See how much time is saved by using exit, specially if the line happens to be in the first part of the file:

# Let's create a 10M lines file
for ((i=0; i<100000; i++)); do echo "bla bla"; done > 100Klines
for ((i=0; i<100; i++)); do cat 100Klines; done > 10Mlines

$ time awk 'NR == 1234567 {print}' 10Mlines
bla bla

real    0m1.303s
user    0m1.246s
sys 0m0.042s
$ time awk 'NR == 1234567 {print; exit}' 10Mlines
bla bla

real    0m0.198s
user    0m0.178s
sys 0m0.013s

So the difference is 0.198s vs 1.303s, around 6x times faster.

Solution 5

According to my tests, in terms of performance and readability my recommendation is:

tail -n+N | head -1

N is the line number that you want. For example, tail -n+7 input.txt | head -1 will print the 7th line of the file.

tail -n+N will print everything starting from line N, and head -1 will make it stop after one line.

The alternative head -N | tail -1 is perhaps slightly more readable. For example, this will print the 7th line:

head -7 input.txt | tail -1

When it comes to performance, there is not much difference for smaller sizes, but it will be outperformed by the tail | head (from above) when the files become huge.

The top-voted sed 'NUMq;d' is interesting to know, but I would argue that it will be understood by fewer people out of the box than the head/tail solution and it is also slower than tail/head.

In my tests, both tails/heads versions outperformed sed 'NUMq;d' consistently. That is in line with the other benchmarks that were posted. It is hard to find a case where tails/heads was really bad. It is also not surprising, as these are operations that you would expect to be heavily optimized in a modern Unix system.

To get an idea about the performance differences, these are the number that I get for a huge file (9.3G):

  • tail -n+N | head -1: 3.7 sec
  • head -N | tail -1: 4.6 sec
  • sed Nq;d: 18.8 sec

Results may differ, but the performance head | tail and tail | head is, in general, comparable for smaller inputs, and sed is always slower by a significant factor (around 5x or so).

To reproduce my benchmark, you can try the following, but be warned that it will create a 9.3G file in the current working directory:

readonly file=tmp-input.txt
readonly size=1000000000
readonly pos=500000000
readonly retries=3

seq 1 $size > $file
echo "*** head -N | tail -1 ***"
for i in $(seq 1 $retries) ; do
    time head "-$pos" $file | tail -1
echo "-------------------------"
echo "*** tail -n+N | head -1 ***"

seq 1 $size > $file
ls -alhg $file
for i in $(seq 1 $retries) ; do
    time tail -n+$pos $file | head -1
echo "-------------------------"
echo "*** sed Nq;d ***"

seq 1 $size > $file
ls -alhg $file
for i in $(seq 1 $retries) ; do
    time sed $pos'q;d' $file
/bin/rm $file

Here is the output of a run on my machine (ThinkPad X1 Carbon with an SSD and 16G of memory). I assume in the final run everything will come from the cache, not from disk:

*** head -N | tail -1 ***

real    0m9,800s
user    0m7,328s
sys     0m4,081s

real    0m4,231s
user    0m5,415s
sys     0m2,789s

real    0m4,636s
user    0m5,935s
sys     0m2,684s

*** tail -n+N | head -1 ***

-rw-r--r-- 1 phil 9,3G Jan 19 19:49 tmp-input.txt

real    0m6,452s
user    0m3,367s
sys     0m1,498s

real    0m3,890s
user    0m2,921s
sys     0m0,952s

real    0m3,763s
user    0m3,004s
sys     0m0,760s

*** sed Nq;d ***

-rw-r--r-- 1 phil 9,3G Jan 19 19:50 tmp-input.txt

real    0m23,675s
user    0m21,557s
sys     0m1,523s

real    0m20,328s
user    0m18,971s
sys     0m1,308s

real    0m19,835s
user    0m18,830s
sys     0m1,004s
Vlad Vivdovitch
Author by

Vlad Vivdovitch

Updated on May 20, 2021


  • Vlad Vivdovitch
    Vlad Vivdovitch almost 3 years

    Is there a "canonical" way of doing that? I've been using head -n | tail -1 which does the trick, but I've been wondering if there's a Bash tool that specifically extracts a line (or a range of lines) from a file.

