Find out whether an environment variable contains a substring


Solution 1

Of course, just use good old findstr:

echo.%Foo%|findstr /C:"BAR" >nul 2>&1 && echo Found || echo Not found.

Instead of echoing you can also branch elsewhere there, but I think if you need multiple statements based on that the following is easier:

echo.%Foo%|findstr /C:"BAR" >nul 2>&1
if not errorlevel 1 (
   echo Found
) else (
    echo Not found.

Edit: Take note of jeb's solution as well which is more succinct, although it needs an additional mental step to figure out what it does when reading.

Solution 2

The findstr solution works, it's a little bit slow and in my opinion with findstr you break a butterfly on a wheel.

A simple string replace should also work

if "%foo%"=="%foo:bar=%" (
    echo Not Found
) ELSE (
    echo found

Or with inverse logic

if NOT "%foo%"=="%foo:bar=%" echo FOUND

If both sides of the comparision are not equal, then there must be the text inside the variable, so the search text is removed.

A small sample how the line will be expanded

set foo=John goes to the bar.
if NOT "John goes to the bar."=="John goes to the ." echo FOUND

Solution 3

I wrote this function for a nice script integration. Code looks better and it's also easier to remember. This function is based on Joey's answer on this page. I know it's not the fastest code but it's seems to work very well for what I need to do.

Just copy the function's code at the end of your script and you can use it like in this example here:


set "Main_String=This is just a test"
set "Search_String= just "

call :FindString Main_String Search_String

if "%_FindString%" == "true" (
    echo String Found
) else (
    echo String Not Found

Note that you don't need to add % to your variables when giving them to this function, it will automatically take care of this. (This is a method that I found which it letting me use spaces in my function's arguments/variables without the need of using undesirables quotes in them.)



rem Example:
rem set "Main_String=This is just a test"
rem set "Search_String= just "
rem call :FindString Main_String Search_String
rem if "%_FindString%" == "true" echo Found
rem if "%_FindString%" == "false" echo Not Found


for /f "delims=" %%A in ('echo %%%1%%') do set str1=%%A
for /f "delims=" %%A in ('echo %%%2%%') do set str2=%%A

echo.%str1%|findstr /C:"%str2%" >nul 2>&1
if not errorlevel 1 (
   set "_Result=true"
) else (
   set "_Result=false"

ENDLOCAL & SET _FindString=%_Result%
Goto :eof

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Updated on July 09, 2022


  • LCC
    LCC almost 2 years

    I need to find out if a certain environment variable (let's say Foo) contains a substring (let's say BAR) in a windows batch file. Is there any way to do this using only batch file commands and/or programs/commands installed by default with windows?

    For example:

    set Foo=Some string;something BAR something;blah
    if "BAR" in %Foo% goto FoundIt     <- What should this line be? 
    echo Did not find BAR.
    exit 1
    echo Found BAR!
    exit 0

    What should the marked line above be to make this simple batch file print "Found BAR"?

  • Rich
    Rich about 13 years
    +1. Yes, I'm a bit unhappy with findstr at times due to performance as well (particularly noticeable in my bignum lib which checks numbers for correct format several times during computations – that quickly adds up). Didn't think of that solution.
  • Rich
    Rich about 13 years
    Random stuff: We both have problems with an unmatched quote in the haystack, though.
  • jeb
    jeb about 13 years
    @Joey: If quotes are possible in the content, delayed expansion should be the solution
  • mythofechelon
    mythofechelon over 11 years
    Can anyone explain the seemingly backwards logic behind if not %var% == %var:str=% and how it returns true when you ARE looking for str in %var%? I can't quite make sense of it.
  • Billa
    Billa over 7 years
    Tried this solution with PATH but not working.…
  • jeb
    jeb over 7 years
    @Billa It fails, as your question is different. You try to check if the content of a variable is part of the content of another variable
  • Billa
    Billa over 7 years
    I tried other possible solutions. But none of them worked for me. Tried findstr /m "D:\Package\Libraries\Lib" %PATH% if %errorlevel%==1 add env path
  • ixe013
    ixe013 almost 7 years
    Your solution works if the %Foo% variable contains a semi-colon ;, like the %PATH% variable. You can also throw a /I to findstr to make the search case insensitive. You can also search for the content of another variable by replacing BAR with %SEARCH_TERM%. Quite usefull!
  • dgxhubbard
    dgxhubbard almost 5 years
    This might help explain…
