How to deal with "IN" in WHERE-clause in Doctrine2


Solution 1

Be aware that this only works for numbered parameters, and not named parameters.

$searchParameters = array(108919, 108920);

$dql = "SELECT t Entities\Table t WHERE t.field IN (?1)";
$q = $em->createQuery($dql)
   ->setParameter(1, $searchParameters);

$result = $q->execute();

Solution 2

The following should work fine:

$searchParameters = array(108919, 108920);

$dql = "SELECT t Entities\Table t WHERE t.field IN (?1)";
$q = $em->createQuery($dql)
   ->setParameter(1, $searchParameters);

$result = $q->execute();

You can pass in an array, without using implode() and doctrine will handle it properly (as a list of integers).

Note: if you're already working with the string '108919, 108920' -- you will need to use the explode and trim functions.

This is also mentioned here: How to use the in statement in DQL in Doctrine 2.0

Solution 3

The following should work as expected (for an arbitrary numer of arguments to the IN clause)

$params = array(1 => 108919, 2 => 108920);
$qb = $em->createQueryBuilder();
   ->from('Entities\Table', 't')
   ->where($qb->expr()-> in('t.field', array_map(function($p) { return '?'.$p; }, array_keys($params)))
$q = $qb->getQuery();
$r = $q->getResult();

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John W.
Author by

John W.

Updated on May 13, 2022


  • John W.
    John W. almost 2 years

    Here is the dql-query

    $dql = "SELECT t Entities\Table t WHERE t.field IN (?1)";
        $q = $em->createQuery($dql)
                    ->setParameter(1, '108919,108920');
        $result = $q->execute();

    if i pass parameters through setParameter doctrine returns only first result, but if i put them directly into the dql-query it returns 2 results (this is correct):

    $dql = "SELECT t Entities\Table t WHERE t.field1 IN (108919,108920)";

    How to deal with "IN" in WHERE-clause through setParameter?

  • alex.pilon
    alex.pilon about 12 years
    This works for me and thus I would assume is the correct answer to this question.
  • Jon Skarpeteig
    Jon Skarpeteig over 11 years
    I was tearing my hair out trying to figure out why I couldn't get array parameters to work - replacing named parameter with numbered saved my day :-)
  • Jeroen van den Broek
    Jeroen van den Broek about 10 years
    I just came across this question and tried it with a named parameter anyway. Seems like somewhere between this answer and now, Doctrine was changed to allow this construction for named parameters as well.