How can I find how many useful digits are in any given a number N


Solution 1

I would recommend doing all of the work with Int instead of converting to String. You can use % 10 to get the digits and / 10 to remove the last digit.

func selfDivide(number: Int) -> Int {
    var num = number
    var count = 0
    while num != 0 {
        let digit = abs(num % 10)
        if digit != 0 && number % digit == 0 {
            count += 1
        num = num / 10
    return count

Same answer provided as an extension to Int:

extension Int {
    var usefulDigits: Int {
        var num = self
        var count = 0
        while num != 0 {
            let digit = abs(num % 10)
            if digit != 0 && self % digit == 0 {
                count += 1
            num = num / 10
        return count


print(100.usefulDigits)      // 1
print(123.usefulDigits)      // 2
print(222.usefulDigits)      // 3
print(299.usefulDigits)      // 0
print(Int.max.usefulDigits)  // 4
print(Int.min.usefulDigits)  // 7

Solution 2

Here is more Swifty way using extension (Swift 4+):

public extension Int {
/// returns number of digits in Int number
public var digitCount: Int {
    get {
        return numberOfDigits(in: self)
/// returns number of useful digits in Int number
public var usefulDigitCount: Int {
    get {
        var count = 0
        for digitOrder in 0..<self.digitCount {
            /// get each order digit from self
            let digit = self % (Int(truncating: pow(10, digitOrder + 1) as NSDecimalNumber))
                / Int(truncating: pow(10, digitOrder) as NSDecimalNumber)
            if isUseful(digit) { count += 1 }
        return count
// private recursive method for counting digits
private func numberOfDigits(in number: Int) -> Int {
    if number < 10 && number >= 0 || number > -10 && number < 0 {
        return 1
    } else {
        return 1 + numberOfDigits(in: number/10)
// returns true if digit is useful in respect to self
private func isUseful(_ digit: Int) -> Bool {
    return (digit != 0) && (self % digit == 0)



Jake Dobson
Author by

Jake Dobson

I am focusing on Swift, Objective-C, and Unity3D. I want to build killer apps/games that are easy to use, make every day a little better, and look great! I come from Seattle and the Midwest, where I played a ton of hockey as a kid. I love anything that I haven't done or seen before, except country music. ADD consumes my brain, try and keep up!

Updated on August 24, 2022


  • Jake Dobson
    Jake Dobson over 1 year

    A digit in the number is useful if the number is divisible by that digit.

    I have been working on this for 2 days now.

    Here is what I have:

    func selfDivide(integer: Int) -> Int {
        var numString = String(integer)
        for character in numString.characters {
            if character % numString == 0 {
                return character

    I'm thinking I have to find a way to use % between that string and character.

    The error that I get is:

    Binary operator '%' cannot be applied to characters of type 'Character' and 'String'