Fast and simple String encrypt/decrypt in JAVA


Solution 1

Java - encrypt / decrypt user name and password from a configuration file

Code from above link

DESKeySpec keySpec = new DESKeySpec("Your secret Key phrase".getBytes("UTF8"));
SecretKeyFactory keyFactory = SecretKeyFactory.getInstance("DES");
SecretKey key = keyFactory.generateSecret(keySpec);
sun.misc.BASE64Encoder base64encoder = new BASE64Encoder();
sun.misc.BASE64Decoder base64decoder = new BASE64Decoder();

// ENCODE plainTextPassword String
byte[] cleartext = plainTextPassword.getBytes("UTF8");      

Cipher cipher = Cipher.getInstance("DES"); // cipher is not thread safe
cipher.init(Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE, key);
String encryptedPwd = base64encoder.encode(cipher.doFinal(cleartext));
// now you can store it 

// DECODE encryptedPwd String
byte[] encrypedPwdBytes = base64decoder.decodeBuffer(encryptedPwd);

Cipher cipher = Cipher.getInstance("DES");// cipher is not thread safe
cipher.init(Cipher.DECRYPT_MODE, key);
byte[] plainTextPwdBytes = (cipher.doFinal(encrypedPwdBytes));

Solution 2


the library already have Java/Kotlin support, see github.


To simplify I did a class to be used simply, I added it on Encryption library to use it you just do as follow:

Add the gradle library:

compile 'se.simbio.encryption:library:2.0.0'

and use it:

Encryption encryption = Encryption.getDefault("Key", "Salt", new byte[16]);
String encrypted = encryption.encryptOrNull("top secret string");
String decrypted = encryption.decryptOrNull(encrypted);

if you not want add the Encryption library you can just copy the following class to your project. If you are in an android project you need to import android Base64 in this class, if you are in a pure java project you need to add this class manually you can get it here

package se.simbio.encryption;


import javax.crypto.BadPaddingException;
import javax.crypto.Cipher;
import javax.crypto.IllegalBlockSizeException;
import javax.crypto.NoSuchPaddingException;
import javax.crypto.SecretKey;
import javax.crypto.SecretKeyFactory;
import javax.crypto.spec.IvParameterSpec;
import javax.crypto.spec.PBEKeySpec;
import javax.crypto.spec.SecretKeySpec;

 * A class to make more easy and simple the encrypt routines, this is the core of Encryption library
public class Encryption {

     * The Builder used to create the Encryption instance and that contains the information about
     * encryption specifications, this instance need to be private and careful managed
    private final Builder mBuilder;

     * The private and unique constructor, you should use the Encryption.Builder to build your own
     * instance or get the default proving just the sensible information about encryption
    private Encryption(Builder builder) {
        mBuilder = builder;

     * @return an default encryption instance or {@code null} if occur some Exception, you can
     * create yur own Encryption instance using the Encryption.Builder
    public static Encryption getDefault(String key, String salt, byte[] iv) {
        try {
            return Builder.getDefaultBuilder(key, salt, iv).build();
        } catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException e) {
            return null;

     * Encrypt a String
     * @param data the String to be encrypted
     * @return the encrypted String or {@code null} if you send the data as {@code null}
     * @throws UnsupportedEncodingException       if the Builder charset name is not supported or if
     *                                            the Builder charset name is not supported
     * @throws NoSuchAlgorithmException           if the Builder digest algorithm is not available
     *                                            or if this has no installed provider that can
     *                                            provide the requested by the Builder secret key
     *                                            type or it is {@code null}, empty or in an invalid
     *                                            format
     * @throws NoSuchPaddingException             if no installed provider can provide the padding
     *                                            scheme in the Builder digest algorithm
     * @throws InvalidAlgorithmParameterException if the specified parameters are inappropriate for
     *                                            the cipher
     * @throws InvalidKeyException                if the specified key can not be used to initialize
     *                                            the cipher instance
     * @throws InvalidKeySpecException            if the specified key specification cannot be used
     *                                            to generate a secret key
     * @throws BadPaddingException                if the padding of the data does not match the
     *                                            padding scheme
     * @throws IllegalBlockSizeException          if the size of the resulting bytes is not a
     *                                            multiple of the cipher block size
     * @throws NullPointerException               if the Builder digest algorithm is {@code null} or
     *                                            if the specified Builder secret key type is
     *                                            {@code null}
     * @throws IllegalStateException              if the cipher instance is not initialized for
     *                                            encryption or decryption
    public String encrypt(String data) throws UnsupportedEncodingException, NoSuchAlgorithmException, NoSuchPaddingException, InvalidAlgorithmParameterException, InvalidKeyException, InvalidKeySpecException, BadPaddingException, IllegalBlockSizeException {
        if (data == null) return null;
        SecretKey secretKey = getSecretKey(hashTheKey(mBuilder.getKey()));
        byte[] dataBytes = data.getBytes(mBuilder.getCharsetName());
        Cipher cipher = Cipher.getInstance(mBuilder.getAlgorithm());
        cipher.init(Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE, secretKey, mBuilder.getIvParameterSpec(), mBuilder.getSecureRandom());
        return Base64.encodeToString(cipher.doFinal(dataBytes), mBuilder.getBase64Mode());

