How to disable default nginx site when using Chef and Vagrant?


Solution 1

You can disable any nginx site by name using the nginx_site and its name. The problem you are having is because the nginx_site definition is actually looking for the enable parameter to be set to true or false not the action parameter set to :disabled.

To disable the default site add to your recipe:

nginx_site 'default' do
  enable false

This is working for me as of version 1.7.1 of the nginx opscode cookbook. I dont know if this will work with the version provided by community as it appears to be several months old.

To get the latest version add to your Berksfile:

cookbook 'nginx', git: ''

Hope that helps :)

Solution 2

I'm getting the same error, but I don't have the default site enabled. Instead, it's coming from /etc/nginx/conf.d/default.conf! I had to resort to

file "/etc/nginx/conf.d/default.conf" do
  action :delete

This is coming from the RHEL package that the nginx cookbook is installing on my box.

Author by


Updated on June 09, 2022


  • Dejan.S
    Dejan.S almost 2 years

    I am using Berkshelf, Chef and Vagrant and I am trying to configure a custom site running on nginx. I am using the opscode nginx recipe and then writing my own recipe for the custom site. When I run vagrant up I get the an error about not disabling the default nginx site. I've found several different suggestions but nothing seems to be working.

    The error:

    STDERR: nginx: [emerg] a duplicate default server for in /etc/nginx/sites-    enabled/
    nginx: configuration file /etc/nginx/nginx.conf test failed

    My Berksfile:

    site :opscode
    cookbook 'nginx'

    The 'roles/web.json' role I defined:

      "name": "web",
      "chef_type": "role",
      "json_class": "Chef::Role",
      "description": "The base role for systems that serve HTTP traffic",
      "default_attributes": {
        "nginx": {
          "default_site_enabled": false
        "app": {
          "name": "",
          "web_dir": "/var/data/www/"
          "name": "vagrant"
      "run_list": [

    Here is the recipes/default/default.rb for the nginx site I am adding:

    nginx_site 'default' do
      action :disable
    %w(public logs).each do |dir|
      directory "#{}/#{dir}" do
        mode "0755"
        recursive true
    template "#{node.nginx.dir}/sites-available/" do
      source "site.erb"
      mode 0777
      owner node.nginx.user
      group node.nginx.user
    nginx_site ""
    cookbook_file "#{}/public/index.html" do
      source "index.html"
      mode 0755

    (P.S. I know the file permissions need to be changed, I've just been fiddling with lots of things, I'll update those once I get everything else working)

    And here is attributes/default.rb:

    override['nginx']['enable_default_site'] = false

    You can see I have tried to disable the default site in the web.json, the attributes and the recipe itself but none of them stick.

    I don't have a node or solo node defined and I'm not sure if that's an issue. My main problem with vagrant so far has been the endless possibilities for how to do things. No two examples are done in the same way and I'm not sure what is considered the 'best' or 'right' way to go.

  • Bueller
    Bueller over 10 years
    I think this is because at the end of the nginx.conf.erb are two lines, one of which includes conf.d/*.conf and the other includes /sites-enabled/*. I'm pretty sure this means that disabling default won't work because even though you haven't created the symlink in sites-enabled, it will still show up from conf.d
  • stefancarlton
    stefancarlton about 9 years
    This error is now sorted in Nginx ~-> 2.7.6,…
  • Jesse Adelman
    Jesse Adelman over 7 years
    Perfect, even in 2016.