difference between a += b and a = a + b


Solution 1

See the Java language specification, 15.26.2 Compound assignment operators

To quote the relevant parts:

A compound assignment expression of the form E1 op= E2 is equivalent to E1 = (T)((E1) op (E2)), where T is the type of E1, except that E1 is evaluated only once.

short x = 3;
x += 4.6;

and results in x having the value 7 because it is equivalent to:

short x = 3;
x = (short)(x + 4.6);

So it is more than syntactic sugar, as

int x = 1;
long a = 2l;
x+= a;

compiles, where

int x =1;
long a =2l;
x = x+a;

gives you a compile error, as was discussed here on StackOverflow quite recently

Solution 2

it does depend on the language, but in c# it is very slightly more efficient to use a += b;.

a is only evaluated once.

in a = a + b, a is evaluated twice.


Solution 3

Just syntactic sugar in most languages that I know that would include c, c++, C#, java, javascript..

notable difference noted by Cicada in regards to c++:

On numeric types (int and friends) there is no difference. On user-defined classes there may be a difference. A notable one would be D3DXVECTOR3 from DirectX, for example. Using + would construct a temporary object while += would not. The latter is about 30% faster.

Solution 4

In most languages that support this notation, a = a + b is the same as a += b, but it's not always the case.

Here is an example in Python (using Numpy):

>>> import numpy as np
>>> a = np.array([1])
>>> b = np.array([2])
>>> c = a
>>> a = a + b
>>> print a
>>> print c

Here a = a + b creates a new array for a + b and stores it into a. c, which was using the same reference as the initial a still holds the initial array (with value 1).

>>> a = np.array([1])
>>> b = np.array([2])
>>> c = a
>>> a += b
>>> print a
>>> print c

Here a += b re-uses the initial array a. As a result, since both a and c refer to the same array, both a and c are modified.

Solution 5

In addition to everything said above, you can also use the following shortcuts:

Operator (+=)


same as:


Operator (-=)


same as:


Operator (*=)


same as:


Operator (/=)


same as:


Operator (%=)


same as :


Operator (&=)


same as :


Operator (|=)


same as :


Operator (^=)


same as :


Operator (>>=)


same as


The same operation to operator (<<=) and operator (>>>=) .

Author by


Updated on June 08, 2022


  • El3ctr0n1c4
    El3ctr0n1c4 almost 2 years

    In Java, I really wonder is there a difference between using a += b; or a = a + b; . Which one should I use principally? I know that first one is something like shortcut but does the compiler get those two indications differently?

    • Mark Rolich
      Mark Rolich over 12 years
      Please specify language.
    • Bruno
      Bruno over 12 years
      Which language? In which context? Depending on the language, it may also depend on the type of a and b.
    • Hovercraft Full Of Eels
      Hovercraft Full Of Eels over 12 years
      look up "sytactic sugar".
    • Mysticial
      Mysticial over 12 years
    • Jeremy D
      Jeremy D over 12 years
      The a+=b thing is useful to make more concise instruction but not necessarily the easiest to understand! That depends only of you I guess.
    • El3ctr0n1c4
      El3ctr0n1c4 over 12 years
      @Mysticial I've just checked the link. "wow". those were really different. Thanks
  • user703016
    user703016 over 12 years
    It's not syntactic sugar in C++.
  • Rogel Garcia
    Rogel Garcia over 12 years
    Can an overridden operator in C++ be different? That is, override + in one way and += other way?
  • Ry-
    Ry- over 12 years
    @rogelware: Yes. (And I wish it couldn't be.)
  • Bassam Mehanni
    Bassam Mehanni over 12 years
    @Cicada it has been a while since I used C++, could you please tell me what the difference is between a += b; and a = a + b;?
  • Bassam Mehanni
    Bassam Mehanni over 12 years
    yes if it's overridden but in its default state, isn't it essentially the same, or am I missing something?
  • user703016
    user703016 over 12 years
    @BassamMehanni On numeric types (int and friends) there is no difference. On user-defined classes there may be a difference. A notable one would be D3DXVECTOR3 from DirectX, for example. Using + would construct a temporary object while += would not. The latter is about 30% faster.
  • Bassam Mehanni
    Bassam Mehanni over 12 years
    @Cicada Thanks, do you mind if I added this to the answer for completeness?
  • user703016
    user703016 over 12 years
    @BassamMehanni Feel free to do so.
  • Hovercraft Full Of Eels
    Hovercraft Full Of Eels over 12 years
    How is this different from the link provided previously by Mystical in the comments to the original question?
  • TacticalCoder
    TacticalCoder over 12 years
    @HovercraftFullOfEels: I'd say it's different in that this answer specifies, before any edit, that there's more to it than syntactic sugar as has been discussed extensively here a few days ago. And he did provide the link to one these recent questions.
  • Rob W
    Rob W almost 12 years
    See the answer below ( stackoverflow.com/questions/8773349/… ) for the explanation.