elasticsearch update mapping conflict exception


You cannot change the type of a field once it's been created.

However, you can definitely create a not_analyzed sub-field like this:

PUT myproject-error-2016-08/_mapping/error
   "properties": {
      "responseCode": {
         "type": "string",
         "fields": {
            "raw": {
               "type": "string",
               "index": "not_analyzed"

Then you'll need to re-index your data/logs in order to populate that sub-field and you'll be able to reference responseCode.raw in your queries.

UPDATE: Since ES5 not_analyzed string do not exist anymore and are now called keyword:

PUT myproject-error-2016-08/_mapping/error
   "properties": {
      "responseCode": {
         "type": "text",
         "fields": {
            "raw": {
               "type": "keyword"
Anil Bharadia
Author by

Anil Bharadia

Java Developer

Updated on June 08, 2022


  • Anil Bharadia
    Anil Bharadia about 2 years

    I have an index named "myproject-error-2016-08" which has only one type named "error".

    When I hit :

    GET myproject-error-2016-08/_mapping

    It returns following result:

       "myproject-error-2016-08": {
          "mappings": {
             "error": {
                "properties": {
                   "responseCode": {
                      "type": "string"

    I need to update the responseCode to not_analyzed, hence I am using following following reuest :

    PUT myproject-error-2016-08/_mapping/error
       "properties": {
          "responseCode": {
             "type": "string",
             "index": "not_analyzed"

    And getting following exception :

       "error": {
          "root_cause": [
                "type": "illegal_argument_exception",
                "reason": "Mapper for [responseCode] conflicts with existing mapping in other types:\n[mapper [responseCode] has different [index] values, mapper [responseCode] has different [doc_values] values, cannot change from disabled to enabled, mapper [responseCode] has different [analyzer]]"
          "type": "illegal_argument_exception",
          "reason": "Mapper for [responseCode] conflicts with existing mapping in other types:\n[mapper [responseCode] has different [index] values, mapper [responseCode] has different [doc_values] values, cannot change from disabled to enabled, mapper [responseCode] has different [analyzer]]"
       "status": 400

    I have also tried following:

    PUT myproject-error-2016-08/_mapping/error?update_all_types

    But it returned the same response.

    Elastic Search is :

    $ ./elasticsearch -version
    Version: 2.3.5, Build: 90f439f/2016-07-27T10:36:52Z, JVM: 1.8.0_91