Eclipse surround with quotes and other blocks


Go to Java > Editor > Templates and add a new template, e. g. called quote, as follows:


Then, in the editor, write a text you want to quote, select it, press Ctrl+Space, type quote and hit Return. The highlighted text should be quoted now.

If you don't get template proposals when pressing Ctrl+Space, make sure you have them checked in Java > Editor > Content Assist > Advanced.

Just tried it and it works for me!


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Updated on October 02, 2020


  • dstarh
    dstarh over 3 years

    I find myself wanting to highlight a string in eclipse and double or single quoting it. I can't seem to find a shortcut for it. In textmate for example if i highlight a string and type either a ' or a " the string will be surrounded with them. The same should work with ) and } i think as well.

    I've added a code template for doing it but it doesn't ever appear in the menu and there doesn't seem to be a way to create shortcuts for it either. Note that this should be entirely keyboard driven and not involve any secondary menus, that's my goal anyway.

  • Mike
    Mike about 13 years
    You could also call it " and that way its even closer to what the OP asked! (ie. ctrl + space then " + enter)
  • janhink
    janhink about 13 years
    True, but now you have to hit Return twice in order for the template to apply. But if you call it "" (two double quotes) it works :)
  • Mike
    Mike about 13 years
    Really? I tried it with MyEclipse for Spring and I only had to hit Return once for it to apply. Although you do have to be sort of quick, if you wait too long it will just place a quote in place of the string :P
  • dstarh
    dstarh about 13 years
    This works but doesn't really meet the "secondary menus" part. Ideally I'd like to be able to type ctrl+shift+" (or similar) and that's it
  • janhink
    janhink about 13 years
    @Mike Yep, when I select the " from the templates, two quotes are displayed instead of the original text. When I hit Return for the first time, the cursor skips after the second quote and when I hit it for the second time, the quotes get actually replaced by the whole quoted string.
  • dstarh
    dstarh almost 13 years
    I'm going to accept this answer since it's the closest i've seen even though I'm still not thrilled with the solution.
  • gustafbstrom
    gustafbstrom almost 7 years
    Agreeing with @dstarh, this is awfully hackish for commonplace functionality in a modern IDE.
  • dstarh
    dstarh over 6 years
    Nearly 7 years later, still missing from a "modern" ide
  • ZhekaKozlov
    ZhekaKozlov over 3 years
    @howlger Can we add this feature to Eclipse? It should work out-of-the-box
  • howlger
    howlger over 3 years
    @ZhekaKozlov You can suggest feature requests here, best with an implementation as a Gerrit change (I'm not a committer, but most of my proposals and bugs that I reported have been accepted/fixed).