Capture Filter with Wildcard in IP Address


Your regex is a little off, as you need to use a backslash to escape the periods. Try this: matches "\.100$"

That should match .100 at the end of the string.


Edit: Try using the Display Filter (Analyze->Display Filters..), not the Capture Filter

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Updated on August 21, 2022


  • Glowie
    Glowie over 1 year

    I am trying to customize Wireshark capture such that is captures all IP addresses (both source and destination) with the IP address format

    I used the following Capture Filter

    ip matches /.*/.*/.*/.100

    but the text box remains red'

    These are not IP addresses in a particular range, just the fourth octet is 100

  • Glowie
    Glowie over 10 years
    I tried this, box remains red, and when I attempt to run capture, I get error, "That string looks like a valid display filter; however, it isn;t a valid capture filter (syntax error)." When I google "wireshark capture filter ip address wildcard" I get the same website you posted, and other websites, but none that help :-(
  • admdrew
    admdrew over 10 years
    See my edit just now; like your error says, it's a display filter that this will work for, not the capture filter. I confirmed my string above works now as a display filter.
  • Glowie
    Glowie over 10 years
    If I capture traffic for 15 seconds, I get only one or two IP addresses in the format But if I run capture for few minutes the capture file reaches few GIGs. However if I am able to use a Capture Filter to only capture IP address, it will save lot of disk space ...