Calculating balance and monthly payments in Python loop


Solution 1

The problem in your algorithm was that monthly payment was calculated based on the new balance.

A few points about your Python code:

1- use underlines instead of camelCase when coding in python

2- make use of string formatting instead of str() when printing

3- for is a better choice than while here

4- no need to overuse parenthesis when they are not needed

balance = 4213
annual_interest_rate = 0.2
monthly_payment_rate =0.04
monthly_interest_rate = annual_interest_rate / 12
monthly_payment = monthly_payment_rate * balance
new_balance= (balance - monthly_payment) * (1 + monthly_interest_rate)

for month in range(1, 13):
    monthly_payment = monthly_payment_rate * balance
    balance = (balance - monthly_payment) * (1 + monthly_interest_rate)

    print('Month: %d \n Minimum monthly payment: %g \n Remaining balance: %g'\
          % (month, round(monthly_payment, 2), round(balance,2)))

Solution 2

Consider the order of the statements in the while loop.

Solution 3

Your monthly payment is one month off.

In your calculation, the monthly payment (monthlyPayment) is calculated based on the new balance (newBalance) or after you made the payment.

Author by


Updated on June 04, 2022


  • Admin
    Admin almost 2 years
    balance = 4213
    annualInterestRate = 0.2
    monthlyPaymentRate =0.04
    monthInterestRate = annualInterestRate / 12
    monthlyPayment = (monthlyPaymentRate*balance)
    newBalance= (balance-monthlyPayment) * (1 + monthInterestRate)
    month = 0
    while month < 12:
        month += 1
        newBalance=(balance-monthlyPayment)*(1 + monthInterestRate)
        balance = newBalance
        monthlyPayment = (monthlyPaymentRate*newBalance)
        print ("Month: " + str(month))
        print ("Minimum monthly payment: " + str(round(monthlyPayment,2)))
        print ("Remaining balance: " + str(round(newBalance, 2)))

    So, I have the code above and I'm trying to make it display the below output:

    Month: 1
    Minimum monthly payment: 168.52
    Remaining balance: 4111.89
    Month: 2
    Minimum monthly payment: 164.48
    Remaining balance: 4013.2
    Month: 3
    Minimum monthly payment: 160.53
    Remaining balance: 3916.89
    Month: 4
    Minimum monthly payment: 156.68
    Remaining balance: 3822.88
    Month: 5
    Minimum monthly payment: 152.92
    Remaining balance: 3731.13
    Month: 6
    Minimum monthly payment: 149.25
    Remaining balance: 3641.58
    Month: 7
    Minimum monthly payment: 145.66
    Remaining balance: 3554.19
    Month: 8
    Minimum monthly payment: 142.17
    Remaining balance: 3468.89
    Month: 9
    Minimum monthly payment: 138.76
    Remaining balance: 3385.63
    Month: 10
    Minimum monthly payment: 135.43
    Remaining balance: 3304.38
    Month: 11
    Minimum monthly payment: 132.18
    Remaining balance: 3225.07
    Month: 12
    Minimum monthly payment: 129.0
    Remaining balance: 3147.67
    Total paid: 1775.55
    Remaining balance: 3147.67

    And for some reason I keep getting the below result instead of the above... Can someone please point me to what I'm doing wrong? Thank you very much!

    Month: 1
    Minimum monthly payment: 164.48
    Remaining balance: 4111.89
    Month: 2
    Minimum monthly payment: 160.53
    Remaining balance: 4013.2
    Month: 3
    Minimum monthly payment: 156.68
    Remaining balance: 3916.89
    Month: 4
    Minimum monthly payment: 152.92
    Remaining balance: 3822.88
    Month: 5
    Minimum monthly payment: 149.25
    Remaining balance: 3731.13
    Month: 6
    Minimum monthly payment: 145.66
    Remaining balance: 3641.58
    Month: 7
    Minimum monthly payment: 142.17
    Remaining balance: 3554.19
    Month: 8
    Minimum monthly payment: 138.76
    Remaining balance: 3468.89
    Month: 9
    Minimum monthly payment: 135.43
    Remaining balance: 3385.63
    Month: 10
    Minimum monthly payment: 132.18
    Remaining balance: 3304.38
    Month: 11
    Minimum monthly payment: 129.0
    Remaining balance: 3225.07
    Month: 12
    Minimum monthly payment: 125.91
    Remaining balance: 3147.67
  • Lee Taylor
    Lee Taylor about 11 years
    Please explain your answer.
  • Adam Gent
    Adam Gent about 10 years
    Although it works for the given numbers that monthly interest rate calculation could cause rounding errors. Use decimals datatypes when dealing with money.