How to add Subtitles(.SRT files) to video in Exoplayer android?


Solution 1

I know it's too late to answer this question, but if someone else falls for it, try this :

public class MainActivity extends AppCompatActivity {
SimpleExoPlayerView exoPlayerView;
SimpleExoPlayer exoPlayer;
String videoURL = "";
protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

    exoPlayerView = (SimpleExoPlayerView) findViewById(;
    try {

        BandwidthMeter bandwidthMeter = new DefaultBandwidthMeter();
        TrackSelector trackSelector = new DefaultTrackSelector(new AdaptiveTrackSelection.Factory(bandwidthMeter));
        exoPlayer = ExoPlayerFactory.newSimpleInstance(this, trackSelector);

        Uri videoURI = Uri.parse(videoURL);
        Uri subtitleUri=Uri.parse("");
        DefaultHttpDataSourceFactory dataSourceFactory = new DefaultHttpDataSourceFactory("exoplayer_video");

        ExtractorsFactory extractorsFactory = new DefaultExtractorsFactory();
        MediaSource mediaSource = new ExtractorMediaSource(videoURI, dataSourceFactory, extractorsFactory, null, null);

        // Build the subtitle MediaSource.
        Format subtitleFormat = Format.createTextSampleFormat(
                null, // An identifier for the track. May be null.
                MimeTypes.APPLICATION_SUBRIP, // The mime type. Must be set correctly.
                null); // The subtitle language. May be null.

        MediaSource subtitleSource =new SingleSampleMediaSource(subtitleUri, dataSourceFactory, subtitleFormat, C.TIME_UNSET);

        MergingMediaSource mergedSource =
                new MergingMediaSource(mediaSource, subtitleSource);

    }catch (Exception e){
        Log.e("MainAcvtivity"," exoplayer error "+ e.toString());



Solution 2

SubtitleView subtitleView=(SubtitleView)findViewById(; 
player.setTextOutput(new ComponentListener());

public class ComponentListener implements TextRenderer.Output{
  public void onCues(List<Cue> cues) {
    if (subtitleView != null) {


To show/hide the subtitleView:


Solution 3

I just edit exoplayer example in there Player activity such like... and its working for me...

 private void initializePlayer() {
        Intent intent = getIntent();
        if (player == null) {
            boolean preferExtensionDecoders = intent.getBooleanExtra(PREFER_EXTENSION_DECODERS, false);
            UUID drmSchemeUuid = intent.hasExtra(DRM_SCHEME_UUID_EXTRA)
                    ? UUID.fromString(intent.getStringExtra(DRM_SCHEME_UUID_EXTRA)) : null;
            DrmSessionManager<FrameworkMediaCrypto> drmSessionManager = null;
            if (drmSchemeUuid != null) {
                String drmLicenseUrl = intent.getStringExtra(DRM_LICENSE_URL);
                String[] keyRequestPropertiesArray = intent.getStringArrayExtra(DRM_KEY_REQUEST_PROPERTIES);
                Map<String, String> keyRequestProperties;
                if (keyRequestPropertiesArray == null || keyRequestPropertiesArray.length < 2) {
                    keyRequestProperties = null;
                } else {
                    keyRequestProperties = new HashMap<>();
                    for (int i = 0; i < keyRequestPropertiesArray.length - 1; i += 2) {
                                keyRequestPropertiesArray[i + 1]);
                try {
                    drmSessionManager = buildDrmSessionManager(drmSchemeUuid, drmLicenseUrl,
                } catch (UnsupportedDrmException e) {
                    int errorStringId = Util.SDK_INT < 18 ? R.string.error_drm_not_supported
                            : (e.reason == UnsupportedDrmException.REASON_UNSUPPORTED_SCHEME
                            ? R.string.error_drm_unsupported_scheme : R.string.error_drm_unknown);

