gnuplot - formatting the title of a plot (bar over letter)


If you add set encoding utf8 to your file, you can simply use the overline character (U+203E) in the labels. This removes the need to add an offset to the character:

plot [0:10] 400+(2-400)*exp(-0.5*x) title "p_0 < ~p‾", \
            400+(800-400)*exp(-0.5*x) title "p_0 > ~p‾", \
            400+(400-400)*exp(-0.5*x) title "p_0 = ~p‾"

If entering the overline symbol is impossible in your editor, you can also use the octal code for the UTF-8 character:

plot [0:10] 400+(2-400)*exp(-0.5*x) title "p_0 < ~p\342\200\276", \
            400+(800-400)*exp(-0.5*x) title "p_0 > ~p\342\200\276", \
            400+(400-400)*exp(-0.5*x) title "p_0 = ~p\342\200\276"
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Updated on July 21, 2022


  • kiltek
    kiltek almost 2 years

    I want to produce a gnuplot which contains a bar over a letter in the title of a plot. The image shows such an attempt:

    enter image description here

    The code producing it, is as follows (i paste these line into the gnuplot-window in Windows 7):

    set terminal pdf enhanced
    set output "C:/linMitSaett.pdf"
    set grid ytics lt 0 lw 1 lc rgb "#D3D3D3"
    set grid xtics lt 0 lw 1 lc rgb "#D3D3D3"
    set yrange [0:800]
    set xlabel "Zeiteinheit {/Symbol t}" 
    set ylabel "#Individuen  p({/Symbol t})"
    set label "p_0=2" textcolor rgb "red" at 4,300
    set label "p_0=400" textcolor rgb "blue" at 1,425
    set label "p_0=800" textcolor rgb "green" at 4,510
    set label "{/Symbol l}_0=200 (Wachstumsrate)\n{/Symbol l}_1=0.5 (Bremsrate)" at 4,160
    plot [0:10] 400+(2-400)*exp(-0.5*x) title "p_0 < ~p{.7-}", 400+(800-400)*exp(-0.5*x) title "p_0 > ~p{.7-}", 400+(400-400)*exp(-0.5*x) title "p_0 = ~p{.7-}"
    set output "C:/deleteme.pdf"

    How can i move the lines vertically downwards, so that they are aligned with each p and not with the bar over each p?