     * This is a sugar method that calls encrypt method and catch the exceptions returning
     * {@code null} when it occurs and logging the error
     * @param data the String to be encrypted
     * @return the encrypted String or {@code null} if you send the data as {@code null}
    public String encryptOrNull(String data) {
        try {
            return encrypt(data);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            return null;

     * This is a sugar method that calls encrypt method in background, it is a good idea to use this
     * one instead the default method because encryption can take several time and with this method
     * the process occurs in a AsyncTask, other advantage is the Callback with separated methods,
     * one for success and other for the exception
     * @param data     the String to be encrypted
     * @param callback the Callback to handle the results
    public void encryptAsync(final String data, final Callback callback) {
        if (callback == null) return;
        new Thread(new Runnable() {
            public void run() {
                try {
                    String encrypt = encrypt(data);
                    if (encrypt == null) {
                        callback.onError(new Exception("Encrypt return null, it normally occurs when you send a null data"));
                } catch (Exception e) {

     * Decrypt a String
     * @param data the String to be decrypted
     * @return the decrypted String or {@code null} if you send the data as {@code null}
     * @throws UnsupportedEncodingException       if the Builder charset name is not supported or if
     *                                            the Builder charset name is not supported
     * @throws NoSuchAlgorithmException           if the Builder digest algorithm is not available
     *                                            or if this has no installed provider that can
     *                                            provide the requested by the Builder secret key
     *                                            type or it is {@code null}, empty or in an invalid
     *                                            format
     * @throws NoSuchPaddingException             if no installed provider can provide the padding
     *                                            scheme in the Builder digest algorithm
     * @throws InvalidAlgorithmParameterException if the specified parameters are inappropriate for
     *                                            the cipher
     * @throws InvalidKeyException                if the specified key can not be used to initialize
     *                                            the cipher instance
     * @throws InvalidKeySpecException            if the specified key specification cannot be used
     *                                            to generate a secret key
     * @throws BadPaddingException                if the padding of the data does not match the
     *                                            padding scheme
     * @throws IllegalBlockSizeException          if the size of the resulting bytes is not a
     *                                            multiple of the cipher block size
     * @throws NullPointerException               if the Builder digest algorithm is {@code null} or
     *                                            if the specified Builder secret key type is
     *                                            {@code null}
     * @throws IllegalStateException              if the cipher instance is not initialized for
     *                                            encryption or decryption
    public String decrypt(String data) throws UnsupportedEncodingException, NoSuchAlgorithmException, InvalidKeySpecException, NoSuchPaddingException, InvalidAlgorithmParameterException, InvalidKeyException, BadPaddingException, IllegalBlockSizeException {
        if (data == null) return null;
        byte[] dataBytes = Base64.decode(data, mBuilder.getBase64Mode());
        SecretKey secretKey = getSecretKey(hashTheKey(mBuilder.getKey()));
        Cipher cipher = Cipher.getInstance(mBuilder.getAlgorithm());
        cipher.init(Cipher.DECRYPT_MODE, secretKey, mBuilder.getIvParameterSpec(), mBuilder.getSecureRandom());
        byte[] dataBytesDecrypted = (cipher.doFinal(dataBytes));
        return new String(dataBytesDecrypted);

     * This is a sugar method that calls decrypt method and catch the exceptions returning
     * {@code null} when it occurs and logging the error
     * @param data the String to be decrypted
     * @return the decrypted String or {@code null} if you send the data as {@code null}
    public String decryptOrNull(String data) {
        try {
            return decrypt(data);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            return null;

     * This is a sugar method that calls decrypt method in background, it is a good idea to use this
     * one instead the default method because decryption can take several time and with this method
     * the process occurs in a AsyncTask, other advantage is the Callback with separated methods,
     * one for success and other for the exception
     * @param data     the String to be decrypted
     * @param callback the Callback to handle the results
    public void decryptAsync(final String data, final Callback callback) {
        if (callback == null) return;
        new Thread(new Runnable() {
            public void run() {
                try {
                    String decrypt = decrypt(data);
                    if (decrypt == null) {
                        callback.onError(new Exception("Decrypt return null, it normally occurs when you send a null data"));
                } catch (Exception e) {

