C# - Fastest way to get resource string from assembly


Solution 1

Assembly assembly = this.GetType().Assembly;
ResourceManager resourceManager = new ResourceManager("Resources.Strings", assembly);
string myString = resourceManager.GetString("value");

Solution 2

If the resource is in the same assembly as the code, then the following will do:

String resourceValue = MyAssemblyNameSpace.Properties.Resources.ResourceName

Taken from this SO answer.

Solution 3

string val = Resources.ResourceManager.GetString("resource_name");

Given "resource_name" you can retrieve resource value.

Solution 4

you can use ResourceManger to get the string value from Assembly

Get Resource from Assembly

ResourceManager ResManager= new ResourceManager("yourResource", 
String strResourveValue = ResManager.GetString("YourStringKey");

Solution 5

 var thread = System.Threading.Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture.Name;
            var culture = new CultureInfo(thread);
            var resourceManager = new ResourceManager(typeof(Resources.Resource));
            string value = resourceManager.GetString(name, culture);
Author by


SOreadytohelp Deeptechtons Programmer, Developer and Enthusiast always looking for chances to learn interesting technology. Meet awesome people and enhance life of people

Updated on July 09, 2022


  • Deeptechtons
    Deeptechtons almost 2 years

    I really don't know/have the answer, knowledge to find a resource value using a key from a resx file in a assembly using c#.(or may be i am ignorant).

    What would be the fastest code, way i can retrieve string values or values using a key from a resource file which is embedded as resource in a assembly. I am storing friendly messages for exceptions in the resource file and would like to use them when required.

    Does a static class exist for this purpose?

    Are there open source mature projects i can use for this?