Fastest Text search method in a large text file


Solution 1

  1. Load the whole text in RAM at once. Don't read line by line.
  2. Search for the pattern in the blob. If you find it, use text.count('\n',0,pos) to get the line number.
  3. If you don't need the line number, look for the previous and next EOL to cut the line out of the text.

The loop in Python is slow. String searching is very fast. If you need to look for several strings, use regular expressions.

If that's not fast enough, use an external program like grep.

Solution 2

If you are searching the same text file over and over, consider indexing the file. For example, create a dictionary that maps each word to which lines it's on. This will take a while to create, but will then make searches O(1).

If you are searching different text files, or can't index the file for some reason, you probably won't get any faster than the KMP algorithm.

EDIT: The index I described will only work for single word searches, not multi-word searches. If you want to search for multiple words (any string) then you probably won't be able to index it.

Solution 3

First, don't explicitly decode bytes.

from io import open

Second, consider things like this.

with open(path,'r',encoding='UTF-8') as src:
    found= None
    for line in src:
        if len(line) == 0: break #happens at end of file, then stop loop
        if target in line:
            found= line
    return found

This can be simplified slightly to use return None or return line instead of break. It should run a hair faster, but it's slightly harder to make changes when there are multiple returns.

Solution 4

How about 10GB/s search speeds?

What is the most efficient way?

The most efficient way is using vectors, if not available then the fastest SCALAR memmem() function you can get, it happened that the article above shows them both in action, you need huge text files being traversed then the memmem() variant Railgun_NyoTengu() being open-source in public domain is way to go.

Author by


Updated on June 25, 2022


  • user375348
    user375348 almost 2 years

    I am doing a text search in a rather big txt file (100k lines, 7mo) Text is not that big but I need a lot of searches. I want to look for a target string and return the line where it appears. My text file is formatted so that the target can only appear in one line.

    What is the most efficient way? I do a lot of searches so I want to improve speed. Here is mycode right now:

    def lookup_line(target):
        #returns line of the target, or None if doesnt exist
        while line==None:
            if target in l:
            if l=='': break #happens at end of file, then stop loop
        if line=='':line=None #end of file, nothing has been found
        return line

    I use this python code for a google Appengine app.
