Does Lua make use of 64-bit integers?


Solution 1

Compile it yourself. Lua uses double-precision floating point numbers by default. However, this can be changed in the source (luaconf.h, look for LUA_NUMBER).

Solution 2

require "bit"

-- Lua unsigned 64bit emulated bitwises
-- Slow. But it works.

function i64(v)
 local o = {}; o.l = v; o.h = 0; return o;
end -- constructor +assign 32-bit value

function i64_ax(h,l)
 local o = {}; o.l = l; o.h = h; return o;
end -- +assign 64-bit 2 regs

function i64u(x)
 return ( ( (bit.rshift(x,1) * 2) +,1) ) % (0xFFFFFFFF+1));
end -- keeps [1+0..0xFFFFFFFFF]

function i64_clone(x)
 local o = {}; o.l = x.l; o.h = x.h; return o;
end -- +assign regs

-- Type conversions

function i64_toInt(a)
  return (a.l + (a.h * (0xFFFFFFFF+1)));
end -- value=2^53 or even less, so better use a.l value

function i64_toString(a)
  local s1=string.format("%x",a.l);
  local s2=string.format("%x",a.h);
  local s3="0000000000000000";
  return "0x"..string.upper(s3);

-- Bitwise operators (the main functionality)

function i64_and(a,b)
 local o = {}; o.l = i64u(, b.l) ); o.h = i64u(, b.h) ); return o;

function i64_or(a,b)
 local o = {}; o.l = i64u( bit.bor(a.l, b.l) ); o.h = i64u( bit.bor(a.h, b.h) ); return o;

function i64_xor(a,b)
 local o = {}; o.l = i64u( bit.bxor(a.l, b.l) ); o.h = i64u( bit.bxor(a.h, b.h) ); return o;

function i64_not(a)
 local o = {}; o.l = i64u( bit.bnot(a.l) ); o.h = i64u( bit.bnot(a.h) ); return o;

function i64_neg(a)
 return i64_add( i64_not(a), i64(1) );
end  -- negative is inverted and incremented by +1

-- Simple Math-functions

-- just to add, not rounded for overflows
function i64_add(a,b)
 local o = {};
 o.l = a.l + b.l;
 local r = o.l - 0xFFFFFFFF;
 o.h = a.h + b.h;
 if( r>0 ) then
   o.h = o.h + 1;
   o.l = r-1;
 return o;

-- verify a>=b before usage
function i64_sub(a,b)
  local o = {}
  o.l = a.l - b.l;
  o.h = a.h - b.h;
  if( o.l<0 ) then
    o.h = o.h - 1;
    o.l = o.l + 0xFFFFFFFF+1;
  return o;

-- x n-times
function i64_by(a,n)
 local o = {};
 o.l = a.l;
 o.h = a.h;
 for i=2, n, 1 do
   o = i64_add(o,a);
 return o;
-- no divisions   

-- Bit-shifting

function i64_lshift(a,n)
 local o = {};
 if(n==0) then
   o.l=a.l; o.h=a.h;
   if(n<32) then
     o.l= i64u( bit.lshift( a.l, n) ); o.h=i64u( bit.lshift( a.h, n) )+ bit.rshift(a.l, (32-n));
     o.l=0; o.h=i64u( bit.lshift( a.l, (n-32)));
  return o;

function i64_rshift(a,n)
 local o = {};
 if(n==0) then
   o.l=a.l; o.h=a.h;
   if(n<32) then
     o.l= bit.rshift(a.l, n)+i64u( bit.lshift(a.h, (32-n))); o.h=bit.rshift(a.h, n);
     o.l=bit.rshift(a.h, (n-32)); o.h=0;
  return o;

-- Comparisons

function i64_eq(a,b)
 return ((a.h == b.h) and (a.l == b.l));

function i64_ne(a,b)
 return ((a.h ~= b.h) or (a.l ~= b.l));

function i64_gt(a,b)
 return ((a.h > b.h) or ((a.h == b.h) and (a.l >  b.l)));

function i64_ge(a,b)
 return ((a.h > b.h) or ((a.h == b.h) and (a.l >= b.l)));

function i64_lt(a,b)
 return ((a.h < b.h) or ((a.h == b.h) and (a.l <  b.l)));

function i64_le(a,b)
 return ((a.h < b.h) or ((a.h == b.h) and (a.l <= b.l)));

