how to call variable declared in async function into the widget in flutter?


You have to define the variable outside the method. Your _PrivacyPolicyPageState class should look like this:

class _PrivacyPolicyPageState extends State<PrivacyPolicyPage> {

  // Define outside
  CameraDescription firstCamera;

  Future<void> camera() async {
    // Obtain a list of the available cameras on the device.
    final cameras = await availableCameras();

    // Get a specific camera from the list of available cameras.
    // Assigne a value to firstCamera variable
    firstCamera = cameras.first;

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return SafeArea(
      child: TakePictureScreen(camera:firstCamera,),
Author by


Updated on December 31, 2022


  • samita
    samita over 1 year

    Here I'm trying to access the camera from the app using the camera package and I'm a beginner in a flutter. Hope you'll help me in this

    I've created an async method and declared the variable in it now I want to call the declared in inside by widget and tried calling it but it says "Undefined name 'firstCamera'". I've referred to But I've used code in another page

    Thanks in advance.

    this is my code

    import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
    import 'dart:io';
    import 'dart:async';
    import 'package:camera/camera.dart';
    class PrivacyPolicyPage extends StatefulWidget {
      _PrivacyPolicyPageState createState() => _PrivacyPolicyPageState();
    class _PrivacyPolicyPageState extends State<PrivacyPolicyPage> {
      Future<void> camera() async {
        final cameras = await availableCameras();
        firstCamera = cameras.first;
      CameraDescription? firstCamera;
      Widget build(BuildContext context) {
        return SafeArea(
          child: TakePictureScreen(camera:firstCamera,),
    class TakePictureScreen extends StatefulWidget {
      const TakePictureScreen({Key? key,required}) : super(key: key);
      final CameraDescription camera;
      _TakePictureScreenState createState() => _TakePictureScreenState();
    class _TakePictureScreenState extends State<TakePictureScreen> {
      late CameraController _controller;
      late Future<void> _initializeControllerFuture;
      void initState() {
        // To display the current output from the Camera,
        // create a CameraController.
        _controller = CameraController(
          // Get a specific camera from the list of available cameras.
          // Define the resolution to use.
        // Next, initialize the controller. This returns a Future.
        _initializeControllerFuture = _controller.initialize();
        void dispose() {
          // Dispose of the controller when the widget is disposed.
      Widget build(BuildContext context) {
        return Scaffold(
          body: FutureBuilder<void>(
            future: _initializeControllerFuture,
            builder: (context,snapshot){
              if(snapshot.connectionState == ConnectionState.done){
                //If the Future is complete, display the preview.
                return CameraPreview(_controller);
              //Other wise,display a loading indicator
                return const Center(child:CircularProgressIndicator());
          floatingActionButton: FloatingActionButton(
            onPressed: () async {
                await _initializeControllerFuture;
                final image = await _controller.takePicture();
                await Navigator.of(context).push(
                    builder:(context) => DisplayPictureScreen(
              } catch(e){
                //If an error occurs, log the error to the console.
            child: const Icon(,
    class DisplayPictureScreen extends StatelessWidget {
      final String imagePath;
      const DisplayPictureScreen({Key? key, required this.imagePath}) : super(key: key);
      Widget build(BuildContext context) {
        return Scaffold(
          appBar: AppBar(title:const Text("Display the Picture")),
    • Malak
      Malak about 2 years
      Hey, do you solve this? Because i have the same problem and i don't know how to manage with that
  • samita
    samita over 2 years
    I tried that also but don't know how to call the variable on another page because I have to access the camera on another page.
  • no_fate
    no_fate over 2 years
    You just need to pass it through the tree to the widget where you have to use it
  • samita
    samita over 2 years
    I tried this but it says 'Error: Field 'firstCamera' should be initialized because its type 'CameraDescription' doesn't allow null.' and we can't use late
  • Gabriel Costache
    Gabriel Costache over 2 years
    You are in a nullsafe env, my bad, try with CameraDescription? firstCamera; and be sure to call camera() first
  • samita
    samita over 2 years
    I've searched a lot but still didn't find the solution, sorry to bother you again but that does not work either it says ' : Error: The argument type 'CameraDescription?' can't be assigned to the parameter type 'CameraDescription' because 'CameraDescription?' is nullable and 'CameraDescription' isn't.'
  • Gabriel Costache
    Gabriel Costache over 2 years
    Can you copypaste exactly your code please?
  • samita
    samita over 2 years
    i've edited the code with the changes you told me to do
  • Gabriel Costache
    Gabriel Costache over 2 years
    ` child: TakePictureScreen(camera:firstCamera!),` But you need to be sure to call camera() first, I'd suggest to move that part of code in a initState() method