c++: No instance of overloaded function


Solution 1

In the header you have:

highInterestChecking(std::string =" ",int = 0, double = 0.00, double = 0.00, double = 0.00);

Which takes 5 arguments, In the source file you have:

 highInterestChecking::highInterestChecking(string name, int acct, double bal, int numCheck, double min, double i)


which takes 6 arguments. It seems like int numCheck does not match the header signature.

Solution 2

You have this constructor in the class declaration:

highInterestChecking(std::string =" ",int = 0, double = 0.00, double = 0.00, double = 0.00);

and this one in the class definition:

highInterestChecking::highInterestChecking(string name, int acct, double bal, int numCheck, double min, double i)

The parameter types from both parameter lists must match.

Solution 3

  highInterestChecking::highInterestChecking(string name, int acct, 
                           double bal, int numCheck, double min, double i)

does not exist in your class's header file, header file has 5 parameters, but you have 6 in cpp file, parameter type seems mismatched,

Eric Oudin
Author by

Eric Oudin

Updated on May 09, 2020


  • Eric Oudin
    Eric Oudin almost 4 years

    highInterestChecking Header:

    #ifndef H_highInterestChecking
    #define H_highInterestChecking
    #include "noservicechargechecking.h"
    #include <string>
    class highInterestChecking: public noServiceChargeChecking
        highInterestChecking(std::string =" ",int = 0, double = 0.00, double = 0.00, double = 0.00);

    highInterestChecking cpp:

    #include "highInterestChecking.h"
    using std::string;
    highInterestChecking::highInterestChecking(string name, int acct, double bal, int numCheck, double min, double i)

    I have the error "No instance of overloaded function." under the constructor name highInterestChecking in the cpp file not sure what is causing it ive looked at it for a while now can't seem to find an error. maybe someone will help?

  • Lightness Races in Orbit
    Lightness Races in Orbit almost 11 years
    This is misleading. They don't need to be "the same" lexically, though they must describe the same list of parameter types.
  • Eric Oudin
    Eric Oudin almost 11 years
    Thank you lol how did i miss that i swear i counted the parameters guess my eyes are starting to go lol
  • juanchopanza
    juanchopanza almost 11 years
    @EricOudin that is a sign you have too many parameters. You could consider bundling some of them into a class.