fetch Firebase data to as Listview builder in flutter


Your problem is a UI problem, because you are using listview inside a column, and both of them exchange vertically. Use shrinkwrap: true in listview.

Also even listtiles expand horizontally to infinity inside a listview.

Wrap your listtiles with SizedBox and give the box a width of size.width * 0.8

Because you already have a Size size variable.

This should work.

Card(child: SizedBox(width: size.width* 0.8, 
                      child: ListTile(
                       leading: ImageCard(imageSource: snapshot.data.image.toString(),),
                        title: snapshot.data[index].title,
                        subtitle: snapshot.data[index].pdf,
Ibrahim Bikdashi
Author by

Ibrahim Bikdashi

Updated on December 30, 2022


  • Ibrahim Bikdashi
    Ibrahim Bikdashi over 1 year

    Can some help me i have list of name books with images in real-time Firebase and each books has an integer ID so when i tried to fetch the data from firebase it give me white screen with out any data. but when i printout the result of the fetch in the terminal i saw the result i check all the Tutorials but all of them using the random id in the firebase. this is my CODE:

    class DetailsList extends StatefulWidget {
      final List<DetailScreen> listSection;
      final String bName;
      const DetailsList({ this.listSection,@required this.bName}) ;
      _DetailsListState createState() => _DetailsListState();
    class _DetailsListState extends State<DetailsList> {
      Widget build(BuildContext context) {
        //var controller = IndexedScrollController();
        Size size = MediaQuery.of(context).size;
        return Expanded(
            //flex: 4,
            child: Column(
              crossAxisAlignment: CrossAxisAlignment.start,
              mainAxisSize: MainAxisSize.max,
              children: [
                    builder: (context,snapshot){
                    return CircularProgressIndicator();
                  }else return ListView.builder(
                    itemCount: 10,
                      itemBuilder: (context,index){
                    //return SectionCard(snapshot: snapshot.data[index]);
                    //     return Flexible(
                    //       child: Card(child: ListTile(
                    //         leading: ImageCard(imageSource: snapshot.data.image.toString(),),
                    //         title: snapshot.data[index].title,
                    //         subtitle: snapshot.data[index].pdf,
                    //       ),),
                    //     );

    and the fetching data from Firebase code:

    Future snapvalue(String child2) {
      DatabaseReference data = dbRef.child(child2);
      data.once().then((DataSnapshot snap) {
        var key= snap.key.toString();
        var value= snap.value;
        if (value != null) {
          return value;
    }else print("No Data");