     * creates a 128bit salted aes key
     * @param key encoded input key
     * @return aes 128 bit salted key
     * @throws NoSuchAlgorithmException     if no installed provider that can provide the requested
     *                                      by the Builder secret key type
     * @throws UnsupportedEncodingException if the Builder charset name is not supported
     * @throws InvalidKeySpecException      if the specified key specification cannot be used to
     *                                      generate a secret key
     * @throws NullPointerException         if the specified Builder secret key type is {@code null}
    private SecretKey getSecretKey(char[] key) throws NoSuchAlgorithmException, UnsupportedEncodingException, InvalidKeySpecException {
        SecretKeyFactory factory = SecretKeyFactory.getInstance(mBuilder.getSecretKeyType());
        KeySpec spec = new PBEKeySpec(key, mBuilder.getSalt().getBytes(mBuilder.getCharsetName()), mBuilder.getIterationCount(), mBuilder.getKeyLength());
        SecretKey tmp = factory.generateSecret(spec);
        return new SecretKeySpec(tmp.getEncoded(), mBuilder.getKeyAlgorithm());

     * takes in a simple string and performs an sha1 hash
     * that is 128 bits long...we then base64 encode it
     * and return the char array
     * @param key simple inputted string
     * @return sha1 base64 encoded representation
     * @throws UnsupportedEncodingException if the Builder charset name is not supported
     * @throws NoSuchAlgorithmException     if the Builder digest algorithm is not available
     * @throws NullPointerException         if the Builder digest algorithm is {@code null}
    private char[] hashTheKey(String key) throws UnsupportedEncodingException, NoSuchAlgorithmException {
        MessageDigest messageDigest = MessageDigest.getInstance(mBuilder.getDigestAlgorithm());
        return Base64.encodeToString(messageDigest.digest(), Base64.NO_PADDING).toCharArray();

     * When you encrypt or decrypt in callback mode you get noticed of result using this interface
    public interface Callback {

         * Called when encrypt or decrypt job ends and the process was a success
         * @param result the encrypted or decrypted String
        void onSuccess(String result);

         * Called when encrypt or decrypt job ends and has occurred an error in the process
         * @param exception the Exception related to the error
        void onError(Exception exception);


     * This class is used to create an Encryption instance, you should provide ALL data or start
     * with the Default Builder provided by the getDefaultBuilder method
    public static class Builder {

        private byte[] mIv;
        private int mKeyLength;
        private int mBase64Mode;
        private int mIterationCount;
        private String mSalt;
        private String mKey;
        private String mAlgorithm;
        private String mKeyAlgorithm;
        private String mCharsetName;
        private String mSecretKeyType;
        private String mDigestAlgorithm;
        private String mSecureRandomAlgorithm;
        private SecureRandom mSecureRandom;
        private IvParameterSpec mIvParameterSpec;

         * @return an default builder with the follow defaults:
         * the default char set is UTF-8
         * the default base mode is Base64
         * the Secret Key Type is the PBKDF2WithHmacSHA1
         * the default salt is "some_salt" but can be anything
         * the default length of key is 128
         * the default iteration count is 65536
         * the default algorithm is AES in CBC mode and PKCS 5 Padding
         * the default secure random algorithm is SHA1PRNG
         * the default message digest algorithm SHA1
        public static Builder getDefaultBuilder(String key, String salt, byte[] iv) {
            return new Builder()

         * Build the Encryption with the provided information
         * @return a new Encryption instance with provided information
         * @throws NoSuchAlgorithmException if the specified SecureRandomAlgorithm is not available
         * @throws NullPointerException     if the SecureRandomAlgorithm is {@code null} or if the
         *                                  IV byte array is null
        public Encryption build() throws NoSuchAlgorithmException {
            setIvParameterSpec(new IvParameterSpec(getIv()));
            return new Encryption(this);

         * @return the charset name
        private String getCharsetName() {
            return mCharsetName;

         * @param charsetName the new charset name
         * @return this instance to follow the Builder patter
        public Builder setCharsetName(String charsetName) {
            mCharsetName = charsetName;
            return this;

         * @return the algorithm
        private String getAlgorithm() {
            return mAlgorithm;

