C++ operator overloading with pointers


Apparently, the operator+ request that the first argument not be a pointer. This would work:

Test* operator+(const Test &x, const Test& r){

    Test *test = new Test;
    test->A = x.A + r.A;
    test->B = x.B + r.B;
    return test;

But it's safer if you don't return a pointer, like Jonachim said. You should do this:

Test operator+(const Test &x, const Test& r){

    Test test;
    test.A = x.A + r.A;
    test.B = x.B + r.B;
    return test;
Saef Myth
Author by

Saef Myth

Updated on November 29, 2022


  • Saef Myth
    Saef Myth over 1 year
    struct Test {
        int A = 0;
        int B = 0;
    Test* operator+(const Test *x, const Test *r) {
        Test *test = new Test;
        test->A = x->A + r->A;
        test->B = x->B + r->B;
        return test;

    Why this wont work and give's :

    3 IntelliSense: nonmember operator requires a parameter with class or enum type

    • Some programmer dude
      Some programmer dude over 8 years
      The message should be pretty clear, you can't use pointers. Also, doing this will give you memory leaks. Who will free the memory returned by the function?
    • Saef Myth
      Saef Myth over 8 years
      Test x, r; Test *test = (&x + &r); delete test;
    • vsoftco
      vsoftco over 8 years
      @user3550045 Don't overuse pointers, especially raw pointers. Pointers were designed with a very specific point in mind, not for Java-like syntax in C++.
    • Some programmer dude
      Some programmer dude over 8 years
      And when you have multiple additions in a row, like e.g. a + b + c? Or if you want to use addition as part of another expression, e.g. as argument to a function call? You're going to split it up into multiple statements and temporary variables too? Lot of work for something that should be simple.
  • Saef Myth
    Saef Myth over 8 years
    Thats work - > Test* operator+(const Test & x, const Test *r)
  • vsoftco
    vsoftco over 8 years
    Good answer, I'd change You could do this to You should do this.
  • Saef Myth
    Saef Myth over 8 years
    as you said it's looks you can't use the first argument as pointer wired !,, anyway thank's for the clarifying.
  • SergeyA
    SergeyA over 8 years
    @user3550045, it is not weird. C++ clearly specifies that you can't overload operators for built-in types.
  • Benjamin Lindley
    Benjamin Lindley over 8 years
    The first argument can be a pointer. All that's required is that at least one of the arguments is a user-defined type. That can be the first argument, or the second, or both.