Configuring the built-in c3p0 pooling in Hibernate using Spring


Solution 1

Here is a sample configuration (from our application) on how to configure c3p0 in the datasource:

<bean id="dataSourceGlobal" class="com.mchange.v2.c3p0.ComboPooledDataSource"
        <property name="driverClass" value="${driver}" />
        <property name="jdbcUrl" value="${server}" />
        <property name="user" value="${user}" />
        <property name="password" value="${passw}" /> 

        <!-- these are C3P0 properties -->
        <property name="acquireIncrement" value="${acquireIncrement}" />
        <property name="minPoolSize" value="${minPoolSize}" />
        <property name="maxPoolSize" value="${maxPoolSize}" />
        <property name="maxIdleTime" value="${maxIdleTime}" />

We use an external property file to configure some parameters, but they can be configured directly in Spring too.

If you want hibernate to take care of the pooling, then you need to configure the Session properties:

<bean id="sessionFactory" class="org.springframework.orm.hibernate.LocalSessionFactoryBean">
    <!--suppress InjectionValueTypeInspection -->
    <property name="mappingResources" ref="hibernateMappingList" />
    <property name="hibernateProperties">
            <prop key="hibernate.dialect">net.sf.hibernate.dialect.Oracle9Dialect</prop>
            <prop key="transaction.factory_class">
            <prop key="hibernate.transaction.factory_class">
            <prop key="hibernate.show_sql">false</prop>
            <prop key="hibernate.cglib.use_reflection_optimizer">false</prop>
            <prop key="hibernate.jdbc.batch_size">0</prop>

            <prop name="hibernate.c3p0.min_size" value="2" />
            <prop name="hibernate.c3p0.max_size" value="5" />
            <prop name="hibernate.c3p0.timeout" value="600" />
            <prop name="hibernate.c3p0.max_statements" value="0" />
            <prop name="hibernate.c3p0.idle_test_period" value="300"/>
            <prop name="hibernate.c3p0.acquire_increment" value="1" />

You must use one of the approaches: either pool at the datasource or pool at the hibernate Session. Never use both, as it wastes resources.

Solution 2

With the spring configuration you are using dbcp instead of cp30. Spring is creating an instance of the data source / connection pool. To configure simillar parameters for dbcp set them has properties directly

<property name="maxActive" value="5"/>
<property name="minIdle" value="2"/>

etc. You can find out about the properties available by looking at the javaodoc for BasicDataSource or from the configuration page


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Author by


A total newbie in the world of serious programming.

Updated on April 06, 2020


  • vandershraaf
    vandershraaf about 4 years

    I learned that to configure c3p0 pooling in hibernate, we can have write the configuration in hibernate.cfg.xml such this:

    <property name="hibernate.c3p0.min_size">2</property>
        <property name="hibernate.c3p0.max_size">5</property>
        <property name="hibernate.c3p0.timeout">600</property>
        <property name="hibernate.c3p0.max_statements">0</property>
        <property name="hibernate.c3p0.idle_test_period">300</property>
        <property name="hibernate.c3p0.acquire_increment">1</property>

    However I configured Hibernate using Spring. When I tried to do below, it wouldn't work:

    <bean id="dataSource" class="org.apache.commons.dbcp.BasicDataSource">
        <property name="driverClassName" value="com.mysql.jdbc.Driver" />
        <property name="url" value="jdbc:mysql://localhost/news_loader" />
        <property name="username" value="blah" />
        <property name="password" value="blah" /> 
        <property name="hibernate.c3p0.min_size" value="2" />
        <property name="hibernate.c3p0.max_size" value="5" />
        <property name="hibernate.c3p0.timeout" value="600" />
        <property name="hibernate.c3p0.max_statements" value="0" />
        <property name="hibernate.c3p0.idle_test_period" value="300"/>
        <property name="hibernate.c3p0.acquire_increment" value="1" />

    I've read about using the stand-alone c3p0 pooling which can be configured using Spring, but is there any way that I can configure the built-in c3p0 pooling in Hibernate using Spring?

    Enlighten me coz i'm a beginner.

  • gkamal
    gkamal about 13 years
    When using with spring, it is probably not a good idea to let hibernate manage the connections directly. That won't probably go well with spring transaction management.
  • vandershraaf
    vandershraaf about 13 years
    If I use the first method, do I need any external artifact to be included to the classpath?
  • vandershraaf
    vandershraaf about 13 years
    By the way, I used the second method and it works well. Thanks a lot
  • Soronthar
    Soronthar about 13 years
    To use the first method, you need the c3p0 jar in your classpath.
  • Less
    Less over 12 years
    @Soronthar Hmm... I also tried both of these approaches, and first one (configuring in datasource) obviously works, based on the console debug output. However, with the second approach, I'm not getting any output to convince me that c3p0 is activated... I enabled spring's transaction management, and also I don't have the following props in my config:
  • Less
    Less over 12 years
    <prop key="transaction.factory_class"></prop> <prop key="hibernate.transaction.factory_class"></prop> <prop key="hibernate.cglib.use_reflection_optimizer"></prop> <prop key="hibernate.jdbc.batch_size">0</prop> Any idea what could be the problem?
  • macemers
    macemers over 8 years
    If pooling at datasource level (first approach), how to integrate with spring's session factory?