    By "canonical" I mean a program whose main function is doing that.

  • Rafael Barbosa
    Rafael Barbosa almost 11 years
    Why is the '<' necessary in this case? Wouldn't I achieve the same output without it?
  • clt60
    clt60 almost 11 years
    @RafaelBarbosa the < in this case is not necessary. Simply, it is my preference using redirects, because me often used redirects like sed -n '100p' < <(some_command) - so, universal syntax :). It is NOT less effective, because redirection are done with shell when forking itself, so... it is only a preference... (and yes, it is one character longer) :)
  • tripleee
    tripleee over 10 years
    The -n option disables the default action to print every line, as surely you would have found out by a quick glance at the man page.
  • Skippy le Grand Gourou
    Skippy le Grand Gourou about 10 years
    For those wondering, this solution seems about 6 to 9 times faster than the sed -n 'NUMp' and sed 'NUM!d' solutions proposed below.
  • rici
    rici about 10 years
    I think tail -n+NUM file | head -n1 is likely to be just as fast or faster. At least, it was (significantly) faster on my system when I tried it with NUM being 250000 on a file with half a million lines. YMMV, but I don't really see why it would.
  • tripleee
    tripleee about 8 years
    The colon is a syntax error, and should be a semicolon.
  • rasen58
    rasen58 over 7 years
    @jm666 Actually it's 2 characters longer since you would normally put the '<' as well as an extra space ' ' after < as oppposed to just one space if you hadn't used the < :)
  • clt60
    clt60 over 7 years
    @rasen58 the space is an character too? :) /okay, just kidding - youre right/ :)
  • agc
    agc about 7 years
    In GNU sed all the sed answers are about the same speed. Therefore (for GNU sed) this is the best sed answer, since it would save time for large files and small nth line values.
  • wisbucky
    wisbucky over 6 years
    Is performance different between head | tail vs tail | head? Or does it depend on which line is being printed (beginning of file vs end of file)?
  • Philipp Claßen
    Philipp Claßen over 6 years
    @wisbucky I have no hard figures, but one disadvantage of first using tail followed by a "head -1" is that you need to know the total length in advance. If you do not know it, you would have to count it first, which will be a loss performance-wise. Another disadvantage is that it is less intuitive to use. For instance, if you have the number 1 to 10 and you want to get the 3rd line, you would have to use "tail -8 | head -1". That is more error prone than "head -3 | tail -1".
  • wisbucky
    wisbucky over 6 years
    sorry, I should have included an example to be clear. head -5 | tail -1 vs tail -n+5 | head -1. Actually, I found another answer that did a test comparison and found tail | head to be faster.
  • Philipp Claßen
    Philipp Claßen over 6 years
    @wisbucky Thank you for mentioning it! I did some tests and have to agree that it was always slightly faster, independent of the position of the line from what I saw. Given that, I changed my answer and also included the benchmark in case someone wants to reproduce it.
  • Andriy Makukha
    Andriy Makukha about 6 years
    Can be also used to display multiple lines: cat FILE | cut -f2,5 -d$'\n' will display lines 2 and 5 of the FILE. (But it will not preserve the order.)
  • duhaime
    duhaime almost 6 years
    This is about 5 times slower than the tail / head combination when reading a file with 50M rows
  • clt60
    clt60 almost 6 years
    @duhaime of course, if someone needs to do optimizations. But IMHO for the "common" problems it is ok and the difference is unnoticeable. Also, the head/tail doesn't solves the sed -n '1p;3p' scenario - aka print more non-adjacent rows...
  • duhaime
    duhaime almost 6 years
    Amen! Just wanted to create a note for fools like me who have to do line lookups billions of times for some task...
  • clt60
    clt60 almost 6 years
    @duhaime of course - the note is correct and needed. :)
  • sanmai
    sanmai about 5 years
    I wonder how long just cat'ting the entire file into /dev/null would take. (What if this was only a hard disk benchmark?)
  • Stabledog
    Stabledog about 4 years
    I feel a perverse urge to bow at your ownership of a 3+ gig text file dictionary. Whatever the rationale, this so embraces textuality :)
