How can I calculate divide and modulo for integers in C#?


Solution 1

Here's an answer from the MSDN documentation.

When you divide two integers, the result is always an integer. For example, the result of 7 / 3 is 2. To determine the remainder of 7 / 3, use the remainder operator (%).

int a = 5;
int b = 3;

int div = a / b; //quotient is 1
int mod = a % b; //remainder is 2

Solution 2

There is also Math.DivRem

quotient = Math.DivRem(dividend, divisor, out remainder);

Solution 3

Fun fact!

The 'modulus' operation is defined as:

a % n ==> a - (a/n) * n

Ref:Modular Arithmetic

So you could roll your own, although it will be FAR slower than the built in % operator:

public static int Mod(int a, int n)
    return a - (int)((double)a / n) * n;

Edit: wow, misspoke rather badly here originally, thanks @joren for catching me

Now here I'm relying on the fact that division + cast-to-int in C# is equivalent to Math.Floor (i.e., it drops the fraction), but a "true" implementation would instead be something like:

public static int Mod(int a, int n)
    return a - (int)Math.Floor((double)a / n) * n;

In fact, you can see the differences between % and "true modulus" with the following:

var modTest =
    from a in Enumerable.Range(-3, 6)
    from b in Enumerable.Range(-3, 6)
    where b != 0
    let op = (a % b)
    let mod = Mod(a,b)
    let areSame = op == mod
    select new 
        A = a,
        B = b,
        Operator = op, 
        Mod = mod, 
        Same = areSame
Console.WriteLine("A      B     A%B   Mod(A,B)   Equal?");
foreach (var result in modTest)
        "{0,-3} | {1,-3} | {2,-5} | {3,-10} | {4,-6}", 


A      B     A%B   Mod(A,B)   Equal?
-3  | -3  | 0     | 0          | True  
-3  | -2  | -1    | -1         | True  
-3  | -1  | 0     | 0          | True  
-3  | 1   | 0     | 0          | True  
-3  | 2   | -1    | 1          | False 
-2  | -3  | -2    | -2         | True  
-2  | -2  | 0     | 0          | True  
-2  | -1  | 0     | 0          | True  
-2  | 1   | 0     | 0          | True  
-2  | 2   | 0     | 0          | True  
-1  | -3  | -1    | -1         | True  
-1  | -2  | -1    | -1         | True  
-1  | -1  | 0     | 0          | True  
-1  | 1   | 0     | 0          | True  
-1  | 2   | -1    | 1          | False 
0   | -3  | 0     | 0          | True  
0   | -2  | 0     | 0          | True  
0   | -1  | 0     | 0          | True  
0   | 1   | 0     | 0          | True  
0   | 2   | 0     | 0          | True  
1   | -3  | 1     | -2         | False 
1   | -2  | 1     | -1         | False 
1   | -1  | 0     | 0          | True  
1   | 1   | 0     | 0          | True  
1   | 2   | 1     | 1          | True  
2   | -3  | 2     | -1         | False 
2   | -2  | 0     | 0          | True  
2   | -1  | 0     | 0          | True  
2   | 1   | 0     | 0          | True  
2   | 2   | 0     | 0          | True  

Solution 4

Division is performed using the / operator:

result = a / b;

Modulo division is done using the % operator:

result = a % b;
Author by


Updated on May 05, 2021


  • kartal
    kartal almost 3 years

    How can I calculate division and modulo for integer numbers in C#?

