Chef - Dir.exists? guard treating symlink as directory


The first time, the guard checks if it's a directory. Consequent run it can check if the file directory is a symlink. Try

directory "#{ENV['GS_HOME']}/logs/" do
  action :delete
  only_if { ::Dir.exist?("#{ENV['GS_HOME']}/logs/") || !::File.symlink?("#{ENV['GS_HOME']}/logs/") }
Daniel K
Author by

Daniel K

Updated on June 17, 2022


  • Daniel K
    Daniel K almost 2 years

    I have a recipe which deletes an empty logs directory, then replaces it with a symlink in the next step.

    directory "#{ENV['GS_HOME']}/logs/" do
      action :delete
      only_if { ::Dir.exists?("#{ENV['GS_HOME']}/logs/") }

    It works the first time around but on the next chef-client run when it should not delete the item which is now a link to another directory, I receive an error:

    Not a directory @ dir_s_rmdir ...

    Why does the guard appear to treat the link as a dir and not skip, but then the resource action recognizes it correctly, not as one, and fails? What is the best way around this?

  • Daniel K
    Daniel K over 8 years
    Yes, thank you! Worked perfectly after removing the final slash on the File class path.