Flutter + Django OAuth integration

def exchange_token(request, backend):
    serializer = SocialSerializer(data=request.data)

    if serializer.is_valid(raise_exception=True):
        # This is the key line of code: with the @psa() decorator above,
        # it engages the PSA machinery to perform whatever social authentication
        # steps are configured in your SOCIAL_AUTH_PIPELINE. At the end, it either
        # hands you a populated User model of whatever type you've configured in
        # your project, or None.
        user = request.backend.do_auth(serializer.validated_data['access_token'])

        if user:
            # if using some other token back-end than DRF's built-in TokenAuthentication,
            # you'll need to customize this to get an appropriate token object
            token, _ = Token.objects.get_or_create(user=user)
            return Response({'token': token.key})

            return Response(
                {'errors': {'token': 'Invalid token'}},

There’s just a little more that needs to go in your settings (full code), and then you’re all set:

for key in ['GOOGLE_OAUTH2_KEY',
    # Use exec instead of eval here because we're not just trying to evaluate a dynamic value here;
    # we're setting a module attribute whose name varies.
    exec("SOCIAL_AUTH_{key} = os.environ.get('{key}')".format(key=key))

Add a mapping to this function in your urls.py, and you’re all set!

Yash Sharma
Author by

Yash Sharma

Updated on December 18, 2022


  • Yash Sharma
    Yash Sharma over 1 year

    I am using Flutter as front end and Django for back end purpose. I am trying to integrate Google and Facebook OAuth in the app and using some flutter libraires I am able to fetch user details and access token in front end. Now the question is how do I handle users and access tokens for them and verify them through drf. I could totally depend on drf for OAuth and create users using http request in front end using OAuth toolikt for Django but is there a way that I handle incoming auth tokens in front end and verify them in drf so as to register them in backend.