Firestore transaction fails with "Transaction failed all retries"


This has recently been fixed -

If you are using the master channel, the fix should be available already. For the other channels (dev, beta, stable) YMMV.

Duncan Jones
Author by

Duncan Jones

Updated on December 05, 2022


  • Duncan Jones
    Duncan Jones over 1 year

    I'm running a very simple Firestore transaction which checks for the presence of a document, before writing to it if absent.

    (The use case is registering a username - if it's not already registered, the current user gets to grab it)

    Here's a snippet of the relevant Flutter code:

    DocumentReference usernameDocRef =
    await Firestore.instance.runTransaction((transaction) async {
      var snapshot = await transaction.get(usernameDocRef);
      if (!snapshot.exists) {
        transaction.set(usernameDocRef, {

    This is failing with an exception "Transaction failed all retries".

    Based on the Firestore documentation, failure can occur for two reasons:

    • The transaction contains read operations after write operations. Read operations must always come before any write operations.
    • The transaction read a document that was modified outside of the transaction. In this case, the transaction automatically runs again. The transaction is retried a finite number of times.

    I don't think I trigger either of those. Any suggestions?