Flutter: show facebook friends who also use the app


You can use user_friends Facebook api. You must before get permission to use it from Facebook. It returns only user friends that are using same application.

Karel Debedts
Author by

Karel Debedts

Updated on December 13, 2022


  • Karel Debedts
    Karel Debedts over 1 year

    I have a flutter application where you can sign in with Facebook. (https://pub.dev/packages/flutter_facebook_login).

    When a user logs in, I create a new FireStore document (the document has the user ID as name). Within, I store other info such as email etc.

    The app allows to make 'friends', I do that now by implementing a search bar where you can search for users based on their name.

    But is there a possibility to show a user a 'recommended friends' list, that contains all his facebook friends that are also using the app.

    I thought of a list of all the fb ID's of his friends and comparing that to the ID's in Firestore? (is that possible with the fb package?)

    Thank you!