         * @param algorithm the algorithm to be used
         * @return this instance to follow the Builder patter
        public Builder setAlgorithm(String algorithm) {
            mAlgorithm = algorithm;
            return this;

         * @return the key algorithm
        private String getKeyAlgorithm() {
            return mKeyAlgorithm;

         * @param keyAlgorithm the keyAlgorithm to be used in keys
         * @return this instance to follow the Builder patter
        public Builder setKeyAlgorithm(String keyAlgorithm) {
            mKeyAlgorithm = keyAlgorithm;
            return this;

         * @return the Base 64 mode
        private int getBase64Mode() {
            return mBase64Mode;

         * @param base64Mode set the base 64 mode
         * @return this instance to follow the Builder patter
        public Builder setBase64Mode(int base64Mode) {
            mBase64Mode = base64Mode;
            return this;

         * @return the type of aes key that will be created, on KITKAT+ the API has changed, if you
         * are getting problems please @see <a href=""></a>
        private String getSecretKeyType() {
            return mSecretKeyType;

         * @param secretKeyType the type of AES key that will be created, on KITKAT+ the API has
         *                      changed, if you are getting problems please @see <a href=""></a>
         * @return this instance to follow the Builder patter
        public Builder setSecretKeyType(String secretKeyType) {
            mSecretKeyType = secretKeyType;
            return this;

         * @return the value used for salting
        private String getSalt() {
            return mSalt;

         * @param salt the value used for salting
         * @return this instance to follow the Builder patter
        public Builder setSalt(String salt) {
            mSalt = salt;
            return this;

         * @return the key
        private String getKey() {
            return mKey;

         * @param key the key.
         * @return this instance to follow the Builder patter
        public Builder setKey(String key) {
            mKey = key;
            return this;

         * @return the length of key
        private int getKeyLength() {
            return mKeyLength;

         * @param keyLength the length of key
         * @return this instance to follow the Builder patter
        public Builder setKeyLength(int keyLength) {
            mKeyLength = keyLength;
            return this;

         * @return the number of times the password is hashed
        private int getIterationCount() {
            return mIterationCount;

         * @param iterationCount the number of times the password is hashed
         * @return this instance to follow the Builder patter
        public Builder setIterationCount(int iterationCount) {
            mIterationCount = iterationCount;
            return this;

         * @return the algorithm used to generate the secure random
        private String getSecureRandomAlgorithm() {
            return mSecureRandomAlgorithm;

         * @param secureRandomAlgorithm the algorithm to generate the secure random
         * @return this instance to follow the Builder patter
        public Builder setSecureRandomAlgorithm(String secureRandomAlgorithm) {
            mSecureRandomAlgorithm = secureRandomAlgorithm;
            return this;

         * @return the IvParameterSpec bytes array
        private byte[] getIv() {
            return mIv;

         * @param iv the byte array to create a new IvParameterSpec
         * @return this instance to follow the Builder patter
        public Builder setIv(byte[] iv) {
            mIv = iv;
            return this;

         * @return the SecureRandom
        private SecureRandom getSecureRandom() {
            return mSecureRandom;

         * @param secureRandom the Secure Random
         * @return this instance to follow the Builder patter
        public Builder setSecureRandom(SecureRandom secureRandom) {
            mSecureRandom = secureRandom;
            return this;

         * @return the IvParameterSpec
        private IvParameterSpec getIvParameterSpec() {
            return mIvParameterSpec;

         * @param ivParameterSpec the IvParameterSpec
         * @return this instance to follow the Builder patter
        public Builder setIvParameterSpec(IvParameterSpec ivParameterSpec) {
            mIvParameterSpec = ivParameterSpec;
            return this;

         * @return the message digest algorithm
        private String getDigestAlgorithm() {
            return mDigestAlgorithm;

         * @param digestAlgorithm the algorithm to be used to get message digest instance
         * @return this instance to follow the Builder patter
        public Builder setDigestAlgorithm(String digestAlgorithm) {
            mDigestAlgorithm = digestAlgorithm;
            return this;



Solution 3

Simplest way is to add this JAVA library using Gradle:

compile 'se.simbio.encryption:library:2.0.0'

You can use it as simple as this:

Encryption encryption = Encryption.getDefault("Key", "Salt", new byte[16]);
String encrypted = encryption.encryptOrNull("top secret string");
String decrypted = encryption.decryptOrNull(encrypted);

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Author by


Updated on February 22, 2020


  • svenkapudija
    svenkapudija about 4 years

    I need fast and simple way to encrypt/decrypt a "lot" of String data. I tried jasypt but it crashes on my Android phone. I have about 2000 records (strings).

