Hibernate show real SQL


Solution 1


log4j.logger.org.hibernate=INFO, hb

log4j.appender.hb.layout.ConversionPattern=HibernateLog --> %d{HH:mm:ss} %-5p %c - %m%n


<property name="show_sql">true</property>
<property name="format_sql">true</property>
<property name="use_sql_comments">true</property>


Some frameworks use persistence.xml:

<property name="hibernate.show_sql" value="true"/>
<property name="hibernate.format_sql" value="true"/>
<property name="hibernate.use_sql_comments" value="true"/>

Solution 2

Can I see (...) the real SQL

If you want to see the SQL sent directly to the database (that is formatted similar to your example), you'll have to use some kind of jdbc driver proxy like P6Spy (or log4jdbc).

Alternatively you can enable logging of the following categories (using a log4j.properties file here):


The first is equivalent to hibernate.show_sql=true, the second prints the bound parameters among other things.


Solution 3

If you can already see the SQL being printed, that means you have the code below in your hibernate.cfg.xml:

<property name="show_sql">true</property>

To print the bind parameters as well, add the following to your log4j.properties file:


Solution 4

Worth noting that the code you see is sent to the database as is, the queries are sent separately to prevent SQL injection. AFAIK The ? marks are placeholders that are replaced by the number params by the database, not by hibernate.

Solution 5

select this_.code from true.employee this_ where this_.code=? is what will be sent to your database.

this_ is an alias for that instance of the employee table.

Tommaso Taruffi
Author by

Tommaso Taruffi

Updated on July 08, 2022


  • Tommaso Taruffi
    Tommaso Taruffi almost 2 years

    if I set

    <property name="show_sql">true</property>

    in my hibernate.cfg.xml configuration file in the console I can see the SQL.

    But it's not real SQL... Can I see the SQL code that will be passed directly to database?


    I see

    select this_.code from true.employee this_ where this_.code=?

    Can I see

    select employee.code from employee where employee.code=12

    the real SQL?

  • elduff
    elduff about 14 years
    I like P6Spy, especially when running unit tests, because it'll also give you the result set of your query in addition to the bind parameter values.
  • Rachel
    Rachel about 12 years
    is there a way we can get information about bind parameters in the logs?
  • Scarlett
    Scarlett about 12 years
    can you post the log output example?
  • Arjan
    Arjan over 11 years
    @Rachel, what more than logging such as TRACE [BasicBinder] binding parameter [1] as [VARCHAR] - john doe do you need?
  • Adam Gent
    Adam Gent over 11 years
    @Pascal I don't think you should say "If you want to see it formatted exactly as in your example" because it it depends highly on what database he is using and if hibernate chooses to batch/prepare the statement.
  • David Anderson
    David Anderson about 10 years
    The problem is not the This but the ?
  • reznic
    reznic over 9 years
    dont work on hibernate 4.3!!
  • Emil Lundberg
    Emil Lundberg about 9 years
    Enabling the org.hibernate.type category didn't work for me, but enabling the org.hibernate.loader.hql category instead did work.
  • TheConstructor
    TheConstructor almost 9 years
    If you add org.hibernate.engine.jdbc.internal.JdbcCoordinatorImpl you can deduce the bound values from the Releasing statement- or Closing prepared statement-lines (at least with H2)
  • Jolly1234
    Jolly1234 almost 9 years
    this applies only to hibernate version < 3.0 right?
  • Vlastimil Ovčáčík
    Vlastimil Ovčáčík over 8 years
    You may need to tell Hibernate what logging manager you use (log4j, slf4j), see how.
  • Alkanshel
    Alkanshel over 8 years
    @Arjan Having the params listed separately really isn't very helpful. Part of why I'd want sql prints like this is so I can run the statements myself and see what's going on. Having to pluck through and insert params by hand is just clumsy. Shame there isn't a more streamlined way to have these printed.
  • The Student
    The Student about 8 years
    For Eclipse Mars the file is "hibernate-log4j.properties"
  • Ray Hulha
    Ray Hulha about 8 years
    P6Spy has a bit of an annoying log format that can't be changed easily: stackoverflow.com/questions/17789223/…
  • deFreitas
    deFreitas almost 8 years
    In my case I use logback and want to do it programatically on IDE debug, so I did this
  • senyor
    senyor about 7 years
    One can use -Dhibernate.show_sql=true with Java process to enable sql output in Hibernate.
  • Karen Goh
    Karen Goh over 6 years
    @Brian - do I need to put in <Loggers></Loggers> and appenderRef ?
  • Rafael Andrade
    Rafael Andrade almost 5 years
    When I use this configurations the result of each query is also printed on console. Is there a way to print only the query? Sometimes the results take so much time to print.
  • p0tta
    p0tta over 3 years
    What if I don't have log4j in my project?