Disable drop on past dates in FullCalendar


Solution 1

eventConstraint can disable dragging and dropping outside of established boundaries

To gray out past days

td.fc-day.fc-past {
    background-color: #EEEEEE;

And for eventConstraint

        /* This constrains it to today or later */
        eventConstraint: {
            start: moment().format('YYYY-MM-DD'),
            end: '2100-01-01' // hard coded goodness unfortunately


For the 'end' of eventConstraint, you could add days to the current date if you like vs hard coded


To gray out time in the day view you can use businessHours

businessHours: {
    start: moment().format('HH:mm'), /* Current Hour/Minute 24H format */
    end: '17:00', // 5pm? set to whatever
    dow: [0,1,2,3,4,5,6] // Day of week. If you don't set it, Sat/Sun are gray too

Dropping of external events onto the agendaDay in the past is allowed to occur. Editing the eventConstraint to include time will work 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm' but it prevents dropping on today in Month view...


Solution 2

eventDrop should get you there:

eventDrop: function(event, delta, revertFunc) {
        if(event.start < currentDate) {

Solution 3

This is the solution for fullcallendar v4.

        eventDrop: function (info) {
            var newDate = new Date(info.event.start);
            if (newDate < Date.now()) {
Author by


Updated on June 24, 2022


  • FireDrakon
    FireDrakon about 2 years

    I started using the FullCalendar plugin recently. I am trying to implement a function on dropping events in the calendar. But before saving to the database, I want to check and disable/prevent dropping external events on dates before today.

    Any idea on how to do this?? I am looking for something like the past days getting greyed-out or something like that so that I can display the events already present as well. Just want to prevent the user from dropping an event on a past date.


     drop: function (date, jsEvent, ui) {
         if(date<currentDate) {
             $('#calendar').fullCalendar('removeEvents', event.id);

    I tried using this method to remove the dropped event from the calendar and to append it to the div again. Even then, it is not getting removed.

    Thanks. :)

  • FireDrakon
    FireDrakon over 8 years
    Thanks for the answering.. The thing is when I drop an event, only the 'drop' and 'eventReceive' events are triggered. So there is no way to revert a dropped event in case of any accident. any thoughts?
  • smcd
    smcd over 8 years
    What version of fullcalendar are you using? eventDrop (available in version 2) works as expected. example from slyvain's code snip
  • smcd
    smcd over 8 years
    Sorry, just re-read your question and you were discussing external event drops.
  • FireDrakon
    FireDrakon over 8 years
    This is perfect!! Thank you. Can you tell me where I can find the css classes for the timeslots in agendaDay mode? I need to grey out the past time slots for the current day too.
  • FireDrakon
    FireDrakon over 8 years
    I am using version 2.2. My bad.. I didn't mention external events before.
  • Slyvain
    Slyvain over 8 years
    Indeed, with external events, my solution does not work. My apologies for missing this important detail ;)
  • smcd
    smcd over 8 years
    Using businessHours can let you gray it out, and setting the Hour/Minute in eventConstraint prevents dropping in the past in week or day view. As a side effect though, it also prevents dropping an event on today in Month view. Updated answer and link to fiddle. A periodic refresh of the calendar may be needed; example, someone opens the site at the start of today, leaves it open in the browser, and around lunch may be able to drag an event to 9AM today.
  • FireDrakon
    FireDrakon over 8 years
    Thanks. But what I expect is, say for example the business hours is set from 9-5. Current time is 10. I don't want the user to allow to drop to a time before 10. Is that possible? If there is a css class or something to mark the past time slots, it will be easy. Hope you get what I mean.
  • Aimal Khan
    Aimal Khan almost 8 years
    Upvoted as the REVERTFUNC() did the trick for me. Not related to the eventDrop fun :P
  • Zia Ul Rehman Mughal
    Zia Ul Rehman Mughal about 4 years
    Still works on latest fullcalender/react package as well :+1