C++ Can't subtract two strings


Solution 1

You should use std::string::substr. Subtracting strings like that is invalid.

firstName = employeeName.substr(0, employeeName.find(" "));

The first parameter is the starting index of the substring you want to extract and the second parameter is the length of the substring.

Solution 2

There is no "minus" (-) operator for std::string. You have to use std::string::substr or std::string::erase

If you really want to use - operator, you can overload it.

Solution 3

How would you define a minus operator for a string? Would you subtract from the beginning? Or the end?

Moreover, what is "cat" - "dog"? This operator wouldn't make sense.

Instead, you might want to use string indices, i.e. employeeName[i], and copy characters individually, or use std::string::substr or std::string::erase, as others have suggested.

I would find substr() the easiest, due to its ability to remove sections of string (in this case, the first and last name).

Haris Irshad
Author by

Haris Irshad

Updated on October 18, 2020


  • Haris Irshad
    Haris Irshad over 3 years

    I want to subtract two strings in this code, but it won't let me do it and gives an operator - error. This code basically tries to separate a full input name into two outputs: first and last names. Please Help! Thank you!

    #include <iostream>
    #include <cstdlib>
    #include <string>
    using namespace std;
    string employeeName, firstName, lastName;
    int pos1, difference;
    int main() {
        cout << "Enter your full name: " << endl;
        getline(cin, employeeName);
        pos1 = employeeName.find(" ");
        difference = pos1 - 0;
        lastName = employeeName.erase(0,difference);
        firstName = employeeName - lastName;
        cout << lastName << firstName << endl;
        return 0;