  • Admin
    Admin about 13 years
    +1: Conveniently leaving out the type makes it a better answer :-) I believe this works with System.Numeric.BigInteger in 4.0 too.
  • Cor_Blimey
    Cor_Blimey over 11 years
    % returns the remainder, not the modulus (as you point out). They arent the same thing, and can cause problems when dealing with unusual cases (e.g. negative indexes). However, it can be used like the modulus operator when just looking for, e.g., every 10th iteration of a weakly positive indexer. Perhaps you could explain how to calculate the real modulus?
  • Joren
    Joren about 11 years
    "Now here I'm relying on the fact that integer division in C# is equivalent to Math.Floor (i.e., it drops the fraction)" - But it's not. Integer divison rounds towards zero, Math.Floor rounds towards negative infinity.
  • JerKimball
    JerKimball about 11 years
    @Joren Sorry, but no - try running this: Enumerable.Range(0, 10).Select(x => (double)x / 10.0).Select(x => (int)x).ToList().ForEach(x => Console.WriteLine(x)); - all 0's
  • Joren
    Joren about 11 years
    First, I'm talking about integer division. What happens if you do a floating-point division and then cast to integer is irrelevant (even though it gives the same result). Second, I'm not sure why you would expect integers between 0 and 9 to give anything other than 0 after dividing by 10 and truncating to the integer part. If that resulted in 1 that would be rounding away from zero or towards positive infinity. Third, there is no difference whatsoever between rounding towards zero and rounding towards negative infinity for positive numbers, so you're not even addressing the issue.
  • Joren
    Joren about 11 years
    Math.Floor(-10.0 / 3.0) and -10 / 3 are not the same thing.
  • JerKimball
    JerKimball about 11 years
    @joren ah, I see the disconnect here - no, I'm not performing integer division, I'm performing double division, then casting the result to integer - very different.
  • JerKimball
    JerKimball about 11 years
    @joren but you are correct that there is a huge typo in my example. I'll edit it.
  • JerKimball
    JerKimball about 11 years
    @Joren There - sorry about that, you were absolutely correct in catching that; don't know what the heck I was thinking when I wrote up the post...
  • apocalypse
    apocalypse about 11 years
    % --> as Cor_Blimey said, it returns remainder not the modulus. For example: (-5 % 3) == -2 [C#], -5 mod 3 = 1 [].
  • apocalypse
    apocalypse about 11 years
    True, I read posts like this, and I had problems in my application :)
  • leviathanbadger
    leviathanbadger almost 11 years
    ...What exactly is the point of declaring a and b if you aren't going to use them? :D
  • Sir Crispalot
    Sir Crispalot over 10 years
    @aboveyou00: fixed that for you!
  • supercat
    supercat about 10 years
    @Cor_Blimey: The simplest, safest, and most readable way to calculate the modulus is probably to calculate the remainder and--if it's negative, add the base. If the code is ported to a platform which includes a real modulus operator, the adjust-if-negative code may be redundant, but harmless. If one needs both the quotient and real modulus, the safe approach would be to use / for the division, multiply and subtract to yield the remainder of whatever form, and if it's necessary to adjust the remainder, adjust the quotient as well. That will work regardless of what the language does for "/".
  • Cor_Blimey
    Cor_Blimey about 10 years
    @supercat thanks for the response. I wasn't sure if there was a bit of syntactic sugar for it instead. And I agree, if in doubt then calculate it 'properly' from first principles to be sure. Thanks.
  • Igor
    Igor over 8 years
    This should be the correct answer in my opinion, because it provides the quotient AND the remainder in one function. I am not sure which approach performs better (using "a / b" to get quotient and then "a % b" to get the remainder or Math.DivRem), but this approach certainly is much nicer to read (in my case I need to know both quotient and remainder) - thank you!
  • danodonovan
    danodonovan over 8 years
    @Igor thanks, when the original question was answered this function didn't exist! However, the function's existence does make as-cii's remark about checking the documentation look a bit silly.... :)
  • NightElfik
    NightElfik over 8 years
    Just to avoid confusion, Math.DivRem does not compute div and mod in one operation. It is just a helper function and its source code is exactly: public static int DivRem(int a, int b, out int result) { result = a%b; return a/b; }.
  • kbolino
    kbolino about 8 years
    @NightElfik The implementation could change in the future, and it is easier for the runtime to identify a method call for optimization than disjoint div and rem instructions
  • Ryan
    Ryan almost 8 years
    Note: Modulo is not the same as Modulus. Modulo is the remainder, Modulus is the absolute value.
  • BenKoshy
    BenKoshy over 7 years
    @supercat how can the remainder ever be negative?
  • supercat
    supercat over 7 years
    @BKSpurgeon: -1 mod 16 is 15, but -1 divided by 15 is zero remainder -1.
  • Bob
    Bob about 7 years
    @kbolino That's a great prediction, since it has changed, at least in .NET Core, to divide & subtract. And there's further optimisations planned in RyuJIT to use a single x86 div instruction, though admittedly the JIT changes should also detect the % and / operators if used individually.
  • Tancredi
    Tancredi over 5 years
    Perhaps the user was searching (like me) for a DivRem function, so the question could be not as trivial as it seems at first glance. Thanks @danodonovan
  • SansWit
    SansWit almost 5 years
    The answer is not as simple as this answer claims, as others have also pointed out, and can lead to hard-to-debug mistakes. See