Creating directory with name containing real number in FORTRAN


The argument of system needs to be a string. You therefore have to cast the real to a string and concatenate mkdir out/ with that string. Here is a quick example:

module dirs 
  function dirname(number)
    real,intent(in)    :: number
    character(len=6)  :: dirname

    ! Cast the (rounded) number to string using 6 digits and
    ! leading zeros
    write (dirname, '(I6.6)')  nint(number)
    ! This is the same w/o leading zeros  
    !write (dirname, '(I6)')  nint(number)

    ! This is for one digit (no rounding)
    !write (dirname, '(F4.1)')  number
  end function
end module

program dirtest
  use dirs

  call system('mkdir -p out/' // adjustl(trim( dirname(1.) ) ) )
end program

Instead of call system(...) which is non-standard, you could use the Fortran 2008 statement execute_command_line (if your compiler supports it).

call execute_command_line ('mkdir -p out/' // adjustl(trim( dirname(1.) ) ) )
Author by


I am currently working as a research and development engineer in the marine industry. My research area involves analysis of hydrodynamic performance of floating vessels, which includes boats, ships, offshore platforms and floating wind turbines. The programming languages that come handy are: FORTRAN, Matlab, Python and VBA.

Updated on June 04, 2022


  • Amitava
    Amitava almost 2 years

    In my program I need to store result files for different cases. I have decided to create separate directories to store these result files. To explain the exact situation here is a pseudo code.

    do i=1,N     ! N cases of my analysis
        call write_files(U)     !Create a new directory for this case and Open files (1 = a.csv, 2 = b.csv) to write data
        call postprocess()      !Write data in files (a.csv, b.csv)
        call close_files()      !Close all files (1,2)
    end do
    subroutine write_files(i)
        !Make directory i
        !Open file a.csv and b.csv with unit 1 & 2
        !Write header information in file a.csv and b.csv
    close subroutine

    I am struggling in converting the real variable U to a character variable so that I can use call system('mkdir out/' trim(U)) to create separate folders to store my results.

    I would also like to mention that my variable U is speed which is like 0.00000, 1.00000, 1.50000 etc. Is there a way I can simplify my directory name so it is like 0,1,1.5 etc.

    Hope my explanation is clear. If not let me know, I will try to edit as required.

    Thank you for help.