Count of duplicate items in a C# list


Solution 1

If you just need the total count:

var total = colorList.GroupBy(_ => _).Where(_ => _.Count() > 1).Sum(_ => _.Count());

An alternative which might be faster with large data sets:

var hashset = new HashSet<string>(); // to determine if we already have seen this color
var duplicates = new HashSet<string>(); // will contain the colors that are duplicates
var count = 0;
foreach (var color in colorList)
    if (!hashset.Add(color))
        if (duplicates.Add(color))

UPDATE: measured both methods with a list of 2^25 (approx. 30 million) entries: first one 3.7 seconds, second one 3.2 seconds.

Solution 2

If you just need the count of the duplicate items:

 List<string> colorList = new List<string> { "red", "red", "yellow", "blue", "blue", "orange", "green", "red" };

 var count = colorList.GroupBy(item => item)
                      .Where(item => item.Count() > 1)
                      .Sum(item => item.Count());

Try this for item by item details:

var result = colorList.GroupBy(item => item)
                      .Select(item => new
                              Name = item.Key,
                              Count = item.Count()
                      .OrderByDescending(item => item.Count)
                      .ThenBy(item => item.Name)

Solution 3

Another way of doing the count of the duplicates items in a C# can be as follow:-

 var duplicates = from d in list
 group d by d into c
 let count = c.Count()
 orderby count descending
 select new { Value = c.Key, Count = count };

  foreach (var v in duplicates)
     string strValue = v.Value;
     int Count = v.Count;
Matthew Keron
Author by

Matthew Keron

Updated on June 08, 2022


  • Matthew Keron
    Matthew Keron almost 2 years

    I wanted to know how to count all the duplicate strings in a list in C# in winform Application.

    List<string> colorList = new List<string> { "red", "red", "yellow", "blue", "blue", "orange", "green", "red" };

    For example I have the above list and the count would be 5, because "red" appears 3 times and "blue" appears twice.

    Happy to use loops or LINQ or anything necessary.

    In my actual program this list can be quite larger with 1000s of entries so performance is something to consider also.


  • Anu Viswan
    Anu Viswan over 5 years
    Liked the way u used discards.
  • Matthew Keron
    Matthew Keron over 5 years
    Thanks very much! Appreciate the advice, this worked perfectly.