            @SimpleExoPlayer.ExtensionRendererMode int extensionRendererMode =
                    ((AppController) getApplication()).useExtensionRenderers()
                            ? (preferExtensionDecoders ? SimpleExoPlayer.EXTENSION_RENDERER_MODE_PREFER
                            : SimpleExoPlayer.EXTENSION_RENDERER_MODE_ON)
                            : SimpleExoPlayer.EXTENSION_RENDERER_MODE_OFF;
            TrackSelection.Factory videoTrackSelectionFactory =
                    new AdaptiveVideoTrackSelection.Factory(BANDWIDTH_METER);
            trackSelector = new DefaultTrackSelector(videoTrackSelectionFactory);
            trackSelectionHelper = new TrackSelectionHelper(trackSelector, videoTrackSelectionFactory);
            player = ExoPlayerFactory.newSimpleInstance(this, trackSelector, new DefaultLoadControl(),
                    drmSessionManager, extensionRendererMode);

            eventLogger = new EventLogger(trackSelector);

            debugViewHelper = new DebugTextViewHelper(player, debugTextView);
            playerNeedsSource = true;

        if (playerNeedsSource) {
            String action = intent.getAction();
            Log.d("URL action: ", action);
            Uri[] uris;
            String[] extensions;
            if (ACTION_VIEW.equals(action)) {
                uris = new Uri[] {intent.getData()};
                extensions = new String[] {intent.getStringExtra(EXTENSION_EXTRA)};
            } else if (ACTION_VIEW_LIST.equals(action)) {
                String[] uriStrings = intent.getStringArrayExtra(URI_LIST_EXTRA);
                uris = new Uri[uriStrings.length];
                for (int i = 0; i < uriStrings.length; i++) {
                    uris[i] = Uri.parse(uriStrings[i]);
                    Log.d("URL action2: ", String.valueOf(uris[i])+" ");
                extensions = intent.getStringArrayExtra(EXTENSION_LIST_EXTRA);
                if (extensions == null) {
                    extensions = new String[uriStrings.length];
            } else {
                showToast(getString(R.string.unexpected_intent_action, action));
            if (Util.maybeRequestReadExternalStoragePermission(this, uris)) {
                // The player will be reinitialized if the permission is granted.
            MediaSource[] mediaSources = new MediaSource[uris.length];
            for (int i = 0; i < uris.length; i++) {
                mediaSources[i] = buildMediaSource(uris[i], extensions[i]);
                Log.d("URL action extensions: ", String.valueOf( extensions[i]));
            MediaSource mediaSource = mediaSources.length == 1 ? mediaSources[0]
                    : new ConcatenatingMediaSource(mediaSources);
            boolean haveResumePosition = resumeWindow != C.INDEX_UNSET;
            if (haveResumePosition) {
                player.seekTo(resumeWindow, resumePosition);
            // edit for subtitle
           // player.prepare(mediaSource, !haveResumePosition, false);
         //   playerNeedsSource = false;
          // player.seekTo(0);

           /* MediaSource mediaSource = new HlsMediaSource(Uri.parse(""),
                    mediaDataSourceFactory, mainHandler, null);*/

            Format textFormat = Format.createTextSampleFormat(null, MimeTypes.APPLICATION_SUBRIP,
                    null, Format.NO_VALUE, Format.NO_VALUE, "en", null);

            Uri uri = Uri.parse("");

            MediaSource subtitleSource = new SingleSampleMediaSource(uri, mediaDataSourceFactory, textFormat, C.TIME_UNSET);
// Plays the video with the sideloaded subtitle.
            MergingMediaSource mergedSource =
                    new MergingMediaSource(mediaSource, subtitleSource);

            player.prepare(mergedSource,!haveResumePosition, false);
            playerNeedsSource = false;


Solution 4

I have given a lots of efforts for this and finally concluded to the solution...
Sharing here for the reference

Srt file format ref link -

Solution which finds a way for me -

Adding Exoplayer code here

// initialize exoplayer
private void initializeExoPlayer() {
    if (player == null) {
        video_view = (PlayerView) findViewById(;

        // 1. Create a default TrackSelector
        LoadControl loadControl = new DefaultLoadControl(
                new DefaultAllocator(true, 16),
                VideoPlayerConfig.MIN_PLAYBACK_RESUME_BUFFER, -1, true);