-- samples
a = i64(1);               -- 1
b = i64_ax(0x1,0);        -- 4294967296 = 2^32
a = i64_lshift(a,32);     -- now i64_eq(a,b)==true
print( i64_toInt(b)+1 );  -- 4294967297

X = i64_ax(0x00FFF0FF, 0xFFF0FFFF);
Y = i64_ax(0x00000FF0, 0xFF0000FF);

-- swap algorithm
X = i64_xor(X,Y);
Y = i64_xor(X,Y);
X = i64_xor(X,Y);

print( "X="..i64_toString(X) ); -- 0x00000FF0FF0000FF
print( "Y="..i64_toString(Y) ); -- 0x00FFF0FFFFF0FFFF

Solution 3

Lua 5.3 introduces the integer subtype, which uses 64-bit integer by default.

From Lua 5.3 reference manual

The type number uses two internal representations, one called integer and the other called float. Lua has explicit rules about when each representation is used, but it also converts between them automatically as needed (see §3.4.3). Therefore, the programmer may choose to mostly ignore the difference between integers and floats or to assume complete control over the representation of each number. Standard Lua uses 64-bit integers and double-precision (64-bit) floats, but you can also compile Lua so that it uses 32-bit integers and/or single-precision (32-bit) floats. The option with 32 bits for both integers and floats is particularly attractive for small machines and embedded systems. (See macro LUA_32BITS in file luaconf.h.)


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Aaron de Windt
Author by

Aaron de Windt

Updated on June 04, 2022


  • Aaron de Windt
    Aaron de Windt almost 2 years

    Does Lua make use of 64-bit integers? How do I use it?

  • Ivan
    Ivan almost 14 years
    To clarify, Lua has a single numerical data type. By default this is a double, but can be changed in the header files to another type, such as int64_t.
  • lhf
    lhf almost 14 years
    If you change the number type in luaconf.h, don't forget to change the related macros accordingly.
  • Rich
    Rich almost 14 years
    @lhf: It's documented right above the macro, though, so I thought it'd be pretty discoverable.
  • RBerteig
    RBerteig almost 14 years
    Note that this will have some sweeping side effects, since this is the only type numbers will have. For example, math.sin is not necessarily sensible with an integral type for LUA_NUMBER. There is a patch to the Lua sources, known as the LNUM patch, which can mitigate this by supporting an integral type alongside a floating point type. See…
  • Aaron de Windt
    Aaron de Windt almost 14 years
    I am making an apps to use at the pge lua game engine on the psp. I was thinking to define the type of the variable, just as in VB.NET or C#.
  • Rich
    Rich almost 14 years
    @Aaron: There is only a single numerical type and even with the LNUM patch RBerteig mentioned that doesn't change from the programmer's point of view – you just suddenly have 64-bit integers alongside with doubles and as far as I understood it choosing the correct type will be done automatically. You don't declare types in Lua as you do in VB or C# – those languages use a completely different typing discipline.
  • verdy_p
    verdy_p about 9 years
    Yes, this is much faster than emulations using arrays of 32-bit integers or strings for storing exact values. However Lua may be also easily ported to run in other host languages than C or C++ (e.g. in PHP, Java or Javascript), offering other native numeric datatypes, or numbers with higher precision (such as 80-bit long double in x86 architectures). With emulation, you can also support complex numbers or matrixes in Lua.
  • verdy_p
    verdy_p about 9 years
    Why don't you define a class with metatable fields to support the arithmeric operators ? And why no function for converting these numbers to decimal strings (you can also bind this function to the the '__string' metatable) ? Note: if Lua is compiled to support numbers with IEEE 64-bit doubles, it stores exactly all numbers with absolute value <= (2^53).
