How to cache a future string in flutter


You can cache the data in a map stored in a place where state is persistent.

// Make sure this is declared somewhere stateful
final Map<String, String> _urls;

/// Retrieves and caches favicon data.
Future<String> _getBest(String urlBase) async () =>
    _urls[urlBase] ??= (await iconz.Favicon.getBest(urlBase)).url.toString();

// Now use `_getBest(urlBase)` as your `FutureBuilder` `Future`.
Author by


BY DAY: Engineer/Software developer. BY NIGHT: It never really ends. FOR FUN: Snowboarding, sports, reading, lifting, fires, chopping firewood, video games, big mountain elk hunting, playing banjo, playing ukelele, philosophy, poetry, friends and family. "The problem with object-oriented languages is they’ve got all this implicit environment that they carry around with them. You wanted a banana but what you got was a gorilla holding the banana and the entire jungle." -Joe Armstrong

Updated on December 29, 2022


  • metamonkey
    metamonkey over 1 year

    I am iterating through a listview of objects and retrieving favicon URL's from package:favicon/favicon.dart as a future: in a FutureBuilder. I then use these URL's to return and cache the favicon images in containers as leading listtile icons with a CachedNetworkImageProvider.

    This works great, however it takes time to load every time the listview is refreshed because it has to retrieve the best url from the favicon url getter.

    How do I cache the future: value so that there is no delay in using the URL retriever after the first use. Here is the code:

    return new ListTile(
      future: iconz.Favicon.getBest(urlBase),
        builder: (context, snapShot2) {
          if (snapShot2.hasData){
           String urlIcon =;
           var containImage = Container(
           height: 40,
           width: 40,
           decoration: BoxDecoration(
           image: DecorationImage(           
           image: CachedNetworkImageProvider(urlIcon),
           fit: BoxFit.fill
           return containImage;
         else {
          const Icon(Icons.remove_red_eye, color: Color(0xff00caff), size: 40);
      title: ...

    In summary: How to use flutter_cache_manager on future: iconz.Favicon.getBest(urlBase), ?

    • Loren.A
      Loren.A about 3 years
      Just to be clear, the urls don't change on each refresh?
    • metamonkey
      metamonkey about 3 years
      They could, but usually they won't. The URL's are the "best" favicon url returned for the respective url by the flutter favicons api.
  • metamonkey
    metamonkey about 3 years
    I'm having trouble getting this to work. Is future<Favicon> _getBest supposed to be declared as a function and called in the future: var?
  • metamonkey
    metamonkey about 3 years
    The way it's written, it seem we are returning a string when a Future<Favicon> is declared. Also, 'Favicon' isn't a type. Was the declaration supposed to be Future<iconz.Favicon>?
  • hacker1024
    hacker1024 about 3 years
    Sorry, it should return a Future<String>. Yes, call it in your FutureBuilder construction.
  • metamonkey
    metamonkey about 3 years
    Ok, this is working, however it still takes some time to get the url's. My map is currently stored in the state class of the parent class. i.e. class B extends State<A> { final Map<String, String> _urls = {}; }. How do I use a cache manager with this or put this somewhere so it's actually cached?