Convert UTF-8 to ANSI using VBA


The Open function from VBA works on ANSI encoded files only and binary. If you wish to read/write an utf-8 file, you'll have to find another way.

The utf-8 encoding has a larger set of characters than ANSI, thus it's not possible to convert from ANSI to utf-8 without loss. That said, a String in Excel and VBA is stored as utf-16 (VBA editor still use ANSI), so you only need to convert from utf-8 to utf-16.

With ADODB.Stream :

Public Function ReadFile(path As String, Optional CharSet As String = "utf-8")
  Static obj As Object
  If obj Is Nothing Then Set obj = VBA.CreateObject("ADODB.Stream")
  obj.CharSet = CharSet
  obj.LoadFromFile path
  ReadFile = obj.ReadText()
End Function

Public Sub WriteFile(path As String, text As String, Optional CharSet As String = "utf-8")
  Static obj As Object
  If obj Is Nothing Then Set obj = VBA.CreateObject("ADODB.Stream")
  obj.CharSet = CharSet
  obj.WriteText text
  obj.SaveToFile path
End Sub
PHP Enthu
Author by

PHP Enthu

Updated on June 29, 2022


  • PHP Enthu
    PHP Enthu almost 2 years

    I have a VBA Excel code which takes Japanese data from excel sheet compares it with Japanese data in text file and replaces Japanese words with English words. But I am supposed to be able to do this on UTF-8 text file. This code replaces all the Japanese words with weird characters. How do I save without any issue ?

    Open sFileName For Input As iFileNum
    For n = 1 To lngLastCell
    Label5.Caption = n & "/" & lngLastCell
    searchtext = MySearch(n)
    valuetext = MyText(n)
    eplcCount = 0
    spltCount = 0
    searchpart = Array(searchtext)
    valuepart = Array(valuetext)
    Do Until EOF(iFileNum)
    Line Input #iFileNum, sBuf
    sTemp = sTemp & sBuf & vbCrLf
    Close iFileNum
    sTemp = Replace(sTemp, searchtext, valuetext)
    'iFileNum = FreeFile
    Open sFileName For Output As iFileNum
    Print #iFileNum, sTemp
    Next n 

    Code works well with ANSI characters.