Delphi: Alternative to using Reset/ReadLn for text file reading


Solution 1

With recent Delphi versions, you can use TStreamReader. Construct it with your file stream, and then call its ReadLine method (inherited from TTextReader).

An option for all Delphi versions is to use Peter Below's StreamIO unit, which gives you AssignStream. It works just like AssignFile, but for streams instead of file names. Once you've used that function to associate a stream with a TextFile variable, you can call ReadLn and the other I/O functions on it just like any other file.

Solution 2

You can use this sample code:

TTextStream = class(TObject)
        FHost: TStream;
        FOffset,FSize: Integer;
        FBuffer: array[0..1023] of Char;
        FEOF: Boolean;
        function FillBuffer: Boolean;
        property Host: TStream read FHost;
        constructor Create(AHost: TStream);
        destructor Destroy; override;
        function ReadLn: string; overload;
        function ReadLn(out Data: string): Boolean; overload;
        property EOF: Boolean read FEOF;
        property HostStream: TStream read FHost;
        property Offset: Integer read FOffset write FOffset;

    { TTextStream }

    constructor TTextStream.Create(AHost: TStream);
      FHost := AHost;

    destructor TTextStream.Destroy;
      inherited Destroy;

    function TTextStream.FillBuffer: Boolean;
      FOffset := 0;
      FSize := FHost.Read(FBuffer,SizeOf(FBuffer));
      Result := FSize > 0;
      FEOF := Result;

    function TTextStream.ReadLn(out Data: string): Boolean;
      Len, Start: Integer;
      EOLChar: Char;
        if FOffset>=FSize then
          if not FillBuffer then
            Exit; // no more data to read from stream -> exit
        while (FOffset<FSize) and (not (FBuffer[FOffset] in [#13,#10])) do
        if Len>0 then begin
        end else
      until FOffset<>FSize; // EOL char found
      if (FOffset=FSize) then
        if not FillBuffer then
      if FBuffer[FOffset] in ([#13,#10]-[EOLChar]) then begin
        if (FOffset=FSize) then

    function TTextStream.ReadLn: string;


procedure ReadFileByLine(Filename: string);
  sLine: string;
  tsFile: TTextStream;
  tsFile := TTextStream.Create(TFileStream.Create(Filename, fmOpenRead or    fmShareDenyWrite));
    while tsFile.ReadLn(sLine) do
      //sLine is your line

Solution 3

If you need support for ansi and Unicode in older Delphis, you can use my GpTextFile or GpTextStream.

Solution 4

As it seems the FileMode variable is not valid for Textfiles, but my tests showed that multiple reading from the file is no problem. You didn't mention it in your question, but if you are not going to write to the textfile while it is read you should be good.

Solution 5

What I do is use a TFileStream but I buffer the input into fairly large blocks (e.g. a few megabytes each) and read and process one block at a time. That way I don't have to load the whole file at once.

It works quite quickly that way, even for large files.

I do have a progress indicator. As I load each block, I increment it by the fraction of the file that has additionally been loaded.

Reading one line at a time, without something to do your buffering, is simply too slow for large files.

Author by


Any code is public domain. No attribution required. జ్ఞా &lt;sup&gt;🕗&lt;/sup&gt;🕗 Yes, i do write i with a lowercase i. The Meta Stackexchange answer that I am most proud of

Updated on July 05, 2022


  • mistertodd
    mistertodd almost 2 years

    i want to process a text file line by line. In the olden days i loaded the file into a StringList:

    slFile := TStringList.Create();
    for i := 0 to slFile.Count-1 do
       oneLine := slFile.Strings[i];
       //process the line

    Problem with that is once the file gets to be a few hundred megabytes, i have to allocate a huge chunk of memory; when really i only need enough memory to hold one line at a time. (Plus, you can't really indicate progress when you the system is locked up loading the file in step 1).

