How to disable vim syntax color?


Solution 1

Got it figured:

syntax off

in .vimrc

Solution 2

To turn off color syntax highlighting, pres ESC and type:

:syntax off

To turn it on again, type:

:syntax on

To make the changes permanently, you can create ~/.vimrc file and add the following line:

syntax off

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Author by


Software Engineer with table manners

Updated on September 18, 2022


  • amphibient
    amphibient over 1 year

    I am working with an Ubuntu 10.04 VM. By default, vim shows syntax color and I don't want it. I do not have a .vimrc file in my home directory (or anywhere in the system for that matter). I do have a file called .viminfo in my home directory but that doesn't seem to be where the setting is because when I rename it, the syntax color is still on. I also like to have line numbers and for that I created a .exrc file in my home.

  • Radu Rădeanu
    Radu Rădeanu over 10 years
    @amphibient I just edited my answer.