How to detect if an email is a Google Account?


Solution 1

You cannot do that. I don't think Google could tell you that without user consent.

You could, however, see if the domain is a a Google Apps domain by use this as the Discovery URL:

Noted that the admin of the domain might not properly installed OpenID support for the domain. My slide have discussed this in detail:

Solution 2

If you're on a Mac, open Terminal and enter $ host {} to determine if their email is hosted by Google.

For example:

$ host has address has address mail is handled by 1 mail is handled by 10 mail is handled by 10 mail is handled by 10 mail is handled by 5 mail is handled by 10 mail is handled by 5

Solution 3

This isn't a complete solution, but you can tell if someone is on Google Apps by looking at their domain's MX records. The link in the answer didn't work for me, so that may be a better solution.

Solution 4

You can check the Identity Provider with a google api

    public static class IdentityProviderChecker
        public static async Task<string?> GetProviderName(string email)
            var domainName = email.Split('@').Last();
            using var client = new HttpClient();

            var result = await client.GetAsyncResult<DnsResponse>($"{domainName}&type=MX");
            return result.Answer.Any(x => x.Data.Contains("", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) || x.Data.Contains("", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                ? "Google"
                : result.Answer.Any(x => x.Data.Contains("", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                    ? "Microsoft"
                    : null;

    public class DnsResponse
        public Answer[] Answer { get; set; } = null!;

    public class Answer
        public string Data { get; set; } = null!;

Solution 5

I worked out Doug's suggestion and it works. Just make sure that the (effective) user invoking the function has the right to call addViewer. A trick to accomplish this is to make sure the routine is called from a trigger routine, so the owner of the script is the effective user.

function checkIfGoogleAccount(emailAddress) {
  try {
    SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().addViewer(emailAddress) ;
    SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().removeViewer(emailAddress) ;
    return true ;
  catch(err) {
    return false ;
Author by


WebDev, DevOps &amp; iOSDev @ Fly Labs Inc.

Updated on June 22, 2022


  • FernandoEscher
    FernandoEscher almost 2 years

    Me and some guys here are working on an start up. We are currently using Google OpenID API to manage registration and login to our app, but we want to migrate to a easier user registration model. And for this, we need to know if there is a way we can detect if an email (not gmail) is already a Google Account. Is there a way to get this info from the Google Single Sign-on API?

    Previous thanks for your help! :)

  • FernandoEscher
    FernandoEscher over 13 years
    Thanks for the response. Of course it cannot be done, starting from the point that the OpenID protocol doesn't provide any support for user interaction said it all. Indeed we are already using hosted domains detection. Thanks for the advice! :)
  • Rishabh
    Rishabh almost 11 years
    the link wont work if you open in a browser .. do a curl call and check for the header status
  • Samin
    Samin almost 10 years
    in PHP, use getmxrr and match the results against google. Example
  • rdb
    rdb over 7 years
    I suggest you don't do this. Just because an e-mail address is under a G-Suite domain doesn't necessarily mean that person has a Google account. There are unfortunately G-Suite domains out there where this is not the case, ie. where some of the e-mail addresses are simply forwarders.
  • timdream
    timdream over 7 years
    @rdb Yeah you are right, the answer only tell if the given domain is a GSuite domain, not the e-mail itself. OpenID is deprecated so I would take a grain of sand of the answer myself.
  • shimatai
    shimatai about 7 years
    Simple and sweet!
  • Vali Shah
    Vali Shah over 6 years
    Hi @FernandoEscher, even i have come across similar problem. Can you help me in achieving the solution. I mean how you are using hosted domains detection to solve the problem.
  • Johann Medina
    Johann Medina over 5 years
    Great solution !