    The i tried using the native, and recommended, file I/O routines provided by Delphi:

       f: TextFile;
       Reset(f, filename);
       while ReadLn(f, oneLine) do
           //process the line

    Problem withAssign is that there is no option to read the file without locking (i.e. fmShareDenyNone). The former stringlist example doesn't support no-lock either, unless you change it to LoadFromStream:

    slFile := TStringList.Create;
    stream := TFileStream.Create(filename, fmOpenRead or fmShareDenyNone);
    for i := 0 to slFile.Count-1 do
       oneLine := slFile.Strings[i];
       //process the line

    So now even though i've gained no locks being held, i'm back to loading the entire file into memory.

    Is there some alternative to Assign/ReadLn, where i can read a file line-by-line, without taking a sharing lock?

    i'd rather not get directly into Win32 CreateFile/ReadFile, and having to deal with allocating buffers and detecting CR, LF, CRLF's.

    i thought about memory mapped files, but there's the difficulty if the entire file doesn't fit (map) into virtual memory, and having to maps views (pieces) of the file at a time. Starts to get ugly.

    i just want Reset with fmShareDenyNone!

  • Rob Kennedy
    Rob Kennedy almost 14 years
    -1. Even for non-text-files, all but the lower two bits of FileMode get masked out when you call Reset, so the sharing flags are ignored then, too.
  • mistertodd
    mistertodd almost 14 years
    The reason i don't really want to do that is because it's not easy to get right. For example, your pseudo-code has 3 subtle bugs. And so rather than re-invent a buggy wheel, i'd rather use canned, tested, code.
  • afrazier
    afrazier almost 14 years
    TStreamReader would be great if it weren't so bloody slow. Get Uffe Kousgaard's Text reading "benchmark" from CodeCentral and add in a TStreamReader implementation. Run it and watch your CPU burn. It's not even I/O bound.
  • Uwe Raabe
    Uwe Raabe almost 14 years
    Did you really try it? I made a simple application that opens a textfile with fmOpenRead + fmShareDenyWrite, reads one line with each button click and adds it to a TMemo. I can execute the app two times and read the file simultanously. In addition writing to the file is prohibited. If someone is interested I can edit my answer to include the relevant sourcecode. BTW, tested with D2010.
  • Uwe Raabe
    Uwe Raabe almost 14 years
    I just made another test: it works even without fmShareDenyWrite. The only drawback I encountered so far is that it seems impossible to write to the file while it is open for reading (even with fmShareDenyNone), but reading from multiple processes seems no problem.
  • Deltics
    Deltics almost 14 years
    HOw can it include bugs? It's pseudo-code intended to illustrate an idea, not REAL code!! How you implement the real code will determine whether it contains bugs or not. You want to process a file whilst reading if from the disc, rather than processing after reading the entire content, then processing it while STREAMing is exactly what you need (you will note that all other answers are variations on this theme!). If you already had an idea of what answer you wanted to hear, why bother even asking the question?
  • mistertodd
    mistertodd almost 14 years
    pseudo-code is used to show an algorithm, without the nuisance of dealing with a particular language. In this case the algorithm is flawed.
  • Deltics
    Deltics almost 14 years
    I'm sorry, but if you need to be spoon-fed complete working code even in pseudo-code form in a forum such as this then imho you should be looking for another job. Software development clearly isn't your thing (and if you're good enough to spot the subtle logical flaws, then you're good enough to write the REAL code without those flaws). FFS
  • mistertodd
    mistertodd about 13 years
    The only reason i was able to spot the bugs at the time was that i had spent hours on the problem. If i were to write it today i would get it wrong. And i don't want to get the code wrong; i'd rather use a trusted piece of highly tested code. (i.e. why reinvent the wheel). i think part of being a good programmer is recognizing problems before they happen.
  • Warren  P
    Warren P about 13 years
    I wrote a really nice alternative that is REALLY FAST. It's built into the source code for the TJvCsvDataSet in the Jedi JVCL.
  • Rob Kennedy
    Rob Kennedy about 12 years
    Please use words, Ian, not just links. I don't know what you're trying to communicate otherwise.
  • hikari
    hikari almost 12 years
    Found some missing lines using this method.
  • SOUser
    SOUser about 10 years
    Can you make your great code compatible for Linux (CrossKylix or CrossFPC )?