Django REST Framework Serialize extremely slow


Solution 1

The Query to the DB is very simple so the DB is not the problem at all.

Make sure you do not have a N+1 issue with your queries. They may be simple, but if there are many of them then it will take up a considerable amount of time. I've written quite a bit about fixing performance issues in Django REST Framework on here, and you can find a lot about it by searching around.

Is there a fastest way to GET that quantity of values? Maybe with another Serializer? any idea?

If your data does not change that often, or you can deal with any possible caching issues, you may benefit greatly from adding some caching to your API. drf-extensions provides quite a few useful mixins for caching that may help you if your issue is not actually with your queries.

when I try to GET form the DB arround 1000 or more entries

I understand that your code has pagination built into it, but I want to stress the value in using pagination when working with large amounts of data. The performance in requests tends to be very linear, and the more data you have to retrieve the longer it is going to take to retrieve it all.

Solution 2

For me, N + 1 database queries did not turn out to be the answer. It took an afternoon of profiling to pinpoint, but after doing so the answer turned out to be, frustratingly, a few DecimalField fields in my serializer.

My use case was simple: 3000-4000 instances which needed to be serialized. All select_related optimizations had been performed, however I was still seeing 2-3 seconds of serialization time rather than the .5-1.5 seconds I was expecting. After a few hours of trial and error (commenting out / uncommenting of fields), I saw a huge (50%) dip in runtime when I had all my DecimalField's commented out.

The solution, for me, was to change my DecimalField's to FloatField's. Of course you do this at the cost of a loss of precision, but for my purposes that was fine.

Alex Lord Mordor
Author by

Alex Lord Mordor

Updated on June 04, 2022


  • Alex Lord Mordor
    Alex Lord Mordor almost 2 years

    I am in Python 2.7 and Django 1.7.1 with django-restframework I have an API that returns me some specific values taken fron the Database, it uses a Custom Serializer like this:

    class InventarioSerializer(serializers.ModelSerializer):
        item = serializers.RelatedField(source='producto.item')
        ubicacion = serializers.RelatedField(source='ubicacion.nombre')
        class Meta:
            model = Inventario
            fields = ('epc','item','cantidad','ubicacion')

    My API's view is called this way:

    class ItemEnInventarioViewSet(InventarioListModelMixin, viewsets.ModelViewSet):
        serializer_class = InventarioSerializer
        renderer_classes = (UnicodeJSONRenderer,)

    and my ListModelMixin is this:

    class InventarioListModelMixin(object):
        def list(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
            item = request.QUERY_PARAMS.get('item', None)
            inventario = Inventario.objects.filter(producto__item = item)
            if inventario.count() == 0:
                return HttpResponse(u"El item %s no se encuentra en el inventario" % item,status=400)
            self.object_list = inventario
            # Switch between paginated or standard style responses
            page = self.paginate_queryset(self.object_list)
            if page is not None:
                serializer = self.get_pagination_serializer(page)
                serializer = self.get_serializer(self.object_list, many=True) <<--THIS IS THE PROBLEM
            return Response(

    It works fine, but when I try to GET form the DB arround 1000 or more entries, the serializer makes it very very slow, arround 25 to 35 seconds.

    The Query to the DB is very simple so the DB is not the problem at all.

    If I serialize the queryset with this function "data = serializers.serialize('json', myQuerySet)" it takes at most 3 seconds but i dont get the info as I want, that's why I use a Custom Serializer

    Is there a fastest way to GET that quantity of values? Maybe with another Serializer? any idea?

    **ANSWER Thanks to Kevin ** Changing the query to:

    inventario = Inventario.objects.select_related('producto__item','ubicacion__nombre').filter(producto__item = item)

    ...makes the Serializer not to hit the database every result-row to retrieve the Foreign values.