Flutter create form based on multiple pages


I would suggest you to use the flow_builder (Link) plugin which will handle the flow for you based on a state. The example in the repository is quite what you want. First you will build a model which will be used as the state

class Profile {
  const Profile({this.name, this.age, this.weight});

  final String name;
  final int age;
  final int weight;

  Profile copyWith({String name, int age, int weight}) {
    return Profile(
      name: name ?? this.name,
      age: age ?? this.age,
      weight: weight ?? this.weight,

Then you can use the FlowBuilder widget like this:

  state: const Profile(),
  onGeneratePages: (profile, pages) {
    return [
      MaterialPage(child: NameForm()),
      if (profile.name != null) MaterialPage(child: AgeForm()),

Then you can update widget in your form pages using:

context.flow<Profile>().update((profile) => profile.copyWith(name: _name));
Andreas Hunter
Author by

Andreas Hunter

Updated on December 26, 2022


  • Andreas Hunter
    Andreas Hunter over 1 year

    I need to create form based on multiple pages, validate and submit on finish. How I can realise something like this form using provider and flutter bloc packages? I tried create like this form using storage but I think it's bad practice. Anybody have any idea? Thanks before!

  • AFetter
    AFetter almost 3 years
    hey mate, one thing is no clear to me. Where I must load the data? In this case, I have a form with multiple pages. Do I load the data on ProfileFlow or in the ProfileNameForm?
  • Amir_P
    Amir_P almost 3 years
    It’s not clear for me what and why you’re loading. You can ask a question with full detail and comment the link here. I will check it later. @AFetter
  • tinoper
    tinoper over 2 years
    @Amir_p by chance, Do you know how to check if age have a value before?