How do I refresh a partial view every 3 seconds in MVC 4?


I think you need to make some changes to your ajax call. Here is an example of how I do the call

    url: '@Url.Action("Action", "Controller")',
    type: 'post',
    cache: false,
    async: true,
    data: { id: "frmUser" },
    success: function(result){

on your controller I don't think you need the child action only. Also you are returning an empty partial view object. It should be

return partialView('_partialName', Model);

finally in your jquery to keep the call happening you need to retrigger the call. Try something like this

    function RefreshPartial(){
        //this will wait 3 seconds and then fire the load partial function
            //recall this function so that it will continue to loop
        }, 3000);
    //initialize the loop
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C#, Java, XAML, and Shell Script coder. Start my own business dealing with Simulations for UAS training.

Updated on June 05, 2022


  • antman1p
    antman1p almost 2 years

    I need to get a progress bar to update based on the number of jobs completed. The number of jobs completed is stored on a jobs table of a SQL Server DB. I need my ASP.NET MVC 4 application to query the DB every 3 seconds for the number of jobs compete and use this data to update the progress bar which is held in a partial view. The timer works and it calls my the _getforStatus action in the StatusController, and it seems to call the EntityDB, but is never seems to call the view other than before the timer tells it to. How do I get the progress bar to refresh every 3 seconds?

    The header of my _Layout.cshtml view calls the initiation of the timer which is in the StatusController like so:

           @Html.Action("InitTimer", 'Status")

    Also, in the _Layout view I call the partial view into a Jumbotron like so:

     <div class="jumbotron" id=progress">
          @{Html.RenderAction("_GetforStatus", "Status");}

    The Status controller is coded like so:

     public class StatusController : Controller
          IntegrationDBEntities _db;
          Private Timer timer1;
          Public void initTimer()
               timer1 = new Timer();
               timer1.elapsed += new ElapsedEventhandler(timer_Elapsed(;
               timer1.interval = 3000;
          Private void timer_Elapsed(Object sender, EventArgs e)
          public PartialViewResult _GetforStatus(0
               _db = new IntegrationDBEntities();
               ViewDataModel - _db.Jobs.ToList();
               return partialView();

    EDIT: I also tried the following Ajax code. I got no error, but my progress bar never updated:

           function loadPartialView()  {
                     url:  '@url.Action("_GetforStatus', "Status")",
                     type:  'GET',
                     dataType:  'html',
                     success: function(result)  {
      $function () {  
           window.setInterval("loadPartialView()", 3000);

    I'm not sure if it isn't working bc i haven't represented "Html.RenderAction" in JS correctly or what.