How can we fetch IAM users, their groups and policies?


Here, I am using boto commands to do four operations -

  1. List all the users
  2. List policy attached to each user
  3. List roles added to each user
  4. List Mfa devices to see if MFA has been configured by User or not (Here I am not checking is MFA is not enabled, but checking if the device has been configured by a user or not.)

Get IAM connection to AWS Account

import boto3
client = boto3.client('iam',aws_access_key_id="XXX",aws_secret_access_key="XXX") 

Getting IAM Users This will print all the usernames. you can customize if you want to print other details as well.

users = client.list_users()
for key in users['Users']:
    print key['UserName']

Getting List of Policy attached to each user

for key in users['Users']:
    List_of_Policies =  client.list_user_policies(UserName=key['UserName'])
    for key in List_of_Policies['PolicyNames']:
        print key['PolicyName']

Getting List of Groups attached to each user

for key in users['Users']:
    List_of_Groups =  client.list_groups_for_user(UserName=key['UserName'])
       for key in List_of_Groups['Groups']:
           print key['GroupName']

Checking if MFA Device is configured or not

for key in users['Users']:
    List_of_MFA_Devices = client.list_mfa_devices(UserName=key['UserName'])
    for key in List_of_MFA_Devices['MFADevices']:
          print key

You can further check if List_of_MFA_Devices['MFADevices'] is empty or not. If empty, then MFA Device is not configured.

If you want to add output as List of Dict where each index will contain dict have value pairs for userName, Groups, Policy, isMFA_flag_configured or not. Use the following code -

import boto3
client = boto3.client('iam',aws_access_key_id="XXXX",aws_secret_access_key="YYY")
users = client.list_users()
user_list = []
for key in users['Users']:
    result = {}
    Policies = []

    List_of_Policies =  client.list_user_policies(UserName=key['UserName'])

    result['Policies'] = List_of_Policies['PolicyNames']

    List_of_Groups =  client.list_groups_for_user(UserName=key['UserName'])

    for Group in List_of_Groups['Groups']:
    result['Groups'] = Groups

    List_of_MFA_Devices = client.list_mfa_devices(UserName=key['UserName'])

    if not len(List_of_MFA_Devices['MFADevices']):

for key in user_list:
    print key

Output for the above code -

{'userName': 'user1', 'Groups': ['grp1','grp2'], 'Policies':['policy1','policy2], 'isMFADeviceConfigured': False/True}

{'userName': 'user2', 'Groups': ['grp1','grp2'], 'Policies': ['policy1','policy2], 'isMFADeviceConfigured': False/True}

Author by


Updated on July 02, 2022


  • batman
    batman almost 2 years

    I need to fetch all the aws user's, their corresponding groups, policies and then if mfa is activated for them or not. Can anyone tell me how it can be done via aws cli or boto.

    I have a script that fetches out just the all user's in aws.

      import boto3
        from boto3 import *
        import argparse
        access_key = ''
        secret_key = ''
        def get_iam_uses_list():
        client =  boto3.client('iam',
           iam_all_users = client.list_users(MaxItems=200)
           for user in iam_all_users['Users']:
        for i in my_list:
            print i
    #    print "read complete"
    #    for i in my_list:
    #        iam_user_policy=client.list_attached_user_policies(UserName=i)
    #        for policy in iam_user_policy['AttachedPolicies']:
    #               print "%s \t %s" %(i, policy['PolicyName'])
    def main():
        parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
        parser.add_argument('access_key', help='Access Key');
        parser.add_argument('secret_key', help='Secret Key');
        args = parser.parse_args()
        global access_key
        global secret_key
        access_key = args.access_key
        secret_key = args.secret_key
    if  __name__ =='__main__':main()