Filtering data in an RDD

my_rdd = sc.parallelize([(u'key1', u'1'), (u'key2', u'1'), (u'key1', u'2'), (u'key2', u'3'), (u'key4', u'1'), (u'key1', u'4'), (u'key4', u'1'), (u'key6', u'2'), (u'key7', u'4'), (u'key8', u'5'), (u'key9', u'6'), (u'key10', u'7')])

#filter keys which are associated to atleast 2 values

filter2_rdd = my_rdd.groupByKey() \
                    .mapValues(lambda x: list(x)) \
                    .filter(lambda x: len(x[1])>=2) \
                    .flatMap(lambda x: [(x[0],item) for item in x[1]])

#filter values associated to atleast 2 keys.
filte1_rdd = x: (x[1],x[0])) \
                        .groupByKey().mapValues(lambda x: list(x))\
                        .filter(lambda x: len(x[1])>=2)\
                        .flatMap(lambda x: [(item,x[0]) for item in x[1]])

This will work!!

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Updated on November 16, 2020


  • Magic
    Magic over 3 years

    I have managed to pre process my data in pyspark to get something like this

    [(u'key1', u'1'), (u'key2', u'1'), (u'key1', u'2'), (u'key3', u'2'), (u'key4', u'1'), (u'key1', u'4'), (u'key5', u'1'), (u'key6', u'2'), (u'key7', u'4'), (u'key8', u'5'), (u'key9', u'6'), (u'key10', u'7')]

    Now I need to filter based on these conditions :

    1) filter values associated to atleast 2 keys.

    output - only those (k,v) pairs which has '1','2','4' as values should be present since they are associated with more than 2 keys

     [(u'key1', u'1'), (u'key2', u'1'), (u'key1', u'2'), (u'key3', u'2'), (u'key4', u'1'), (u'key1', u'4'), (u'key5', u'1'), (u'key6', u'2'), (u'key2', u'4')]

    2) filter keys which are associated to atleast 2 values

    output - only those (k,v) pairs which has key1, key2 as keys should be there since they are associated with atleast 2 values

    [(u'key1', u'1'), (u'key2', u'1'), (u'key1', u'2'), (u'key1', u'4'), (u'key2', u'4')]

    Any suggestions would be of great help.

    Update : I used groupBy and a filter to group for keys with mutiple values

     [(u'key1', [u'1', u'2', u'4']), (u'key2',[u'1', u'4'])]

    Now how do I split this (key, list(values)) to individual (k,v) pair to apply further transformation ?

  • Magic
    Magic over 7 years
    Had done almost all the things, except the flatMap part where you are splitting the list back as individual (k,v) pair. FlatMap part helped, Thanks!