How to create a instance of UserCredential if I already have the value of Access Token?


Solution 1

Assuming you already have the tokens you can do the following

string[] scopes = new string[] {

var flow = new GoogleAuthorizationCodeFlow(new GoogleAuthorizationCodeFlow.Initializer
    ClientSecrets = new ClientSecrets
        ClientId = "",
        ClientSecret = "xxxx"
    Scopes = scopes,
    DataStore = new FileDataStore("Store")

var token = new TokenResponse { 
    AccessToken = "[your_access_token_here]",
    RefreshToken = "[your_refresh_token_here]"

var credential = new UserCredential(flow, Environment.UserName, token); 

Then you can pass your credentials to the service's initializer

Reference Google API Client Libraries > .NET > OAuth 2.0

Solution 2

We can create GoogleCredential directly from the access token and use it instead of UserCredential as well. I just think it might be helpful for someone. Here is a code snippet of GmailService initialization:

GoogleCredential cred = GoogleCredential.FromAccessToken(accessToken);
GmailService service = new GmailService(new BaseClientService.Initializer {HttpClientInitializer = cred});
Prince Jea
Author by

Prince Jea


Updated on June 19, 2022


  • Prince Jea
    Prince Jea almost 2 years

    So I have this code
    My question is how do I configure the UserCredential if I'm already authenticated via OAuth?

    The current scenario is the code will display another login page redirecting to google. Since I'm already authenticated via OAuth using MVC and I already have the token how to I get rid of the GoogleWebAuthorizationBroker and directly pass the token?

    string[] scopes = new string[] {PlusService.Scope.PlusLogin,
    UserCredential credential = 
    GoogleWebAuthorizationBroker.AuthorizeAsync(new ClientSecrets
        ClientId = "",
        ClientSecret = "xxxx"
        new FileDataStore("Store")).Result;
    PlusService service = new PlusService(new BaseClientService.Initializer()
        HttpClientInitializer = credential,
        ApplicationName = "ArcaneChatV2",
    PeopleResource.ListRequest listPeople = service.People.List("me", PeopleResource.ListRequest.CollectionEnum.Visible);
    listPeople.MaxResults = 10;
    PeopleFeed peopleFeed = listPeople.Execute();
    var people = new List<Person>();

    I'm just new to this kind of stuff.

  • Prince Jea
    Prince Jea almost 8 years
    Just a follow up question @Nkosi how to set the refresh token in UserCredential? credential.Token.RefreshToken = "[your_access_token_here]" is that the right way? Because I kept getting "The access token has expired but we can't refresh it".
  • Nkosi
    Nkosi almost 8 years
    @PrinceJea. You include the refresh token when you create the TokenResponse. GoogleAuthorizationCodeFlow will get a new access token based on your refresh token and client secrets.
  • Prince Jea
    Prince Jea almost 8 years
    how to get the refresh token exactly? This is what I've tried context.Identity.AddClaim(new Claim("urn:google:refreshtoken", context.RefreshToken, ClaimValueTypes.String, "Google")); I'm still getting errors.
  • Nkosi
    Nkosi almost 8 years
    Did you read any of the reference material I linked to? I think I quoted something in your other question
  • Prince Jea
    Prince Jea almost 8 years
    Yes I'm reading it for days lol. I'm just stuck on getting user circles right now. I've done it on facebook but the google api gave me headaches.
  • Nkosi
    Nkosi almost 8 years
    OK. Do you get a refresh token when you authenticate your users?
  • Prince Jea
    Prince Jea almost 8 years
  • Emil
    Emil about 6 years
    why there is a client secret needed if I am doing a native android authentication, I dont have client secret. This is only for web applications i believe
  • The Senator
    The Senator almost 6 years
    If you don't have the refresh token, but you are getting an error indicating your token has expired then you need to set the ExpiresInSeconds property on the TokenResponse to something which seems to prevent the need for a RefreshToken if you are doing a once off server call like I was. I found that 60 seconds didn't work, but larger numbers did. It's not very scientific I know.
  • Pablo
    Pablo over 3 years
    This works, but do you know how can I refresh this token?
  • MarkJoel60
    MarkJoel60 about 3 years
    It was VERY helpful! Just what I needed, thx!