    BasicTextEncryptor textEncryptor = new BasicTextEncryptor();
    String myEncryptedText = textEncryptor.encrypt(input);

    Is there some other way? I don't need extremely high security, it needs to be fast!

  • svenkapudija
    svenkapudija about 13 years
    Hmmm...I included library "rt.jar" in my "libs" folder (because of BASE64Encoder and BASE64Decoder), but it seems that Eclipse now crashes with message "Unable to execute dex: Java heap space. Java heap space".
  • Dead Programmer
    Dead Programmer about 13 years
    @svebee: Open your eclipse folder, then find eclipse.ini file and open it in an editor.Locate the following line: -Xms40m change it to: -Xms64m
  • svenkapudija
    svenkapudija about 13 years
    Same problem again. Instead rt.jar I included Apache's Base64 codec ( Now it's working with few changes in a code (like decodeBuffer to decode and so on). But yeah, that's it. Tnx :)
  • Danubian Sailor
    Danubian Sailor about 12 years
    Are you sure that class sun.misc.BASE64Encoder is available under Android?
  • whlk
    whlk about 11 years
    Since API level 8 you can simply use the static methods Base64.encodeToString(cipher.doFinal(cleartext),Base64.DEFAU‌​LT) and Base64.decode(encryptedPwd, Base64.DEFAULT) of the android.util.Base64 class instead of importing an external library.
  • Timmmm
    Timmmm about 11 years
    Base64 is not encryption. DO NOT DO THIS.
  • Sileria
    Sileria about 11 years
    Yes this is not real encryption, It is fast and easy way of hiding your password from being exposed in a readable format or protecting it from amateur hackers. So depending on how strong security you need, you can choose between fast and easy password hiding vs. a real strong and heavy encryption algorithm.
  • Aleksandr Dubinsky
    Aleksandr Dubinsky almost 11 years
    Nota bene: only the first 8 characters of the so-called "key phrase" are used! There is no exception or javadoc to remind you of this. So if you thought that "ACME Corp's secure pass phrase#!(&DSd19!" was secure, then know that anyone trying the string "ACME Cor" will decrypt your passwords. Also, this short key is the reason why DES is now considered insecure.
  • Eran Medan
    Eran Medan almost 11 years
    @Mobistry amateur hackers will do base 64 decrypt as their very first attempt. don't use base 64 for anything security related.
  • Mustafa
    Mustafa about 10 years
    Use it if you need to transfer data in a portable way, nothing else.
  • Martin L.
    Martin L. about 10 years
    Good enough to hide some strings from your competitors' fast analytics, so thanks from my side for this simple piece of code.
  • Bala Vishnu
    Bala Vishnu about 9 years
    Its not an encryption method though, but good way to encode and decode. No need for any key management. It was useful for my case.
  • D.W.
    D.W. about 8 years
    Don't use this code! This code has serious security problems. DES is a low-security algorithm (AES is better). This code will encrypt with ECB mode, which is highly insecure. This code doesn't use a suitable key derivation function, such as PBKDF. It uses only the first 8 characters of the passphrase. This code fails to provide integrity protection (a MAC), which is important in practice. Do not use this code if you need secure cryptography.
  • Tobias
    Tobias about 8 years
    Yes, it's not encryption. But for my case of only wanting to obfuscate a configuration file WITHOUT PASSSWORD it would have been ok. Anyways, the solution of ademar is almost as easy why I use his library.
  • Zar E Ahmer
    Zar E Ahmer almost 8 years
    also have a look at my question…
  • Shree Prakash
    Shree Prakash over 7 years
    @DeadProgrammer Hello Sir I want create password protected android application for File(pdf,images,audio,video etc). please provide some documentation.
  • spy
    spy over 7 years
    that's a java library, not a 'gradle library'. You posted the gradle string to add a dependency. Not everyone uses gradles
  • mavixce
    mavixce about 7 years
    "in Android N we are deprecating the implementation of the SHA1PRNG algorithm and the Crypto provider altogether" Please follow the link for further information;…
  • Stijn de Witt
    Stijn de Witt almost 7 years
    > I don't need extremely high security, it needs to be fast! -OP
  • Johann
    Johann almost 6 years
    @D.W. "Don't use this code! This code has serious security problems." - You see this comment posted on just about any SO topic that deals with ANY encryption algorithm. EVERY encryption algorithm has security problems.
  • D.W.
    D.W. almost 6 years
    @AndroidDev, That's not true, of course. There are ways to do it securely and ways to do it insecurely. ECB is one of the worst ways. I suggest doing some research before making statements like that.