        BandwidthMeter bandwidthMeter = new DefaultBandwidthMeter();
        TrackSelection.Factory videoTrackSelectionFactory =
                new AdaptiveTrackSelection.Factory(bandwidthMeter);
        TrackSelector trackSelector =
                new DefaultTrackSelector(videoTrackSelectionFactory);
        // 2. Create the player
        player = ExoPlayerFactory.newSimpleInstance(new DefaultRenderersFactory(mContext), trackSelector, loadControl);


public void buildMediaSource(String videoUrl, final String questionVideoThumbnail) {

    Uri mUri = Uri.parse(videoUrl);
    Uri srtUri = Uri.parse("");

    // Measures bandwidth during playback. Can be null if not required.
    DefaultBandwidthMeter bandwidthMeter = new DefaultBandwidthMeter();
    // Produces DataSource instances through which media data is loaded.
    DataSource.Factory dataSourceFactory = new DefaultDataSourceFactory(mContext,
            Util.getUserAgent(mContext, getString(R.string.app_name)), bandwidthMeter);
    // This is the MediaSource representing the media to be played.
    MediaSource videoSource = new ExtractorMediaSource.Factory(dataSourceFactory)
    // Prepare the player with the source.

    Format textFormat = Format.createTextSampleFormat(null, MimeTypes.APPLICATION_SUBRIP,
            null, Format.NO_VALUE, Format.NO_VALUE, "en", null, Format.OFFSET_SAMPLE_RELATIVE);
    MediaSource textMediaSource = new SingleSampleMediaSource.Factory(dataSourceFactory)
            .createMediaSource(srtUri, textFormat, C.TIME_UNSET);
    MergingMediaSource mediaSource = new MergingMediaSource(videoSource, textMediaSource);



Solution 5

Aside from the merged media source I created a Listener for the Text Rendered as an Interface as in the Demo

    private final class ComponentListener implements TextRenderer.Output{

        public void onCues(List<Cue> cues) {
            if (subtitleView != null) {


I created an object and set the TextOutput as this


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Author by


Updated on September 16, 2022


  • Kanagalingam
    Kanagalingam over 1 year

    i am working on a project where i should play .srt files along with video in android. I was working through the samples of Exoplayer but cant able to play .srt files with video.

    The code i used is,

    MediaSource mediaSource = new HlsMediaSource(Uri.parse(""),
                    mediaDataSourceFactory, mainHandler, null);
             Format textFormat = Format.createTextSampleFormat(null, MimeTypes.APPLICATION_SUBRIP,
                    null, Format.NO_VALUE, Format.NO_VALUE, "en", null);
            Uri uri = Uri.parse("");
            MediaSource subtitleSource = new SingleSampleMediaSource(uri, mediaDataSourceFactory, textFormat, C.TIME_UNSET);
    // Plays the video with the sideloaded subtitle.
            MergingMediaSource mergedSource =
                    new MergingMediaSource(mediaSource, subtitleSource);

    Can anyone please suggest me solution for this or any tutorial links for the same. Your help is very much appreciated !

  • solidfox
    solidfox over 5 years
    it says , can not resolve method createTextSampleFormat()
  • Pemba Tamang
    Pemba Tamang over 4 years
    SingleSampleMediaSource is deprecated what do I use
  • Nasib
    Nasib over 4 years
    i like your answer, but how to do i add an external .srt subtitle for the player to sync with the playback.
  • Lloyd Dcosta
    Lloyd Dcosta almost 4 years
    @PembaTamang You can use SingleSampleMediaSource.Factory methods
  • Vikas Acharya
    Vikas Acharya over 3 years
    no explanation at all and didn't find mediaDataSourceFactory in this answer
  • Vikas Acharya
    Vikas Acharya over 3 years
    can anyone explain where is the subtitle path here ?
  • 6rchid
    6rchid about 3 years
    The subtitle is embedded within the m3u8 or mpd file.
  • JPM
    JPM over 2 years
    Can we update this for kotlin and latest library, this does not work