ERROR! MySQL manager or server PID file could not be found! QNAP


Solution 1

I ended up figuring this out on my own.

In searching for my logs I went into

cd /usr/local/mysql/var

In there I found the file named [MyNAS].pid (replace [MyNAS] with the name of your NAS.

I then ran the following to remove the file

rm -rf /usr/local/mysql/var/[MyNAS].pid

I then restarted mysql

[/usr/local/mysql/var] # /etc/init.d/ restart        
Try to shutting down MySQL
ERROR! MySQL manager or server PID file could not be found!
Starting MySQL. SUCCESS! 

I tested everything and it all works like a charm again!

Solution 2

After a lot of searching, I was able to fix the "PID file cannot be found" issue on my machine. I'm on OS X 10.9.3 and installed mysql via Homebrew.

First, I found my PID file here:


Next, I located my my.cnf file here:


Finally, I added this line to the bottom of my.cnf:

pid-file = /usr/local/var/mysql/{username}.pid

Hopefully this works for someone else, and saves you a headache! Don't forget to replace {username} with your machine's name (jeffs-air-2 in my case).

Solution 3

I tried everything above, but saw no results until I got a hint from here:

I eventually went over to the activity monitor in my Mac, force Quit the PID, and ran the command:

sudo /usr/local/mysql/support-files/mysql.server restart

The magic was done!!!

Solution 4

If you have installed MySQL using brew the best way to go would be with homebrew

brew services restart mysql

after you run that command, all the problems that the update generated will be resolved

Solution 5

Run the below commands and it will work.

Go to terminal and type

sudo chown -RL root:mysql /usr/local/mysql

sudo chown -RL mysql:mysql /usr/local/mysql/data

sudo /usr/local/mysql/support-files/mysql.server start
Author by


I started off as a self taught PHP developer. I created and sold small website scripts. Most notably was a site search script that developers could add to a static website that crawled and indexed the site. This was in the early 2000's, prior to the large heavy use of JavaScript generated pages. I then got into iPhone OS development (pre-iOS) and made some games. I ran a small company making games, but the company has since dissolved. I then started working full-time as a PHP developer working on Magento and SugarCRM mostly, with some work with WordPress and other open source solutions. I also developed some internal tools and extensions for Magento, and ended up managing a small development team before moving to another company. I was part of the Magento team at the new company, got my Magento Developer Plus certification, and extended and customized Magento 1 and Magento 2, both the CE and EE flavours. During this time I also went back to school and completed a Computer Programmer Analyst program, in which I received the highest grade possible. I have since moved on to work at a University as a Java developer, which was quite the change from PHP. I still develop in PHP/Laravel on the side from time to time, but I am mainly focusing on learning Java at the moment. Although my favourite language to develop with is C++, Java is a great language and I'm happy to be learning more about the language every day.

Updated on July 09, 2022


  • adprocas
    adprocas almost 2 years

    I am having an issue where MySQL isn't starting on my QNAP NAS.

    I found this first by not being able to log in through phpMyAdmin - was getting error:

    #2002 Cannot log in to the MySQL server

    I then went to attempt to start mysql, as I guess this is a common issue with this, but it just gave a generic error.

    I went through troubleshooting the mysql.sock file and everything, changing its permissions, but nothing is working.

    I have rebooted my NAS many times.

    I eventually tried to restart mysql. In doing so I get:

    ERROR! MySQL manager or server PID file could not be found!

    I can't find anything specific to the QNAP or any general type troubleshooting for this. Everything I find seems to be OSX related.