  • kvantour
    kvantour almost 4 years
    This method is always going to be slower because awk attempts to do field splitting. The overhead of field splitting can be reduced by awk 'BEGIN{FS=RS}(NR == num_line) {print; exit}' file
  • kvantour
    kvantour almost 4 years
    The real power of awk in this method comes forth when you want to concatenate line n1 of file1, n2 of file2, n3 or file3 ... awk 'FNR==n' n=10 file1 n=30 file2 n=60 file3. With GNU awk this can be sped up using awk 'FNR==n{print;nextfile}' n=10 file1 n=30 file2 n=60 file3 .
  • fedorqui
    fedorqui almost 4 years
    @kvantour indeed, GNU awk's nextfile is great for such things. How come FS=RS avoids field splitting?
  • kvantour
    kvantour almost 4 years
    FS=RS does not avoid field splitting, but it only parses the $0 ones and only assigns one field because there is no RS in $0
  • fedorqui
    fedorqui almost 4 years
    @kvantour I've been doing some tests with FS=RS and did not see difference on the timings. What about me asking a question about it so you can expand? Thanks!
  • Hashbrown
    Hashbrown over 3 years
    @rici and you can easily choose how many lines past that point by changing head -n1 to head -nNUM2, you should make this it's own answer
  • NoCake
    NoCake over 3 years
    While testing on a file with 6,000,000 lines, and retrieving arbitrary line #2,000,000, this command was almost instantaneous and much faster than the sed answers.
  • Herman Toothrot
    Herman Toothrot over 3 years
    How do you use this with a range of lines from line n to m?
  • anubhava
    anubhava over 3 years
    For range better use sed -n '2,5{p;5q;}' file
  • tripleee
    tripleee over 3 years
    The overhead of running two processes with head + tail will be negligible for a single file, but starts to show when you do this on many files.
  • tripleee
    tripleee over 3 years
    There is no need to assign $1 to another variable before using it, and you are clobbering any other global line. In Bash, use local for function variables; but here, as stated already, probably just do sed "$1d;q" "$2". (Notice also the quoting of "$2".)
  • Mark Shust at
    Mark Shust at over 3 years
    Correct, but it could be helpful to have self-documented code.
  • ntj
    ntj over 3 years
    @anubhava isn't sed -n '2,5p' file just the same?
  • anubhava
    anubhava over 3 years
    no it is not. Without q it will process full file
  • Fiddlestiques
    Fiddlestiques about 3 years
    This is a good solution, but if you want to assign the output of the sed command to a variable using command substitution it will not work if the returned line contains a double asterisk. In the case where sed "4q;d" file4 returns ** banana , foo=$(sed "4q;d" file4) will assign the value file1 file2 file3 file4 banana to the variable foo (file1 - file4 being the directory contents).
  • anubhava
    anubhava about 3 years
    @Fiddlestiques: Don't forget quoting to make it foo="$(sed "4q;d" file4)"
  • Fiddlestiques
    Fiddlestiques about 3 years
    @anubhava - thanks - got it now - echo "$foo" rather than echo $foo
  • Ulysse BN
    Ulysse BN about 2 years
    Made a script from this solution usage: nth line [file], if file is omitted looks at stdin :‌​nth
  • algae
    algae almost 2 years
    Is there a simple way to extend this solution to multiple files at once? e.g. head -7 -q input*.txt | tail -1 to get the 7th line from several files input*.txt? Currently this will just obtain the 7th line from the first file listed in input*.txt.
  • Yeti
    Yeti almost 2 years
    Note that the first line has N = 1 instead of zero.
  • jonathanking
    jonathanking almost 2 years
    I'm sorry, but I don't understand why d is necessary? Why do you need to "delete" anything at all in this case?
  • jonathanking
    jonathanking almost 2 years
    @anubhava I read the answer, but I created a comment because I did not understand the explanation. Why even include the "delete" command if the end result is that the command is inhibited by the "quit" command? Why not just have "NUMq"? Why are we deleting instead of printing for the original poster's question?
  • anubhava
    anubhava almost 2 years
    Try running sed "${NUM}q" file and you will understand better why ;d is also needed