Click listener when tab is clicked - angular2 and ng bootstrap


Solution 1

You can declare ngbTabTitle template and catch click event there:

  <ng-template ngbTabTitle>
      <div (click)="fetchNews('active')">Active</div>
  <ng-template ngbTabContent>
    <table class="table table-sm table-striped" (click)="fetchNews('active')">

Solution 2

The below should work correctly every time.

fetchNews(evt: any) {
  console.log(evt); // has nextId that you can check to invoke the desired function
<ngb-tabset (tabChange)="fetchNews($event)">
  <ngb-tab title="Active">
    <ng-template ngbTabContent>
      <table class="table table-sm table-striped">

Solution 3

  1. In Html, You have to add tabChange Event, in ngb-tabset tag
  2. Set unique id in event ngb-tab
  3. In .ts file, perform action of change tab

.html file

<ngb-tabset (tabChange)="changeTab($event)">   <- Add Event 
    <ngb-tab [id]="0">                         <- SET ID
        <ng-template ngbTabTitle>
        <ng-template ngbTabContent>
    <ngb-tab [id]="1">                          <- SET ID
        <ng-template ngbTabTitle>
        <ng-template ngbTabContent>

.ts file

changeTab(event) {
    if (event.nextId == '0') {
        // Action for first tab

    else if (event.nextId == '1') {
        // Action for second tab

Solution 4

Late to the party but for the click event to work it has to be set on the ngb-tabset (which I don't see in your code and usually bootstrap tabs have that tag) and not on the ngb-tab <ngb-tabset type="pills" id="myId" class="myClass" (click)="togglePanel($event)">

Author by


Updated on August 18, 2021


  • Karu
    Karu over 2 years

    I have the following html code snippet. I am using angular2, ng-bootstrap ng tab. My question is how do i invoke a method click when a tab is clicked? I added (click) but I see that the method fetchNews() is not getting invoked at all when I click on the tab. What am I doing wrong?

      <ngb-tab title="Active" (click)="fetchNews('active')">
        <ng-template ngbTabContent>
          <table class="table table-sm table-striped">
              <th>Start Date</th>
              <th>End Date</th>
            <tr *ngFor="let item of news">
              <td>{{item.description | ellipsis:25}}</td>
              <td>{{item.attachmentUrl | ellipsis:25}}</td>
              <td>{{item.startDate | date: 'MM/dd/yyyy hh:mm a'}}</td>
              <td>{{item.endDate | date: 'MM/dd/yyyy hh:mm a'}}</td>
                <button type="button" class="btn btn-secondary btn-sm" (click)="showNewsModal('active',item, true)">
  • Karu
    Karu almost 7 years
    I noticed one thing though. This works only if I click on the tab title. If i click anywhere else inside the tab other than the title then it doesn't recognize the click. How can i make a listener to listen to click anywhere on that tab not just the tab title.
  • Karu
    Karu almost 7 years
    I apologize that I was not able to explain my question clearly. What I meant is that, is it possible to move the click listener at <ngb-tab> level. Because the ng-template div is not covering up the entire tab. the ng-template div click listener only works if the mouse pointer is right on the tab title "Active". If the mouse is slightly away from the title but still inside the tab, the click listener doesn't work. I tried <ng-tab select="fetchNews('active')" >but that didnt work. I have also tried <ng-tab (click)="fetchNews('active')"
  • yurzui
    yurzui almost 7 years
    I added click to table. It is inside tab
  • yurzui
    yurzui almost 7 years
    I've just notices that a tag inside tab has paddings. Check this plunker I added custom class to tab to add some styles.
  • Whisher
    Whisher over 5 years
    Just a simple improvement is to add an id on ngb-tab like ngb-tab id="tab-selectbyid1"
  • jarodsmk
    jarodsmk about 4 years
    Yea, also recommend adding the [id] input on the ngb-tabset. Also, ngbTabSet has been deprecated as of ngBootstrap 6.0.0
  • Steve
    Steve over 2 years
    I tried this as is and simply doesn't fire the click event